
chapter 3

"Here's the masks. We will go dressed in all black, so Regina will never see our faces. Not that she will ever be escaping. Ooh, there's some rope we can buy over there," Hannah told Chelsea at the store about what to buy for the kidnapping. "We have to make sure she can't ever escape."

"She's a bitch that deserves to suffer, but how do we make her suffer once we have her captive?" Chelsea questioned.

Eyeing the next aisle in the store, which was full of food, Hannah said, "How about we ruin her perfect body?"

******************************* ****

"Just two more bench press reps, Robert. You have to keep working out to maintain your body," declared Josh, Robert's friend at the gym who frequently spots him, and vice versa.

"You're right. Of course I should do more. In fact, I'll do three more reps, because of this break I am taking speaking to you.

"I like the way you think, Robert."

As Robert lifted the bar for his first of three final reps, Josh said, "So what have you been doing recently?"

"Nothing much," Robert replied, finishing his first rep. "I got a boyfriend now."

Stewing with hatred, Josh said, "Oh," walking away.

"Help!" Robert screamed, but no one was in the gym. Trapped under a 380 pound bench press bar, Josh had abandoned him. "Fuck you Josh!"

******************************* ****

"Hey Chloe," John greeted his sister, Chloe, who was a junior in high school. "How do I get my new boyfriend to stop going to the gym, and spend more time with me?"

"Well, you have to make him have a negative experience there. So bad that he never wants to go back. Then, show him how not exercising works just as well."

"Thanks Chloe, you're the best."

John received a call on his cell phone as he was about to leave Chloe alone. It was from Robert, but he couldn't hear any noise besides crackling noises. Then, he got a text from Robert saying, "Help! Gym!" John knew Robert was in trouble. Before he left, Chloe said, "Maybe this is his bad experience."

************************* **********

"That's Regina, all right," Hannah said. "I hate that *** with all my heart."

"She is going into the mall now, Chelsea said. "There's only one entrance, we'll catch her when she comes out."

"I have Ruth inside, waiting until she sees Regina leaving. She will be at the exit, and will text us when she sees Regina exiting the building," Hannah told Chelsea. "We must be ready. We have the truck to put her in once we sedate her with the drugs we bought. We'll tie her ass down, so even if she wakes she won't escape."
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Fatty250 6 years
Let me know if you like it so far, and suggest some ideas if you have any about what should happen next!
Fatty250 6 years
More chapters are coming soon! Until then, you'll just have to ponder what happens to Regina and Robert because of Chelsea's revenge!