
Wethersfield, Connecticut, United States  
Murphy 13 years
wtf are macaroons?
Murphy 13 years
Neither does roofies. That's one of the side effects of ruphalyn, is memory loss.
Murphy 13 years
"Do you have to park so close? I'm not supposed to be within 500 yards of a school... or Chuck E. Cheese."
Murphy 13 years
No, just playing off a Zach Galifianiakis joke. You know, he was Alan in The Hangover.
Murphy 13 years
I figure if that's the job I should look less like a child molestor, y'know?
Murphy 13 years
Mini, I've got a job interview in a few days. The job is shooting photos of students from kindergarten through high school.
Murphy 13 years
Aww, is someone butthurt about being punished for breaking rules?
Murphy 13 years
Allo! Got about a half an hour before work so jus' bumming around here.
Murphy 13 years
The Gentle Gentleman will sit! The Gentle Gentleman WILL SIT!
Murphy 13 years
Perving is FTW.
Murphy 13 years
Too little sleep and too many nightmares last night, too much work soon. Today already sucks.
Murphy 13 years
Fat chicks outgrowing tight clothes is definitely up there, though.
Murphy 13 years
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.
Murphy 13 years
I disagree. You know what's best in life?
Murphy 13 years
Sorry, I just farted out dust.
Murphy 13 years
WHY am I horny, this is just a pain in the ass at this point
Murphy 13 years
Christopher Eccleston > David Tenant in every way, shape, and form.
Murphy 13 years
...Is this a saying from across the pond, or is this guy just really really strange?
Murphy 13 years
Okay, question for the Brits here... I just heard a British sportscaster on ESPN say "He has a left foot that you could open a can of tomato soup with." Is this a saying from across the pond
Murphy 13 years