The big scoop

chapter 2: epiphany

Ryan stuttered. "I...I really should just get the information. I can pay you." The librarian giggled.

"I don't need or want your money here. I would much rather have something else. I'm only asking that you feed me a doughnut. The last eleven were amazing but I'm feeling kind of full." Her hand traced the outline of a clear gut. "I can tell you're new here and I want to know if you like this. Something tells me you do but there's only one way to really know for sure." She placed the pink frosted doughnut on the counter and leaned forward, mouth waiting. Ryan picked up the doughnut and held it up to her mouth. She closed her eyes and bit into the waiting treat. Crumbs and frosting covered the edge of her mouth. He fed her bite after bite until the last piece remained. She bit and sucked on his finger as she sat back down with a heavy plop.

"Well, a deal is a deal. You fed and fattened me a little bit more, just like I asked so here's what I know. A few years ago a new plus sized industry opened up here called 'Thick Chick'. No one paid them any mind." She paused to lick crumbs off her lips and brush her chest clean."Before long the company was about to go under because we had a quite lithe population and suddenly girls started getting fat. I know I did anyway. At first it just felt like I had been gorging too much. A little pudge here, a bigger tushy, larger frame but it wasn't long before that clearly wasn't the case. My clothes stopped fitting, I would get stuck in chairs, at night I would get up just to go eat until I could hardly move. It wasn't long until I was fattened and plump. The best part though? Everyone here suddenly decided that we like it." Ryan was trying to run enough blood to his head to keep basic thought going.

"So what, people just like fatter girls?" She let out a high pitched giggle and rested her chin on her hands.

"Well, one things for sure."

"What's that?"

"You sure do." She pointed at his obvious hard on. "More to love isn't so bad, right cutie? Well at least that's what Thick Chicks thought after girls started letting themselves go. Profits brought the company back but something doesn't sit quite right. Several lawsuits were filed on them but not a one made it to court."

"What for and why were they dropped?"

"Initially they were filed by girls who chunked up too much. They supposedly were able to tie this whole mess to the company."

"What happened to them?"

"They dropped the charges. My guess, I think the girls got bigger and like me, decided that fat was sexy."

"So whatever they did is still affecting the town right?"

"Just the ladies."

"It doesn't change the men at all?"

"Nope, a lot of them left when it first happened. Guess plenty of guys out there didn't want to be a part of lardsville. Over the years though the guys who like it stay, like you."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Meanwhile, Felicity hefted her pants and struggled to button them. She could hardly fasten the button and zipper. If it wasn't clear before it was clear now, whatever this town was plagued by had gotten ahold of her. She finally managed to suck her fat in enough to button her pants. Letting out her gut she realized it might have been a bad idea. The zipper pulled down but the button held.

Walking to the bathroom she stepped on the scale and bent over to see the numbers. Back and forth the numbers swung until it rested on 154. That was nearly a 25lb gain in a matter of days. Felicity stepped off the scale and admired herself in the mirror. If nothing else she did look kind of cute with that belly. Her hands grabbed and fondled her fat. She imaged another 15lbs, 20lbs, 30lbs. The thought excited and scared her. Maybe it wasn't so bad though if she put on weight. Ryan certainly liked it. It wouldn't kill her to have another cupcake.

She lightly jogged to the kitchen out of excitement, her newfound pudge jumping and jostling this way and that. Her large bust flopped up and down until finally she stopped at the fridge. Opening it however lead to disappointment. She had forgotten that she had eaten everything.

"Geez I really am turning into a fat ass." The line was to herself but even she wasn't sure if it was meant to be out of excitement or scolding. Felicity pulled on a turtleneck sweater and grabbed her purse. While Ryan was out doing his research she would go and get some food, maybe interview a few folks while she was at it.


Felicity opened the door. The ice cream shop's bell rung as she stepped inside. A large hispanic woman in a skin tight white uniform lifted her head. Her name tag read "Shelly". Her hips jutted out and held up a large fat double belly. Shelly's face was full and she was eating a candy bar.

"Come in, come in! How can I help you?" Felicity was in awe of all the ice cream there. She didn't respond and instead checked all the different flavors available. After a minute she finally broke her concentration.

"I'm so sorry I was more than a little distracted."

"Well a girl's got to eat right?" Felicity smiled and knowingly rolled her eyes.

"I know." She patted her developing pot belly "I just got here a few days ago and I think the towns already taken a liking to me." Shelly laughed and replied.

"I think you mean you've taken a liking to the town." They both laughed and then Felicity looked down at the ice cream choices.

"I would love a scoop of chocolate!" Shelly grabbed a cone and put on two scoops of chocolate.

"Oh I only was going to have one scoop."

"Nonsense, today is buy one get one free."

"Oh it is?"

"That second scoop is on the house." Felicity shrugged, passed her the money and then started eating her ice cream. She sat down at a booth. Shelly came out from behind the counter and waddled over to her table.

"Would you care if I joined you?"

"Oh not at all! Please sit down, actually I was supposed to come here to interview you." Shelly squeezed her fat hips into the booth. The upper part of her belly rested on the table as her body spilled everywhere.

"What about?"

"Well about the weight epidemic here." Felicity licked some of the dripping ice cream off of her hand and bit into the frozen treat.

"Oh you know it was about ten years ago the girls around here started blimping up like no tomorrow. It was awful for my business." The licking of the ice cream accelerated.

"Why? Don't you run an ice cream shop, seems like a literally larger customer base would be good."

"Well originally I ran a fitness kitchen but that died the moment girls traded their waistline for fun." Felicity bit into the cone itself and stuffed her face with the last of the ice cream. Shelly got up and walked behind the counter as her story continued.

"Personally I think it's good to see a place where a fat girl can be appreciated. When I used to go running I never would have dreamed of letting myself go like this. Now that I have though it just feels right." Felicity heard the whir of a blender behind the counter but failed to see what Shelly was up to.

"Are you worried about your health?" The blender stopped.

"Actually I was diabetic before the gain but now? I'm not."

"Shelly that's impossible." Shelly emerged from the counter with a gigantic chocolate milkshake. It was covered in whip cream and sprinkles.

"Believe me... I know. Everyone in town knows how weird that is."

"Well are there any scientific records of what's happening here?" Shelly pushed the milkshake in front of Felicity and smiled.

"Nutella, heavy cream and oreos." Felicity's eyes bugged out.

"I can't drink this. I'll get gigantic."

"So? If everyone in town is fat or gets fat eventually, it's not unhealthy and you like it then what's the problem?"

"I never said I liked the idea of being fat."

"You didn't have to, your other hand went in between your legs when you ate the ice cream. You love it and that scares and excites you. Trust me, I was as conflicted as you once." Felicity's imagination failed to picture a skinny, model like body for Shelly. "Besides I'm sure most your weight goes to those tits anyway." Felicity thought about it and started to push the drink away.

"You know I think I'll hold off on letting myself balloon for now."

"Drink it and I'll tell you where you can get more information." Felicity stopped and looked at the beautiful thick shake that her hand was resting on. She pulled it in and took a slurp. Immediately she was glad she had. The thick liquid dripped into her mouth and with it came thoughts of her belly being too large for her sweater. Sticking out from under it, if only it was real, if only she was a little fatter. Thoughts of having an ass like Jane came with it. How amazing would it be if she could finally seduce Ryan. She slurped harder. Oh how wonderful it would be when her tits were even bigger. She wanted hips, thighs, cellulite, a double chin, a jiggle when she walks, rolls, a muffintop, kankles, fat arms and a full round face! She wanted to be a greedy pig so badly.

Her fantasies however were violently halted when she finished her shake. It was then that she realized how loudly she had been moaning and that the button on her pants had popped. Now she sat, with a slightly larger gut spilling onto her lap and frustrated sexual thoughts swimming in her head.

"I knew you liked it, as for your scientific papers, you might want to check the courthouse. Please don't be afraid to come back soon sweetie, if you've gotten fat enough I'll let you eat for free." Without saying anything. Felicity got up and waddled her now very full belly to the door. With her sweater covered in chocolate sauce and whip cream drippings she would have to get home and clean up.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Holyflurkins... 2 years
The best story on here.
Always come back to it.
Sequel? Haha
LoopsnBloops 2 years
I never thought about putting together a sequel for any of my stories as I just liked being able to complete and finish them since so many stories are left empty. I def could though.
Karenjenk 3 years
I like all of your stories
but this is my fav.
WG med in the water. amazing
Fanedfox 5 years
Very well written! It had me captivated from Felicity and Jane's first meeting. Great job!
LoopsnBloops 6 years
@VoxumPsychic I was really planning on stopping it there but maybe that would be fitting. It would be fun to see Celine in another month or so.
Splee47 6 years
Will we see the thrilling conclusion?
Nicolas Eric 6 years
will it continue?
Kane24 6 years
Hope ch. 6 comes out soon! This is a great story, can't wait to see how it ends!
Womansbellyl... 6 years
I'm sure Ryan won't get fat, but I wouldn't take any bets on Celine being slim and trim!
Feedher3000 6 years
Please don't make Ryan fat. This story is amazing!!! I love the direction it's been going so far!
Nightfox28 6 years
Can't wait for part 5
Feedher3000 6 years
This is an awesome story!!!
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
84 likes and nearly 12,000 views in a week! Wow! This is one excellent tale! Well-written.
Womansbellyl... 6 years
VERY imaginative. It will be interesting to see what happens to the thin CEO!!
Tommmy 6 years
Please continue
ConJohn 6 years
Your writing is excellent. Please keep this going!
Simssmo 6 years
I can't wait for more. This is awesome
Littlejohnboy 6 years
Wow. Very exciting! Please post the next chapter soon. 😊
JayJ9898 6 years
Please continue
Balloon 6 years
Love this story! Some how I don't think a story will ever be filed.
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