
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 12 years
Im sorry guys but if you just message me,' hi how r u' Im probably not going to reply because I have to filter them somehow !!
Layla 12 years
mm ive had deep fried mars bars
Layla 12 years
Well who are you gunna look for then, me or lovelydove hahahaha jjks
Layla 12 years
hahah can you imagine how crazy the men would go to see that smiley hahaha and now your just teasing us
Layla 12 years
Not exactly thin, I have some be4 pics up and thats great lovely congrat but you should totally get fatter for my own personal perving pleasure smiley
Layla 12 years
Getting stoned, eating what I want and becoming joined at the hip with my couch basically
Layla 12 years
Hahahahaha at lovely dove LOL and I know right, makes ya wonder how I got fat in the first place hahah
Layla 12 years
Hahah they sound yum, yeah down under has hardly any good candy and what is good is usuall American anyway hahaha
Layla 12 years
I wish we had these elusive peanut butter things over hereee !!
Layla 12 years
whos Reece and wont he get angry if we eat his pieces hahah but seriously what the hell are they ???
Layla 12 years
Satisfying !!! smiley
Layla 12 years
Youll never regret it sexyfat18 just dont ruin your hair in the process smiley
Layla 12 years
Hahah yeah gone long ago I can do one of each and even that puffs me out hehehe
Layla 12 years
Situps are long gone for me !!! and pushups, even on my knees hahah
Layla 12 years
Hahaha all the way from Australia...that ticket would buy a lot of cheeseburgers hahaha
Layla 12 years
Damn you all I want to come !!!! smiley
Layla 12 years
Hahahahahahaha that was actually sooo funny
Layla 12 years
Hey guys if you have messaged a request please send me your email addy, the vids r 2 big for here, thanks smiley
Layla 12 years
I know it sucks hey I just wanna spend my on weed, food and smokes.. hence why I live in sweatpants hahaha
Layla 12 years
Hahaha same sexyfat my 18s are too small, next I go shopping I have to get 20s which here is plus size hehehe