
chapter 5

I had just woken up from my drugged sleep. "Where am I?" I thought. I was trapped in a gray, windowless room, and strapped to a chair. "How could this happen to a popular person like me?" Scared, I began to sob. Who would rescue me now?


"She is actually here!" Exclaimed Hannah, "locked up in the basement finally!"

"Yes," Chelsea said, "But how do we get Robert to fall for me now. We have Regina, so what?"

"Obviously we send Robert a message saying, 'If you ever want to see your precious Regina again, meet us at some location that we predetermine,' which is when we drug him and bring him back here, just like we did to Regina!"

"Of course, that makes so much sense! Obviously the message will be anonymous and not written in our handwriting," declared Chelsea. "What can go wrong?"

****************************** *****

Robert certainly had not gained any weight yet, or so he believed. He hadn't actually weighed himself since he stopped going to the gym, since it had only been earlier that day. But last he checked, he had been a fit 140 pounds, which was good for age 17.

"I am never going back to a gym again, after that experience, John," Robert said as he talked to John on the phone. "I'll die if I go back."

"I agree with you. Besides, I can spend more time with you this way."

"Yeah, I could definitely use some time to do stuff for me, besides working out, and also to see you."

"Aww, man, I gotta go. See you later, Chloe wants help with something."

************************** *********

I have sat here for what has felt like hours alone, in the dark. My phone is gone, and no one is here. Then, I hear the door creak open.

"Here is our pig," one of my captors says.

"We're going to make her so fat," the other says.

Then a third walks in, who I have not seen before. It appears to be a he, and, from the sound of his voice, I am right.

"What do you want me to do, again?" He says.

"Just make sure she doesn't attack us or anything while we do this," one of the others says.

I couldn't move if I wanted to, which I do, because I am strapped in so tight. Then, I feel my shirt being ripped off of me. My pants, too. My shoes and socks are next, and they leave my bra and underwear. But who knows how long it will be until they are gone, too?


"She is so.... naked," Chelsea says. The male in the room is watching, waiting to pounce if Regina gets disruptive. "Her clothes are all over the floor, and all that is left are her bra and underwear."

Hannah promptly throws all of her clothing in a bag, which will be burnt. "Not like she needs it, anyways. Now, grab the food."

Regina was fed by the male in the room. First, was a dozen doughnuts. Her pitiful stomach had to stop at six, but it would grow over time. The creamy delicacies were piled into her mouth one by one.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Fatty250 6 years
Let me know if you like it so far, and suggest some ideas if you have any about what should happen next!
Fatty250 6 years
More chapters are coming soon! Until then, you'll just have to ponder what happens to Regina and Robert because of Chelsea's revenge!