A bit of a belly

chapter 8

If you ever wanted proof of how we got along as a class, this would be it. No one gave a shit. All I could hear were snark remarks as my classmates were leaving the room. Nobody stopped by to see if I was ok. Nobody stopped to even say a word to me. Nothing. I didn't expect anything else to be honest, but it still hurt a little somewhere deep inside. Becca ran out to find the janitor and since everybody else went away, it left me sitting there hurting and alone. Alone with Mrs. Pecker.

It was clear that Mrs. Pecker didn't know what to do. She asked me whether I was in pain, after the whole lesson I was pretty much in agony, and whether I wanted her to bring me something. I considered asking her for something to eat, but I wasn't in the mood to provoke her. After all, she really seemed to care, even though it was too little too late. Sure, maybe it was just because she was afraid I would file a complaint or something, but maybe she had some decency in her after all. She even apologized for making me sit there and then tried to lay her hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me. It... didn't have the desired effect on me and I flinched. Mrs. Pecker backed down after that, pacing around the empty classroom.

Becca ran inside the classroom, with her bouncing bosom almost falling out of her revealing top. Red in face and gasping for breath she bent over, placing her hands on her knees, further enhancing the already scandalous cleavage. "Th- Th- The janitor's coming." She managed to breath out between her gasps for air."

"Thank you miss Parker, you can leave now." Mrs. Pecker said.

Becca made a dismissive noise and came to me instead, ignoring what Mrs. Pecker said and laid her hand on my shoulder. I didn't flinch this time.

"How are you doing?"

"I've been better... it hurts like hell and... I really need to pee!" I tried to laugh, but the motion made my position even more painful and the laughter sounded more like a sob.

"Just hang in there. The janitor is gonna be here in a few minutes. When I explained to him what happened, he said he's gonna get his tools and come here."

I smirked. "Well... I'm certainly not going anywhere."

Getting cut out of the desk was not a pleasant experience. The electrical saw running just a few inches away from my body made me nervous and the vibrations gave me a new idea of how much my belly could hurt! My eyes were filling with moisture and I had to fight hard not to start crying. It couldn't have lasted more than a few minutes, but it felt like a small eternity. In the end I was free though.

"Why would ye even sit there, lass? You ain't exactly weenie." Asked the janitor while packing up his tools.

"It wasn't my idea." I said, looking at Mrs. Pecker.

"Ye made her sit there?" Janitor asked Mrs. Pecker.

"I needed to separate these two."

"And ye picked this lass? What the hell is yer problem?" The janitor said and left shaking his head.

Mrs. Pecker was speechless and then quickly followed after the janitor, leaving us by ourselves. As soon as we were alone, I pulled up my shirt, revealing my belly in its full glory. Angry red marks clearly showed where I was jammed in the tiny desk.

"Ouch, that looks so painful!" Becca exclaimed. She laid her hand on my stomach. "We need to get you some lotion or something."

That was the moment my stomach decided to join the conversation, growling loudly.

"Let's go get some lunch first..."

We entered our favorite buffet and I could tell the staff wasn't happy to see us again. To see me more accurately. The male side of the personnel was more than happy to see Becca, their eyes glued to her jiggly bosom immediately. No one could blame them though. Becca was sporting a top that was so short, it was just a glorified bra at the moment. Her actual bra was clearly getting overwhelmed by the amount of flesh it was supposed to contain and Becca's boobs were spilling over the cups once more. The poor girl only just bought a new bra and was already too big for it... Lucky bastard!

Full and satisfied, we left the place five hours later. This time I wasn't the only one who left with a bulging belly full to the brim. It was kinda weird to see the curvy goddess with her belly bloated and fully on display, uncovered by her skimpy attire. She looks hot as hell!

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Becca complained, visibly pale.

"What? You only had like four plates. That's nothing!"

"That's enough to feed four people! I'm not a goddamned eating machine like you are!" Becca let out a sigh. "I shouldn't have let you talk me into getting desserts. That's two more plates you've neglected to count I might add... I'm gonna get so fat! You're a terrible influence, you know that?!"

"Oh, please... Me? That's such nonsense! Besides, it will all go to your tits anyway." I giggled.

"You're laughing, but this new bra is already getting too tight! It's the largest they had in the store! I'm gonna have to start buying custom made ones, unless some kind of miracle happens."

"Oh my god, we have a miracle! Look!" I pointed across the street. The shop across the street was closed for some time now and so it was surprising to see the large banner announcing that a boutique aiming on plus size customers clientele was gonna open there in two weeks.

"Woah. Look at that model! She's so gorgeous. Her boobs are bigger than mine! Much bigger!"

Becca was right on both accounts. The model, a tall looking redhead, looked perfect. Almost too perfect! I've never seen her before. One would think a girl looking like that would be famous... "Looks like you have some catching up to do." I teased her a little. "She looks a bit sad though, don't you think?"

"Eh, I guess I can't see it over the huge fucking tits !" Becca laughed. "They should have bras for me if she's their model, right?"

"I think so, yeah. I hope they'll have something to keep this gut in check as well." I said, patting my middle that was surprisingly still fully covered, even though the shirt was stretched thin. I wasn't anywhere near to be as full as I was yesterday, but I still ate more than anyone would call sensible.

Becca placed her hand on my distended stomach. "How is your belly, anyway?"

"It's fine now, don't worry." I chuckled. "Can't say the same about the school desk though! One nil for the belly!"

It was getting too late to hang out and so we headed to our respective homes. I headed to mum's place tonight, even though it was further away, but this way we shared the direction for longer. And I definitely wasn't ready to tell Becca goodbye yet. Hand in hand we walked down the street, with our bellies bulging. I saw with my peripheral vision how Becca's bosom bounced and quivered with every step she took, threatening to escape the obscenely small tank top. It took all of my willpower not to turn my head and stare.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Becca asked.

"Not really, I guess? I was going to sit on my fat ass in front of a computer and eat junk the whole day. Wanna join?"

"Well, I thought we could go somewhere for a change, you know? It's still so warm outside and it feels like such a waste to sit at home all day. We could, I don't know, have a picnic in the park or something."

"You know me. I much prefer indoors to outdoors... but a picnic does sound nice! Especially with the right company..." I said, pulling her closer and kissing her on her soft full lips.

Saying goodbye to Becca was becoming the most difficult part of my day. I wanted to push her on my bed, immobilize her with my heavy belly and... I let out an unsatisfied sigh. Instead, I had to let her go out of my reach again. We hugged as tightly as our current bloated forms allowed us.

The elevator seemed even smaller than it did this morning, which only served as a testament of how much I've eaten. If I keep up like this, I'm gonna be morbidly obese in no time! It's unbelievable how quickly I'm gaining. It does make sense the way I eat though... Maybe I should slow down. But I just love eating way too much! Even then, full as I was, I couldn't wait to see what mum was making for dinner! Stop it, Liz! I ordered myself. You don't need to eat anymore!

Mum was making it really difficult for me, because the smell of her cooking filled even the hallway in front of our flat, but I decided to resist. I rushed through our flat, barely saying hi, and hid myself in my room. I collapsed onto my bed, the said bed cried out in pain underneath my heavy body. I took off my shirt and I tried to go to sleep. Unfortunately, the smell of mum's cooking wasn't magically stopped by closing the door and so my determination not to eat was slowly, but surely fading. When my mother called out that the dinner was ready, I was out of my room before I even realized what I was doing. Then I realized that only my bra was covering my torso, my big fat gut on full display, but I wasn't willing to go back again. Well, at least I'll show Kurt how nice and round my belly looks these days!

As it turned out, Kurt wasn't there today, being out of town on a business trip. It didn't stop me from stuffing myself silly, so don't worry about that. Mum was always making enough food to feed an entire regiment which was lucky, because her daughter ate like a regiment!

I was so big and bloated from the buffet that I sat down sideways, not wanting to press my gut against the table. Better safe than sorry. I saw mum's worried looks as I made my way through portion after portion, but I just couldn't stop myself anymore. Losing all boundaries, there was nothing to stop me eating. Well, apart from the lack of food. My stomach hurt, but I wasn't stopping, not as long as there was food I could devour! In the half an hour that the dinner lasted I managed to eat at least the same amount of food as Becca did in the five hours we spent in the buffet. Probably more. I leaned back in the chair and let out a satisfied sigh. I started to massage my swollen form. I am almost as big as I was yesterday! Thank god there isn't any more food! As soon as I thought that I spotted two big baking trays of chocolate covered brownies sitting in the oven. I never craved brownies more than I did at that very moment.

Mum must have seen where I was looking, because she said: "The big tray is for you, but the smaller one isn't."

"Mum, I'm not gonna eat two trays of brownies!" I said defensively.

Mum raised her hands. "Just saying."

"I know I've been eating like I'm possessed, but I'm not that bottomless!"

"Uh huh." Mum said unconvinced, eyeing my bare midsection.

I had enough self-awareness to blush. "Do you think you could help me up? I asked sheepishly, turning even brighter red.

It took a lot of effort from both of us to lift my heavy body from the chair, but in the end, I was standing once more. "You wouldn't mind handing me the brownies, right?" I asked, my cheeks getting fully crimson.

I placed the still warm tray on top of my truly gargantuan stomach. I was sure I would be able to bring it to my room without using my hands, letting it rest on my gut, but I still held it with them, just to be sure. The support from below was definitely welcome though, because the tray was heavy.

I placed the brownies into my bed and laid down next to it. I was so full I thought I would burst if I ate another mouthful and so, naturally, I fully intended to eat as many brownies as I could. The brownies were so soft and sweet that every single cell of my body cried in ecstasy and a moan of pleasure escaped from my lips. To be entirely honest, I was getting turned on by how full I was. Immediately I started to imagine what it would be like if Becca was there to feed me. I was in pain, my stomach reaching its limit. Tears were forming in my eyes, but there was nothing that would make me stop. I kept stuffing my face with one hand, while I massaged my exposed gut with the other. I could feel how every bite made my belly swell larger and larger. I absolutely loved it! I wanted my belly to grow and grow, to make it as large as I could! I'm gonna have the biggest belly in the entire world! The thought itself sent shivers down my spine. It was this realization of something I wanted deep inside my heart that kept me going. I was so full I shouldn't have been capable of swallowing another crumb, yet there I was stuffing my face like there was no tomorrow. Half of the tray now disappeared inside my stomach. I watched as it swelled even larger, now starting to hang over the edge of my bed. I must have been even bigger than I was yesterday and I still had half a tray to devour. And, unsurprisingly, I did exactly that.

I was so full I couldn't breathe. It took all of my strength to move my body, so my back would rest against the wall. It didn't help much, my gigantic belly was still hanging over the edge. If I go on like this, I'm gonna need a larger bed! I closed my eyes, rubbing my middle I imagined my hands to be Becca's hands. I could almost feel her full bosom pressed against my overstuffed belly. My hands were slowly sliding down, examining my extreme physiology. Giant gut, soft side, nicely shaped butt and thick thighs and finally my inviting nethers. My/Becca's fingers found just the right spot and a wave of intense pleasure washed over my body. I wanted to scream in ecstasy like I've never known before, but I bit my tongue instead, too afraid of being heard and moaned quietly. I've never felt so good in my life!

I woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible thirst. It wasn't easy to get out of the bed and to my feet in my current overstuffed state, but I managed it in the end. My belly was so big and bloated it was beyond belief! Weirdest part was that it was already noticeably smaller than it was when I fell asleep. Somehow, I successfully dragged my body into the kitchen and opened the fridge. It probably wasn't the best idea to drink coke in the middle of the night, but it was exactly what I craved at the moment. I gulped down the carbonated beverage and let out a loud burp, followed by a satisfied sigh. "That really hit the spot." I said aloud. "Good thing that there's no more food, because I would certainly pop!" As soon as I said it, I remembered the second tray of brownies, which I was forbidden to touch. They won't even notice if there's one piece missing, right?

There's something seriously wrong with me... I just can't stop myself! I ate it all. I'd swear the second tray tasted even better than the first did! Forbidden fruit tastes best, I guess...

I'm not even sure how I got back to my room, but I know that lying in bed on my back and being crushed by my own belly felt unreasonably fantastic. I felt myself drifting away immediately and it didn't take long before I was fast asleep.

"ELISABETH!!!" Mum's piercing voice woke me up and I knew I was in a lot of trouble.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 1 year
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ILoveBigBoobs 2 weeks
"5 and a half feet" ... Is that [5 feet and 6 inches]? Or [5 feet and a half inch] ?
I'm not English, I use Metric System
333Blebleble333 1 week
5 feet and 6 inches
Wisconfa 1 year
One of the best stories on FF !
333Blebleble333 1 year
Thank you so much!