
chapter 2 - back at work

"Is that her?" Sally said, positively wriggling in her chair with excitement as she looked at her co-worker across the open plan office. She was unable to keep a wide grin from her flushed, round face.
"Sounds like it." Zoe said, turning around from her desk. "Remember - let's start out slow - we want to make sure the hypnosis really worked before we have too much fun with her!"
"You're a spoil-sport Zoe! Aren't you dying to turn the tables on that stuck up thin bitch?"
"There'll be plenty of time for that Sally. Let me make sure everything is ready." Zoe got up from her desk and went into the adjoining room, her purple dress hanging loose over her well upholstered body.

Hannah breezed into the office carrying two large cardboard boxes. "Hi you two! I bought donuts - I thought you might be hungry!" After she left the hypnotists office, the idea came to her that it would be a nice gesture to take snacks back for her colleagues. She never usually did, and it would be good to build bridges a little. She stopped by the bakery and picked up two dozen assorted pastries, and while she never usually ate them, the smell was making her extremely hungry!
"Aw! Thank you Hannah!" Beamed Sally, as Hannah put the boxes down on the conference table. "That's so thoughtful of you - let's dig in shall we? I'll put some coffee on - you start - don't wait for me!" Sally got up, her apple shaped body accentuated by her leggings and tight sleeveless top.

Alone for a moment, Hannah sat down at the table. She did feel hungry, and there were plenty of donuts. Overcoming her manners and usual care not to eat high calorie snacks, she opened open of the boxes and took out a large glazed donut. Pausing for a moment to anticipate the rare pleasure of a sugary treat, she took a large bite. Her mouth was full as Zoe came back into the room. "Hello Hannah!" She called out. "How was your appointment?"
Embarrassed at being caught with her mouth full, Hannah put her hand to her mouth as she quickly swallowed the donut. "Good - thank you." She mumbled, her mouth still busy, then, swallowing again she was able to speak clearly. "The therapist was really helpful. I think I'm going to be able to make good progress."
Sally sat down opposite Hannah, lowering her heavy frame carefully into a chair and taking a donut herself. "Thanks for bringing snacks Hannah." Zoe said. "You don't usually do that."
"Oh you're welcome" Hannah said, taking another huge bite of her donut. "I realized that my diet issues have really been getting in the way of my professional relationships." She managed despite a mouth full of pastry.
Zoe smiled, glancing a knowing look to Sally as the woman walked back from the kitchen. "In fact, I wanted to apologize to both of you. I think I may have been a bit of a bitch lately. I want you to know that I want to make a change, and really do my best to fit in better and pull my weight around here."
"Aw, that's sweet Hannah - thanks for saying that." Said Sally, winking at Zoe. "Why don't you have another donut and we can talk about it?" Hannah noticed to her surprise that she had finished the first donut already, and, without thinking, reached for another one. A part of her mind was surprised, and a little unsure of where her apology had come from, but the rush of pleasure from the sugar and fat in her mouth washed away her doubts.

"You know, Hannah, you have been a real bitch. It's going to take a lot for us to trust that you really have changed. It might help if we felt that you understood how humiliated we've felt by your comments, and by the experience of being stared at and judged by you for our bodies these last few months."
"Sally - I" Zoe blurted out, horrified that Sally might have pushed too far. The therapist had warned them that if they tried to induce behavior too far outside of Hannah's normal too fast it could undo the triggers she had placed.
Her fear was unfounded though, and Hannah interrupted her. "No-no! I understand Zoe - I need to hear it, and I'm ready to do whatever it takes to make amends. It would do me good to get a taste of my own medicine, to understand what it's like to be judged and laughed at because of my body."

"If I wear the same kind of clothes you wear every day Hannah, I get judged and criticized for it." Zoe continued. "Just because you have small tits your cleavage is considered appropriate, but because I have enormous breasts if I display the same amount of cleavage I get stares and comments. My body is on display all the time, and people feel free to judge and give their opinion on it." Hannah nods at Zoe, remembering occasions when she has seen this happening, and even done it herself.

"People feel free to sexualize me Hannah," Zoe continued. "They think that because they can see the shape of my breasts and hips that they can make assumptions about my sexual behavior. They call me slutty for having cleavage and big breasts. They imagine that because I'm fat that I can't control my appetite, and that I must not be able to control myself sexually either. Do you know what that's like Hannah?"
Hannah shook her head slowly and sympathetically. "No. You don't. You will though, Hannah, we're going to help you to understand." Said Zoe, smiling as Hannah nodded in agreement.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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FoodieChef 6 years
Thanks Bella! Ideas for chapter3?? smiley
Tommmy 6 years
Please. Where is chapter 3 ???
QuebecFA 8 years
I love the story so far! I'm hoping a Chapter 3 will be in the works! ;-)
Yindy 8 years
Loved the doctor! Great domination
Biddygal 8 years
it's back!!! yay!!! excited to see you finish this one.
Growingsofter 8 years
Great start.
Growingsofter 8 years
Great start.
FrecherTyp 8 years
mhmm interesting smiley i love this already ^^
Biddygal 8 years
i hope you finish this one. you always leave us hanging with the start of awesome stories, and then nada. more stories please.
Bradypig 8 years
Excellent, please write more!
Goldo 8 years
more please!