Dreaming bigger

Chapter 36 - 36 - fulfillment (part 3)

Before I can plead a second time, he presses the feeding tube into my mouth.The hose feels comfortingly familiar, but there's something else around it. He pulls a set of straps together behind my head, and a mask is pushed flush against my cheeks and chin. The feeding tube stays firmly in place between my lips.

I pull at my bindings and feel a shiver of anticipation run down my spine. I feel so helpless and subservient, and so incredibly turned on at the same time. I look up to where he stands by the pump and see the milky liquid already starting to drain into the hose. I try to ask again, but something else comes out instead.

I whimper.

He turns on the pump.

The liquid flows fast, much faster than usual. Before I can react my mouth is completely filled with cream. I swallow the first gulp quickly, and then the next, but the liquid still comes. I tug uncomfortably at the ropes around my wrists. I suddenly catch pace with the pump, but each gulp is larger and faster than I've ever drank before. I'm forced to drink as fast as I can to keep from being overwhelmed.

I whimper again, quickly this time between mouthfuls. I'm being pumped full fast - too fast. I shift in place, spreading my legs apart and arching my back to make the liquid flow faster into my stomach. Anything to make this easier.

"Good girl," I hear him whisper in my ear. I feel him kneel down behind me and run his hands over the expanse of my middle. They grab a hold of my thick love handles to jiggle my tummy lightly, causing me to moan again.

"Keep drinking little piggy, I want to see you grow until you're fit to burst."

A surge like electricity radiates from my womanhood. I eat and eat and eat, fueled by my own desire. I suck down thousands of calories of fattening liquid and imagine every new inch of fat they'll create. Long minutes go by before I feel my stomach starting to fill.

My belly is too fat to reveal how stuffed I 'm getting. While I continue to eat, he continues to caress my soft curving middle. Even when he reaches the apex of my full stomach, I can hardly feel it under all my doughy girth. He notices too, and squeezes a thick handful of blubber to let me know. I'm so wet I'm practically aching.

I'm having trouble keeping up. I try to keep pace but it's too much to handle. My cheeks swell and cream drips from my lips, but I can't stop, even if I wanted too. The more I eat the hornier I become, and the hornier I become the more I want to eat. I realize I'm being pumped full and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

I arch my back again, trying to ease my distress. I spread my knees apart, leaning forward and squirming against my restraints. My stomach bulges and distends between my legs. I feel so incredibly heavy.

"Look at what a fat piggy you've become," I hear him whisper. He kisses my neck and rubs my tummy, and all I can do is whimper.

"You used to be so thin, such a skinny little thing. Who knew you were greedy enough to turn yourself into this..." I buck my hips and my stomach jiggles. I lean back and feel the thick shake spill into me even faster.

"But the sexiest part isn't seeing how big you've grown..."

I'm so turned on I'm on the verge of fainting.

"It's knowing that you can't resist getting even fatter."

I moan, my voice cracking through a mouthful of cream, as he enters me. His cock feels fiery hot as he slips between my dripping lips. He presses deep into me, jerking me forward and sending a ripple through my bloated belly. I keep eating.

His hands settle around my doughy waist, and he grips the fat he finds there to hold me steady. He moves in and out in a gentle rhythm, with my ass jiggling at the apex of each stroke. I soon find I'm swallowing in time with his thrusts. And each swallow is bigger than the last.

I eat and I eat, and yet the cream keeps flowing. His pace grows faster and my stomach grows fuller, but there's no end in sight. My pussy is throbbing with arousal. I'm so full I feel fit to burst any second, but the discomfort only turns me on more. The skin on my middle feels flushed and taut. Beads of sweat build on my forehead while I fight to keep up with the flow. And still I'm pumped ever fuller.

But I keep eating. I'm helpless to move, bound tight while he fucks me harder and faster. I'm helpless against the constant flow of shake stretching me to my limits. But most of all, I'm helpless to my own desires. He's right. I can't stop eating, I can't stop growing, I can't resist getting endlessly fatter. The thought is enough to send me tumbling over the edge.

The orgasm erupts from my core and rocks me hard enough to nearly blackout. Everything else fades away as I'm consumed in radiant ecstasy.
39 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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GrowHerBelly 6 years
Call for requests still open!
Dallions 6 years
Pretty intense!
LoopsnBloops 6 years
Can’t wait for more!
Darkwarrior 6 years
no suggestions but I love the way dream and reality are starting to blur for her smiley
Jazzman 6 years
This is Amazing! No suggestions.Pace of gain is perfect.Some numbers of height and measurements and weight eventually would be a nice touch.
GrowHerBelly 6 years
Any suggestions or requests? I might be able to incorporate them into a chapter or two
Viewerr 6 years
OMG this is PHENOMENAL!!! Please write more chapters!!!!!
PrincessBlurmy 6 years
Loving this!
Nok 6 years
f*cking brilliant!!!
Best story idea I've seen in months if not years, and great execution and writing. Fantastic job.
Casey 6 years
I like it
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