Yes sir, i'm fat and happy now!

Chapter 4

At the end of the day Sammie kind of hung around as everyone else left, she really didn't want to chat to anyone today. Mr Andrews had noticed the uncomfortable events of the afternoon, and although it pained him to see Sammie so sad, he knew it was for the best. He approached her at the end of the day and asked how things were, Sammie burst into tears and just came out with waffle about getting fat and feeling hungry. Mr Andrews just smiled at her, and sat next to her, he offered to drive her home. Sammie accepted his kind offer and they set off. Mr Andrews drove a beautiful sports car, Sammie loved the feeling of riding along with the wind in her hair, she was starting to relax and feel abit better about herself. So what if she had put on a little weight, and so what if Hughie had so publicly dumped her, she could lose it if she wanted. And Sammie smiled as she thought of everything she had eaten today, she had enjoyed it! Sammie had spent so many years living on salad and boring things that it felt quite exhilarating to eat anything she wanted!

All that thinking of food was making Sammie hungry, her belly was rumbling, Mr Andrews heard and smiled to himself. 'Sammie, would you like to go for dinner before I take you home, my treat'. Sammie smiled and said that would be lovely.

They drove to the nearest Pizza Hut and went in, Sammie suddenly had the same urge she had been feeling the previous two days, to eat, she went up and piled her plate high, 6 pieced of pizza, pasta, garlic bread, potato salad, and a large glass of cola, she had finished it all even before Mr Andrews had eaten half of his. She kind of sat back and rubbed her belly, which was definatly turning into a little belly now, she still felt hungry. But she felt so uncomfortable in her clothes. Sammie stood up, headed back and piled her plate high with as much food as the first plate, when she sat down she discreetly undid her skirt button, and kind of pushed the waist back down under her little roll of newly formed fat,' that's better' she thought! She happily worked her way through the plate of food.

Mr Andrews sat there and marvelled at how she seemed to be growing in front of him, her buttons really gaping on her blouse, he could see flesh behind each gap now, and he honestly wondered if the buttons would actually hold until the end of the meal.

Sammie excused herself and went to the toilet, holding her skirt carefully so to not let it fall down, she walked into the bathroom and stared at her reflection in the mirror... 'OMG' Sammie said out loud, 'IM SO FAT' (actually this was kind of true, even though she had only been over eating for 3 days, the chemicals in her body were turning everything she ate into pure fat, and the chemicals also always made her feel hungry) 'I must have gained 30lbs in the last 3 days!'

While Sammie was in the bathroom Mr Andrews had one last little chemical to add to Sammie's drugged system, he poured it into her drink, and happily watched her gulp it down when she returned to the table. Mr Andrews new the chemicals would only take about 30 mins to do their thing, so he paid the bill and offered to take Sammie home.

Sammie was grateful, although she still felt hungry she knew she shouldn't eat any more, he belly felt huge now and her breasts were really trying to push their way out of the blouse. She climbed into the car and relaxed in the seat, Mr Andrews got in and turned to Sammie and simply said 'you're beautiful'.
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Tjpbeatles 13 years
awesome story. this one is very similar to one of my fav fantasies