The ultimate inventor

chapter 4

Keaton answered the opposite on his survey. He said that there was too much food around the house while I, obviously, stated the opposite. The compromise Finn had made was quite pleasant, in my opinion. There was a room connected to my bedroom which was just another guest bedroom, but Finn had transformed it into a food/sweets room, if that makes any sense. He had had the furniture removed and only placed a single, wide table. Food and sweets laid atop the table and were restocked daily. Most of the food were transferred to this room, but not all. Even more food was brought in just for me. I was happy with these new results.

"I hope this will satisfy your needs for now," Finn said. "If there are any more problems, please let me know."

I nodded and quickly began eating. Eating had grown to be my favorite pastime, and soon was my only pastime. At first, my stomach hurt from the amount of junk I consumed, but after a while, it started to accomodate to my new eating habits. I stopped having frequent stomach aches and began to develop a stronger appetite.

"It is now my primary job to make sure you're well fed," Finn said. "The survey you submitted focused mainly on how the supply of food was short. Don't you worry about that anymore. I'll make sure you're well fed from now on."

I thanked him graciously and continued snacking until it was time for lunch.


I heard the doorbell ring one day. "I'll get it," Finn yelled. I was laying on the foyer couch, watching TV. I had gained about ten pounds since my arrival to the mansion, which was about three weeks ago. Keaton had also gained a little, but only because of the sheer amount of food there was at the house. He wasn't as greedy as I was. When I heard Finn opening the door, I heard the loudest hello I've ever heard in my lifetime. I quickly got up and rushed to the main hallway. Panting, as I reached my destination, I saw a man, a little heftier than me, squeezing Finn. "It's so great to see you again!" he yelled.

"Ah, I miss you too, Jayce!" Finn squealed. Jayce was hugging Finn; he squeezed him so hard against his fat. It was actually a funny sight.

"Who's this?" Jace asked looking in my direction.

"Oh, my name's Cole."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Jayce, Cole," Finn started. "He actually lives here with me."

"Oh, sweet."

"I think you guys will end up liking each other a lot," Finn assured us.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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MangaBL 6 years
Can't wait for more
Zephyr118 6 years
More story please