I love sundays best

Chapter 2

My head was buzzing a bit as I stepped into the dining room, I was more excited than I let on, at least I hope that was the case. I was here almost alone with Gina, and she was going to cook for me, just for me! Not only that but here she was right next to me guiding me in. Then the something odd happened, she put her hand on my back, just above the spare tire where there is a rather big fold of well fat. I almost flinched but I did not want to be rude. She not only kept her hand there but I think she was actually trying to sink her fingers into the fold, talk about your surreal situations. She led me to my favorite table and pulled out the chair for me, not letting go of my back all the way into the chair. She scurried quickly to get me silverware and such then sat down opposite me.

Then she turned that 10,000 watt smile at me and said “So, did you have something in mind for dinner? I know you usually like to have the special whatever it is” She almost seemed to glow as she said this.

“You do? I mean yeah…I do.” We laughed a bit at that

“Well I trust that whatever you make is gonna be amazing…”

At that she hopped up quickly with a smile and said

‘Good! Chefs choice it is!!” And ran off into the kitchen...yes, you are damn right I watched admiringly as she went.

I sat there stunned for a moment really rather stunned when she suddenly appeared at the table with the biggest basket of bread and a plate piled with whipped butter “To get you started...” she said patting my upper arm as she ran off again. I was pretty sure at this point that I was losing my mind and this was the side effect of the drugs they were pumping into, not that I was complaining mind you.

I heard a spatter of Spanish as Gina spoke with her staff. I could hear the clinking of some pans and such and a couple of minutes later a couple of her guys from the kitchen I recognized came out and started heading to the front door. They all looked at me with rather mischievous smiles and waved, one who I has spoken with a time or two patted me on the shoulder as walked out and said

“Enjoy your dinner, Max” At which point they started to laugh.

“Thanks…” I managed to stammer as they left. That kind of weirded me out, I could not imagine they were being rude or mocking me, as I normally would have. They have always been really nice…well even the nicest people are going to make at least one joke at a fat guys expense.

Before I could ponder on it too long Gina came from the kitchen carrying a big bottle of wine and two wine glasses, “How about a glass of wine Max? I know I could use one”

“Sure…listen Gina, I don’t want to put you out… isn’t that you staff? I don’t want you to have to clean up after me..?”

“That’s sweet” she said with a big smile “But don’t worry it can wait until tomorrow. We are dark on Monday and some guys come in and do a deep cleaning. Whatever mess we make tonight can be cleaned then ok? Now enjoy the wine...you’re not eating any bread? Try the butter it’s got roasted garlic in it...delicious!” She said as she pushed the basket closer to me. She looked at me expectantly until I picked up a big chuck of bread and started spreading butter on it.

“So tell me Max, why so late in coming to see me?” She said almost coyly. If I did not know better I would

have said flirtingly.

“Oh…well. The boss has a big meeting this week out of town and like so many of us he slacked way to long on getting his presentation ready. So he called a bunch of us in to save his ass…The good thing is he gave us tomorrow off...”

“Really!” That is…nice” Sounding happier about it then me, but before I could think about it I bit into the bread.

“Oh my god…this is amazing…what is this bread?” I said as I shoved a huge chunk in my mouth.

“Ahh, well I decided to try this recipe and old woman in Calabria taught me, a classic peasant crusty loaf…the butter is made with a bit of honey in it for a layer of sweetness and it has a little roasted garlic in it, the two make an amazing combination”

“Wow, no kidding” I said grabbing another big chunk and scooping up a huge pat of butter to lather on it. Looking up I could see Gina smiling as she looked at the bread in my hand.

“Yes...well I thought it was something I would try ...” she explained watching my hand lift the bread to my mouth”...um...and it seemed to be very popular today. I am glad you like it.” She takes a gulp of wine as she stands and heads to the kitchen.

I tried really hard not to snarf all the bread down knowing there was more food coming, but it was so tasty and just thinking about the taste of the butter on lips makes me salivate.

“Let’s start with this, shall we?” Putting down a huge Anti Pasto platter, layers with slices of Genoa Salami and prosciutto, marinated artichoke hearts, olives of all different colors and sizes, slices and chunks of cheeses and gorgeous roasted red peppers all glistening with the shine of olive oil drizzled on top. There was enough there to feed a couple football players.

“Wow! That is gorgeous and...so much!” I exclaimed both at the platter and the fact that she rested her arm across my back to lean down and lay the platter down. Don’t for a minute think that I had missed the fact she left her hand there for a bit as I marveled at the platter. “What a cornucopia of Italian goodies!” I squeaked like a teenager. Laughing, Gina sat opposite me

“Well, I thought I might have a little bit with you as dinner cooked…” She said almost bashfully

“You would like to share a meal with me?” I stammered and then it hit me “Wait… while dinner is cooking? There’s more coming?”

Laughing she said “Of course! This is just an Antipasto plate! There is plenty more coming…and yeah … I would like very much to share a meal with you…If you don’t mind?”

“How could I possibly refuse…not that I would want to?”

“I was hoping you would see it that way” She said, flashing me that smile that makes me feel all squishy and grabbing my salad plate. “Hmmmm what first?” and started piling slices of cheese and cold cuts on my plate with a bunch of marinated artichoke hearts and olives. “There…this should be a good start..” as she placed the rather heaping plate in front of me while somehow managing to push the bread basket closer to me at the same time. As I sat rather amazed at the swiftness of at it all she made a tiny little plate for herself, and began tearing one slice of provolone into strips and eating it slowly.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 14 years , updated 54 years
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Tokfume 14 years
Thank you everyone! I can't believe its had so many readers after just two days. Thanks for the support
14 years
Very sexily done. Great atmosphere about it.
Built4com4t 14 years
brilliant. well done, best i've read in a long long time.
Bananaflower 14 years
What a fantastic story - so erotic and sexy! I hope you write many more smiley