Celestia weight gain

chapter 3: aftermath

Aftermath. Celestia's eyes felt uncharacteristically groggy as they creaked open the morning after the second consecutive stuffing. Usually it would take a particularly hectic night of partying or a bad cold to keep the princess of the sun reclining in bed, lazy, hesitant in her eternal duty. Celestia preferred to walk to the balcony to raise the sun. The cool morning air perked her right up for the day ahead. On this occasion, however, Celestia simply rolled back the covers and groggily raised the sun out the window to her room before taking another short snooze.

But one cannot simply ignore a thousand years of habit. And Celestia could not slumber any more.

"It's the third day." She slurred.
"Wait! It's the THIRD day!" She then exclaimed.

She popped up out of the covers, her eyes alight with excitement. As she rolled her form out of bed, she experienced a newfound sensation of thickness. Every curl of her movements formed a slight roll along her flanks or in her belly as skin touched skin. Everything was softer.
Standing up in front of the full-length mirror, the once-gaunt and lanky Princess could hardly believe her eyes. Facing forward, the cheeks of her long face appeared puffy, forming the slightest hint of dimples at the edge of her mouth. Her chin rounded downwards, concealing her cheekbones. Though not what one would call a 'double-chin', the added flab could be seen as a miniscule concave, one that was experimentally tugged at by Celestia's magic, bending out before reaching her long neck.

With this, Celestia redirected her attention to her neck, which assumed the same bit of padding that had once been saved for her torso the previous day. Again, the change was minor, but Celestia knew her body well enough to notice that the white stalk that held her head aloft had increased in circumference.

Presenting a side view to the mirror, Celestia's jaw dropped at the sight of her torso. Her stomach, once relegated to a sparse rail connecting shoulder and hindquarters, now hung downwards in a smooth, well-coated white roll of pure, jiggling fat. The convex shape that had previously accentuated the girth of her butt now constituted a striking belly that almost reached the knees of her hindlegs. Celestia awkwardly trotted in place with her hindlegs, noting how each stride would push up against her new belly, causing its soft flabbiness to bend in on itself before oozing back out. Each touch to its form could be felt throughout. Because the new package was so new and still somewhat restrained in its excess, it looked as if a marble being carried between Celestia's four legs. With this new feature, the mare could be called classifiably chubby. Along with the puffy cheeks and thicker neck, the added fat along Celestia's torso gave her a well-fed, well-proportioned aesthetic that, even now, did nothing but compliment Celestia's most prominent feature: her ass.

Celestia had always admired the thickness of this asset, how it drew stares both envious and lustful. But the package being gifted to her on this morning was a sight to behold. Every step Celestia took to bring her tush into the full view of the mirror made its mass ripple and shift. Even with the added thickness of her torso, each globe extended out, exceeding the width of either her flanks or shoulders, forming a pear-shape that actually began to obstruct Celestia's view to the mirror. Even after bending down on her forelegs and raising her behind to the heavens, the two ass cheeks still billowed outward, ensconcing her marehood in their perfectly-proportioned, well-shaped majesty. Standing back up straight, Celestia noted how the bottom of her behind had also swollen, meeting the top of her knees with a thicker pair of thighs that, when cupped by her magic, could also be squeezed and jiggled. The gap between her two hindlegs seemingly narrowed, but perhaps this was aided by the sight of her stomach flub arching down between them. With an eager shake of her hindquarters, she could see how the engorged sun marks on her sides shifted and swayed.

With the inspection complete, Celestia began to run her magic and her hooves along every inch of her smooth fur coat. Her face and neck could be pinched, exposing supple bends of flab that, she knew, would only thicken. Her stomach, flanks, and back could be wrapped around in a single magical embrace. A little squeeze revealed how her entire torso was now coated in a creamy goodness that oozed outward like frosting on a tall stack of pancakes. Here, too, Celestia could pinch and rub, cupping the flab at every angle, finding new, unexplored areas where her body had grown. The base of her back had taken the brunt of this attack, creating scoopable helpings of chub just above where her butt began to blossom. Finally, Celestia squeezed, poked, jiggled, tugged, and nipped at her fat ass. She grasped the entirety of each cheek in her magic and began a slow, deliberate counter-rotation for each mound, marveling at how the gap between them widened and closed, the flesh of each globe touching one another along their edges, the flab shared between them compressed against each other, and layer of blubber within was pushed and pulled. As she did, Celestia kept pausing to squeeze her ass and relish in the thought of it once being small, and it now being bigger.

The snaking tendrils of Celestia's magic gradually spread over her entire body, playing with every fold, every bloated bit of excess flab. The self-inspection became ever-more sensual, slowing and intensifying her movements. Reaching into a nearby drawer, Celestia found a new toy for her play, filling her marehood until she let out the smallest, high-pitched yelp. Her brow became slick with a cold sweat and her chubby cheeks became hot. Every bit of added fat was alit with a tizzy of sexual energy. It was then that Celestia began to speak to herself.

"How dare you, Princess!"
She slapped her thick, jiggling behind, letting out a moan of pure ecstasy.
"You've cheated on your diet again! Look at all this chub."
She squeezed her new, flabby belly until it hurt.
"How big does your ass have to get before you give up the sweets?"
She quickened the motion of the toy inside her. Her ass shook as she mirrored the movements of her unseen suitor, jamming his cock deeper into her thickened form.
"As...big as...the...suuuuuuuun!"

Celestia replied to her own imagined submission and climaxed in the best orgasm she had ever experienced. She collapsed on the floor in front of the mirror and writhed in pleasure for over a minute. She felt how the cool, flat marble pushed up against her belly, causing its sides to widen even further. She felt the sweat between her chin and neck, and even here a small roll of fat developed. With her legs spread out behind her, Celestia's bountiful rear angled upward, its mass collapsing upon itself, and her waving tail craned upward, still instinctually receiving the imagined girth.

After what seemed like mere moments to the fair Princess, she finally went limp, exhausted and sweating, and drifted off into the first nap she had in over a millennium. She slid the toy out and levitated a pillow from her bed to the floor. After this, she thought, I should have some dinner.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Renamon 6 years
Adrielle 6 years
Fantastic. Ready to cringe? This story is...Heh...Magically delicious. Okay, I'm sorry XD But it is truly one of the best tales on this site. Continue!
Theswordsman 6 years
Love the story so far wonder how the sister is going to react.
Renamon 6 years
Cheval 6 years
Thanks for the comments Akwolfgrl13.

It's cool finally contributing something to this website.
Akwolfgrl13 6 years
Very nice
Cheval 6 years
Just wondering: if you add new chapters to a story, does it still get buried in the "latest" tab?

Can't decide if I want to "create" a new story for each chapter or stick to this format.
Akwolfgrl13 6 years
Oh celstia lol. Will luna end up joining in cant wait for more
Cheval 6 years
My sincerest apologies if the subject matter invokes certain...reservations. I am new to this site but I have thoroughly enjoyed it thus far.

I am trying to keep the narrative fairly concise so the story can be readable without having seen the TV show.