Yes sir, i'm fat and happy now!

Chapter 5

Sammie smiled back at Mr Andrews and said thank you, she kind of felt beautiful, she was forgetting all those 'fat' feelings and she sat back in the car rubbing her bigger belly, it was so hard and full with all that food inside, but Sammie now just smiled and sat there rubbing it, it was about 25 mins now since leaving Pizza Hut, and Sammie should have been home, but Mr Andrews had pulled over, he wanted to watch the next thing that happened, he knew the chemicals were now making Sammie feel good about herself, he knew that by tomorrow morning she would love her body, he hadn't wanted her to be hurt in any of this, he just wanted her to be happy, and to be with people who appreciated her. He knew he would have to keep giving her the chemicals, but that was easy, he could just add them to her drinks at college!

Anyway, another minute to go.... 'Sammie, why don't you close your eyes and just relax for a minute' Mr Andrews encouraged her to just lay back and get comfy, he couldn't help himself, he started rubbing the inside of her thigh, and then it happened..... The chemical reaction started, new fat cells were forming on top of each other, her belly pushed forward and upwards and piled out over the top of her skirt, her breasts grew bigger and burst the buttons on her blouse and her legs and arms suddenly grew more chubby..

Mr Andrews was so aroused by seeing this, he had always liked Sammie, but he had always known she would look so much better bigger, he couldn't wait to see how much weight she had gained, how fat she really was!

Once home, Mr Andrews helped Sammie inside, Sammie was still slightly out of it due to the chemical reactions in her body, her mother just kind of glared open mouthed as Sammie walked past, And Mr Andrews helped her upstairs. The first thing he did was make Sammie stand on the scales,... 240lbs!!! wow, those chemicals really work!!!

Mr Andrews put Sammie into her bed, he couldn't help himself star at her amazing belly now, he took out some cocoa butter and gently rubbed it over her entire body, she would be grateful of this when she wakes up, it will ease all her giant strechmarks! Her belly flopped down over her knickers and she looked so amazingly cute and sexy, how easy it would be to take advantage.... but no. Mr Andrews kept to his word.

The next few months were interesting for Sammie, she had woken up the next morning to find her belly huge, but yet soft and comfortable, she also found a wardrobe full of new clothes! And she also found her smile! She walked (or rather waddled into school!) and really took no notice of any one else, it really was as if no one could see the nosy people!!! Mr Andrews gave Sammie a special drink every day, which kept Sammie hungry and feeling good about herself, and after no time, Sammie graduated!

By the time she left college her weight had increased to just over 400lbs, she really was a big girl now, but she loved it, she didn't question it, and no one else did! Sammie was just happy.

The day after the graduation Sammie had a text... of Mr Andrews! And true to his word, he asked her out! Sammie said yes of course!!!

They started a new life together, and lived happily ever after!!!

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Tjpbeatles 13 years
awesome story. this one is very similar to one of my fav fantasies