
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States  
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
Check out the conclusion to my story: 'Sarah Gretel'
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
So are you, tubbykins. If you have time I'd love to know what you think of my story.
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
I just added an epilogue to 'Sarah-Gretel.' I really welcome commentary and feedback.
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
Looks like there's a witch working on your figure too, Tayladd.
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
Thank you!
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
Thank you!
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
Thank you!
Fuzzyfeeder 12 years
First time story poster, wanting as much feedback as I can get. "Sarah-Gretel" if anyone cares to read and tell me what they think. Honesty appreciated.
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