Reflection Of Perfection

Waltham, Massachusetts, United States  
Reflection O... 9 years
Reflection O... 9 years
Stop refreshing lol
Reflection O... 9 years
My week off starts saturday
Reflection O... 9 years
Thanks for that image lol
Reflection O... 9 years
Thank magus for central air lol
Reflection O... 9 years
Damn acid reflux, I can't lay down or else I gag
Reflection O... 9 years
Take out your scalpals. We're going to dissect....A CLOWN!
Reflection O... 9 years
anyone seen Dawn of the Planet of the Apes?
Reflection O... 9 years
of course
Reflection O... 9 years
What a time for my chat time limit to expire
Reflection O... 9 years
Jack Bauer and it wouldn't make a difference*
Reflection O... 9 years
Depends on who you're aiming for blasted. When a profile says "I talk to fat men and fat men only" or "Lesbian, girls only" and you're a smaller guy, you could be Jack Baue
Reflection O... 9 years
Not that you do it personally but droning on and on about how fat you are isn't the same as "Hey how are you, what's your favorite movie, is it raining out?" etc
Reflection O... 9 years
Nothing like waking up with acid reflux, ugh
Reflection O... 9 years
Me and my parents used to make fun of the people on The Biggest Loser, except for one person.
Reflection O... 9 years
ahhh that makes more sense. Enjoy
Reflection O... 9 years
South Korea isn't a real fattening place lol. Have fun anyway
Reflection O... 9 years
Reflection O... 9 years
Its not hard unless you're annoyingly picky
Reflection O... 9 years
lookin cute marshmallow