The ultimate inventor

chapter 2

The suit was a little on the tight side. I remember Finn saying he guessed our sizes, so I obviously didn't hold anything against him. My shirt and suit ere fine, but my dress pants were pretty tight. I was forced to waddle to the elevator that took me to the fourth floor. A butler awaited for my arrival and showed me the way to the terrace.

Finn and Keaton were already there. They both sat in high, elegant chairs; the chairs seemed extremely out of place and it felt strange seeing them outdoors. But I didn't question it. Finn seemed like he knew what he was doing.

"Welcome, Cole!" Finn hollered. His loud, happy personality always infected the area we were in. His happiness and laughter was extremely contagious. If he laughed, everyone laughed. If he smiled, everyone smiled. He was just a fun, loveable guy. I thought to myself occasionally during our stay for how lucky I was to consider him a friend. "Please, take a seat." I sat down on the only chair left and began to chat with my friends until the arrival of our food. A few hours had passed since Keaton's and my sweets eating session, so I had a lot more room to eat. I couldn't wait to see what type of amazing delicacies Finn would have in store for us. Keaton and I have a large appetite for as long as I could remember. We were baseball players back in university and high school so we worked up an appetite after every practice. When baseball seasons finished, instead of working out and staying fit, we decided we would be "fine" if we just loafed around since we believed "nothing would happen". Of course we were wrong. We gained weight almost instantaneously. When the season started, we both had trouble putting on our uniforms, and we managed to survive another season. Our Coach noticed our sudden weight gain and told us that we should hit the gym at least every other day if we wanted to stay on the team next season. He made us keep our old uniforms since he believed it would motivate us to lose the weight. Keaton and I understood the consequences of not going to the gym, but loafed around anyway. All we did was go to class, eat, sleep, and repeat. Our regular, daily clothes began to feel small on us; we could only imagine how our baseball uniforms would fit. When the season started, we tried on our uniforms one more time, and we couldn't even button it up all the way. We both started cracking up for hours. We've gone soft; we let it happen; it was hilarious. Of course we didn't make into the team, but we didn't mind. We were far too interested in our larger bodies and thoughts of enlarging it was a recurring thought we both had.

Dinner was soon served and it was delicious. Plates of freshly made gourmet burgers and french fries were set on the table. They were small sliders and looked absolutely divine. "Sorry for the minute portion sizes," Finn said. "I hope it'll do though! There's more on its way if you're still hungry!" And hungry we were! In the end, Keaton and I managed to scarf down about fifteen sliders. The sizes weren't too huge and we had already digested the snacks we had in the foyer a few hours back. Finn also ate a lot too, which quite surprised me. He managed to eat a little less than what keaton and I had, which is astonishing. I didn't expect for a man with that slim of a body to have a large appetite.

Keaton and I thanked Finn graciously for his nice hospitality and we all parted ways. Upon my arrival to my room, I began a closer examination of the contents in my room. There was a cupboard and a mini-fridge right next to my bed stocked with all sorts of snacks. Finn was all about having well-fed guests, it seemed. Everywhere in the house seemed like it had something edible laying around. It was pretty funny. I could so get so used to this, I thought to myself. I undressed into my pajamas and hit the hay.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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MangaBL 6 years
Can't wait for more
Zephyr118 6 years
More story please