Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


9 months
I’m officially over 250 which is pretty fucking cool! I’m trying to get to at least 275 by the end of the year but 300 would be… the best! But honestly I don’t think I could ever do it alon...
+5lbs, currently: 251lbs, goal: 270lbs
19 entries
So...I've just recently started gaining. I'm still trying to find a balance with my life, job and desire to be plump and big while being healthy. That said, I have managed to gain 2 lbs. ...
+2lbs, currently: 255lbs, goal: 300lbs
1 entry
[img] [/img] I need some help fattening up our ex jock co...
+20lbs, currently: 175lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
9 months
Slowly but surely I can feel my belly jiggle more and more with each passing day
+6lbs, currently: 221lbs, goal: 799lbs
7 entries
Yummy takeaway’s
+3lbs, currently: 294lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
Hi I'm just a feedeee who has gained 10 stone in two years. I love eating food and being such a fat piggy! Im new here so feel free to message and get to know me I don't bite unless you t...
+30lbs, currently: 280lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
I have started to take gaining seriously. I have been having a lot of gainer shakes. I gained 3lbs in 3 days this week.
+13lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 280lbs
1 entry
9 months
I'm less than 10lbs from my highest weight
+5lbs, currently: 240lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
Been cycling binge eating episodes and snacking days and i've already packed on 7 pounds! 8 more and i'll be back at my peak of 190!
+7lbs, currently: 182lbs, goal: 250lbs
3 entries
9 months
I weighed 228 today! I’ve been stuffing myself so much. I went to two weddings and I may have embarrassed myself with how much I ate.
+30lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 300lbs
1 entry