Yes sir, i'm fat and happy now!

Chapter 2

You see, Mr Andrews really liked Sammie, he always had, he couldn't wait for her to graduate from college as he was desperate to ask her out, he wouldn't do it while she was still a pupil, he loved his job too much! He did worry though that by the time Sammie graduated she wouldn't even give him a second glance, she was always around with a young fit males nearby. The more the days went by, the more Mr Andrews thought about her and what he could do, and then, eventually one morning, Mr Andrews came up with a plan!

They next day Mr Andrews started to put his plan into practise, although it did involve a favour from his mate who was a chemist professor.

Sammie was sat staring out of the window, she hadn't listened to Mr Andrews all class, and now he was getting mad, he knew she was thinking about her boyfriend and not her school work. That just made Mr Andrews mad. He glanced over and noticed how loose her blouse hung around her, and in that second her realised how insanely jealous he was of the attention she gave to all her peers, she was such a popular girl with her friends always around. Mr Andrews had created a plan to change this. He thought that if she was no longer beautiful in their eyes she might go and confide in the one person who would praise her and compliment her for her 'changes' she was about to start experiencing.

Mr Andrews took out a huge cake from his desk, it was pre cut into 30 pieces, and he handed out each bit to everyone to celebrate his birthday, he handed the cake round, but brought over the last piece – giving it Sammie to eat. She kind of nibbled it, but didn't even eat half of what was there! Sammie noticed My Andrews looking sad and asked what the problem was. Mr Andrews simply said he felt hurt that she wouldn't eat the cake up. Sammie looked embarrassed about that so quickly pushed the rest of the cake into her mouth. Sammie really wasn't used to eating big pieces of cake, and her belly felt bloated and uncomfortable.

Anyway, Sammie just wanted to go home, and finally the bell rang signalling the end of the college day, she did say bye to Mr Andrews as she left, but they couldn't get home fast enough, she practically sprinted the whole was, getting a stitch from running on a full tummy after the cake.

Sammie quickly threw off her clothes, put on her sexy little red polka dot bikini and went through the kitchen towards the pool, but Sammie sort of froze in the kitchen. Sammie couldn't move her legs from the spot, she had opened the fridge door now, and she had decided she was hungry. She pulled out a cartoon of orange juice and chugged the lot, then opened a large bag of chips and just stood there fixed to the ground munching chip after chip, it was only as she put her hand in for another realising the bag was empty that she stopped for a second.... 'what the hell?' Sammie thought, 'why did I do that?' 'I never eat like that, ever'. But before Sammie could even begin to rationalise anything she suddenly got the urge to eat again, She took out a cartoon of ice cream from the freezer and grabbed a spoon and walked out to the pool, instead of going for a swim she sat at the side just dangling her toes into the water while she sat and ate the ice cream, she ate the whole tub, every last bit!

Sammie kind of lay back, feet still dangling in the water, her belly hurt, it felt so bloated, Laying there Sammie could feel her bikini straps digging into her blown up belly, she rubbed the sides and was surprised by how hard and distended it seemed. Sammie still really unsure about what had happened, and why she had even eaten all that, she just couldn't understand it.

Sammie went to bed early that night still feeling uncomfortable about all the food she had forced into her little belly.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 14 years , updated 54 years
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Tjpbeatles 13 years
awesome story. this one is very similar to one of my fav fantasies