Soon to be a santa

chapter 5- final

Sorry for the delay in updating. I've been pretty busy grading Ann's work and keeping up with Steph's tenure.

So Christmas break was way more intense than expected, I quit the IT department at IKEA the day after I was charged with being responsible for Ann's grades and haven't looked back. Steph gave Ann the dubious honor of creating Christmas dinner for the Dean and his wife, which meant everything, had to be perfect because Steph was on the line block too.

With two weeks advance notice, Ann was crazy woman with Steph not fairing much better. I however, received the brunt of it- every new recipe and consequent dish was vetted through me..."here eat this, here try this....what do you think? this". If an A was the result of 7lbs a week, then Ann was working on an A ++.

Breakfast was replaced by a regime of pastries, muffins, and quiche that were growing ever more impressive as the refinement continued. I was allowed to rest for only a short time as brunch was presented to be graded (as with breakfast: appeal, presentation, and portion size). Lunch consisted of various pasta dishes (sorry, I can't remember save for the heavy creaminess), with dessert. OMG!!!! The desserts were intense!!!! Things I can't pronounce let alone spell as I was assured were French, German, or (oh heck who cares! Let's just say sex in the form of food). Snacks included fudge, cheeses, and teacakes.

Dinner was of course the masterpiece to be presented thus Steph took to this mastery of culinary endurance of which, I was seriously overindulged with twice prior to the official dinner.

Suffice to say, I was, between Ann's work and Steph's predatory (Yes used on purpose) test dinners inflating as rate that found find belly and sides in constant agony as they strained to contain the foods I was inflating with. Had it not been for Steph parading around in the skimpiest of clothing and intensive sexual innuendos at the most opportune time I doubt I could have survived. The day prior to the massive feast, I was not allowed to gorge on the "goodies" rather they prepared what was to become part of the eroticism that would see me to the weight I am today. I digress, Steph feeling that Ann deserved her grades prior to the Dean's arrival beckoned me to the scale (It took her and Ann to pull me up and waddle me over). As gingerly as possible, they coaxed me on. I swear I could hear it groan as I stepped one tree-trunk after the other on. Steph squealed as little as Ann, with a kool-aide grin showed her the read out- 443. I gained 17 pounds in two weeks - NO WAY!!! Ann was sent on a mission, not to return until Steph had her way and fill of me.

Three hours later and well into the morning prior to the feast, Ann returned. I was positioned in what had become known as my fat chair with strict instructions from Steph "To EAT or DRINK whatever and however "IT" was presented....OH SHIZBOT. I knew all the final recipes and dishes were being prepared and that I shouldn't expect them until the follow day so I was needless to say both intrigued and worried.

When Steph closed the door and swaggered over to me, I think I started to sweat. True to her incredibly sexy nature, she stuck her tongue down my throat while rubbing my still swollen belly- WOWWOWOWOWOW. As she pulled away from me she was holding, didn't see it before because I was too busy watching her body swaying, the biggest beer-bong tube I ever seen. "OK, fat boy, we have a lot of work to finish before tomorrow's dinner and would really rather feed you but it super important that things turn out a certain and don't worry; I'll explain it all soon enough but I need you to just drink down everything this hose is attached too.....please sweetie, my career kinda depends on it"- in her most seductive voice at that. How could I resist her, after all she was the reason I was 443lbs and enjoying her incredible body.

I began drinking the incredible mixture and didn't stop until the point of being nauseated. Once the feeling subsided, I continued. Eventually Steph can back in to check on me and refill the massive container and true to form, she took great care of me while stating my gluttony.

Jumping a bit, for the sake if my memoirs-

The Dean and Mrs. Dean? (Amanda) arrived sharply at 2pm....what the heck!! "For tea and well, you find out" was the announcement and whispered in my ear by Ann, respectively. Good thing I was dress and also seriously hungry!!!

Ann waited about 20 min while Steph greeted and assisted the Dean and Amanda to the table. I was so to speak presented, like a trophy belly. I was a bit taken back by Amanda (yes, she is impressive) who was much larger than me and beaming at my entrance. "Steph, I am so proud of you, you didn't tell me he was so BIG."- exclaimed Amanda. "What my sweet means to say is well done young lady and you sir should be very proud of that belly"- Proclaimed the Dean. (Proud? What the hell are they talking about but OK, I'll play along).

By this time, Steph was up and helping me sit while Ann was bouncing off to begin the feast. "I want you to eat your heart out sweetie and gorge yourself like crazy"- Steph, whispered, "Amanda is here to size you up so please, for me". UH, yeah! To which I received an awkward look from our guests. My Amanda loves to indulge as you can tell and we are here to discuss Stephanie's tenure a full placement at the CIA, so Youngman it is up to you and Amanda to prove to me why Stephanie deserves the position.

Excuse me, did I hear correctly, I've been fattened up so this smoking hotty could get tenure!!!

"Oh honey, don't be mad....please" as she popped a full teacake in my mouth...."I really do want you and to be yours"

(Passive aggressive BS but how can I be mad- I'm fat and she wants me bigger)

Moreover, with that Ann was back and dutifully filling plates.

Amanda and I made absolute pigs of ourselves as plate after plate after plate was loaded and emptied into our burgeoning bodies. At some point, I overheard Steph and the Dean discussing our relationship; she confided it was very serious, which gave me more resolve to push myself.

I digress, having forgot to define Amanda who must have been well into the 500 range (picture Lailani) and while not the Dean's wife was one of the office BBWs who was initially hired in Admin but found herself ballooning with all the goodies at the CIA. It was also divulge that she was promoted into her current unofficial position to gain weight. The Dean also let it slip (albeit on purpose) that another position could be created.

The gorging continued through the very late breakfast course and into the desserts. Ann was working her tail off all the while Steph was beaming with pride as Amanda was indulging and nodding in approval at the decadent fairs she was consuming. As for me, I was in the euphoric state of eating on autopilot. Anything placed in front of me was devoured only to be replaced with more and more....Ann was now waiting on me constantly to keep my platter piled ever higher.

I guess I didn't notice but even Amanda was sitting there watching me stuff my belly to the extreme. When I did finally notice, she proclaimed, "Oh no honey don't stop!! You need to get that skinny body of yours in shape". (Uh What?- EAT...EAT..EAT the voice in my head commanded.)

Jumping forward to June (today), Steph is now tenured and Ann is her GA, working on an Assist Professorship. Amanda has ballooned to 547lbs and acts as the POC for the E.A.T. program among staff and significant others.

As for me, I was hired by the CIA into the Ex Admin Training program (E.A.T.) that next semester where I'm tasked with grading: presentation, quality, and portion size (sound familiar??). I've ballooned to, at last weigh in, 653 pounds, which means a gain of 210 pounds in six-months. I have to say gaining so my in such a short amount of time is not without its challenges. My belly is huge and almost constantly swollen as it struggles to contain more and more of the incredible foods I'm grading; full meals not just samples. As for Steph and I, we couldn't be happier and in fact, have plans on getting me 800 pounds. We found out that the Institute will pay a severance package to anyone in the E.A.T. program who weighs 800lbs or more. Of course, I could always stay on......Hhmmm

Oh, I never did get to play Santa....HA! the irony.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 7 years
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Tommmy 8 years
Yes yes please continue I want to find out how fat thisSanta in training is going to get !