
chapter 4

John arrives at the gym to find Robert trapped under a barbell, screaming in pain.

"It hurts, John! Get it off me NOW!"

"All right Robert," John replied. "I want you to get out of there as fast as possible when I lift this up."

The barbell didn't budge.

"This fucking bar is too fucking heavy for me. And no one else is even here. All the employees are on break. This fucking situation sucks."

"Maybe try lifting together?" Questioned Robert hopefully. "It could work."

They strained for twenty minutes to lift it up but finally Robert was able to crawl out from under the barbell.

"Say, Robert, how did you get trapped under there in the first place?"

"My friend who is no longer my friend, Josh, was spotting me. He fucking walked away when I said I had a boyfriend."

"Maybe you shouldn't come back here."

"You know what, John? I think you're right."

"I know I am."

********************************* **

Regina walked quickly to her car in the parking lot. She was jumped upon by two masked figures.

"Oh man, I can't wait to torture her," said one.

Regina's mouth was gagged and duct taped shut. Her hands were tied with rope behind her back. She was given an intravenous drug, which made her fall asleep.

"Good night piggy," one of her captors said before she fell into a drugged sleep.

***********************************< br>
"We actually got her," exclaimed Chelsea, once she and Hannah had brought Regina inside her house. A windowless room in the basement had been prepared for Regina to stay in forever. It had been soundproofed and the walls were made of solid steel. The door was steel, too. "No way she is escaping now."

"Help me tie her to the chair," Hannah ordered. The chair where Regina would be sitting forever was attached to the floor and wall. It had metal straps to hold her in place until she died. At least, that was the plan. "She can't be awake while we are doing this, and she might wake up soon."

******************************* ****

Robert had agreed to stop going to the gym. Although he still had no intentions of ever becoming anything close to chubby, he fell into the trap of becoming average. Well, he hadn't become average yet. But he would soon enough.

"My chest, where the barbell was, is still pained, John," Robert said, as John drove him home.

"I would expect it to. But you don't appear to have any broken bones, at least."

"That is true, but I am going to kill Josh when I see him at school. That bitch deserves to die."

They arrived at Robert's house, and John dropped him off. Robert, eyeing his physique in the mirror, could not detect any changes yet. But that would change soon enough.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Fatty250 6 years
Let me know if you like it so far, and suggest some ideas if you have any about what should happen next!
Fatty250 6 years
More chapters are coming soon! Until then, you'll just have to ponder what happens to Regina and Robert because of Chelsea's revenge!