
Wethersfield, Connecticut, United States  
Murphy 10 years
Kansas to the east coast is roughly the distance between France and Russia; to the west coast, Sicily to the coast of Portugal.
Murphy 10 years
The distance between the middle of nowhere in Kansas and more populated areas is greater than how big most countries are in Europe.
Murphy 10 years
Arguably the most active community but I don't think that you understand how freaking huge the U.S. is.
Murphy 10 years
It's wonderful how I can have SUCH an impact on people.
Murphy 10 years
I have no desire to discuss anything privately with you.
Murphy 10 years
It's not aggressively mean to call you out on your underhanded, manipulative bullshit.
Murphy 10 years
Yes, I misinterpreted you outright stating that you want to have a gaining contest with your gf... and asking for advice on how to not gain during it so that she would get fatter.
Murphy 10 years
I got my information from the posts that you have made. If it's wrong, then that's because you misrepresented yourself.
Murphy 10 years
Asking people to "keep it cool" here is tacitly acknowledging that this is acceptable behavior- and it's definitely NOT.
Murphy 10 years
The shit you've been trying to do is in violation of the site's rules and is a horrible thing to do to your partner. I hope that she's kicked your selfish ass to the curb.
Murphy 10 years
It's a difference of opinion in that I don't feel that sabotaging a partner's diet so that they gain weight is at all acceptable.
Murphy 10 years
If by "positive" you mean "supportive of your wishes to undermine your girlfriend's bodily autonomy", then it's going to be slim pickings.
Murphy 10 years
You were asking for help because you want her to gain weight... even though she doesn't want to.
Murphy 10 years
"I need a way to convince her that she needs to eat more."
Murphy 10 years
...The threads have been deleted because they're discussing stuff that's against the site rules and against common freaking sense and decency.
Murphy 10 years
You said that you wanted to have a gaining competition with her and sabotage her attempts at losing the weight after... or something equally shady. I don't recall exactly. The threads have been de
Murphy 10 years
...too many friends here.
Murphy 10 years
feedmeforever you're not that new, you've been here a month; and since most of your forum posts have been about tricking your gf into getting fat, I dunno that you'll find too many friends
Murphy 10 years
On that note, anyone know of a cabin for rent that's in a nice, deep valley of belly fold?
Murphy 10 years
At least it happened there, though, and not during the hour of driving I'd just had to do on highway and winding roads. At this point I just need a vacation.
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