
chapter 6

"We have your precious Regina, Robert. If you ever want to see her again, meet us at McDonald's Thursday, at 8:00 P.M." The message Robert found in his locker told him, in a menacing tone.

"Why do I care about Regina, exactly?" He thought. This mysterious note assumed that he did care about her. "Well," he thought, "Sorry, Regina. I'm not rescuing you."
************************************ *****************

Mrs. Gillian, a social studies teacher at Westville High, had noticed a student missing from her classes. She was a very old teacher, with glasses, wrinkly skin, and gray hair.

"Hello, this is Mrs. Gillian." She called the school's front office. "One of my students, who is always here, is not here."

"Okay," Mr. Zalton, the secretary, replied. "Who is it?"


" Oh.... She is missing."

**************************** *************************

I have been placed here for who knows how long, and am getting a little hungry. I have been trapped in this chair. I was such a pig and ate half of a dozen doughnuts, yet I am somehow not full now.

Unknown to Regina, Chelsea and Hannah have packed her food full of drugs. There are many drugs in her food; drugs to make her not want to leave and drugs to make her hungry.

The door opens.

"Here you go, pig," one of my captors says to me. She is the only one here at the present moment. She hands me a dozen doughnuts. I know I am expected to eat them, and the drugs have made me forget about my body.

Selfishly, I start eating the doughnuts.

**************************** *************************

"She ate all twelve, already?" Hannah asks Chelsea. "I thought she would only be able to eat eight or nine, maybe."

"She is a good pig, she eats everything we give her."

"Well, I am very pleased, maybe if she continues like this she can have a reward."

"Yes," Chelsea says' "On a different note, I can't wait for Robert to come here, too."

"I know, there's no way he will decline our offer when Regina, his love, is at stake."

"We still have to wait three days for him, but I am so excited. I want to make him our pig, too. Then, we can force him to have sex with us."

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Fatty250 6 years
Let me know if you like it so far, and suggest some ideas if you have any about what should happen next!
Fatty250 6 years
More chapters are coming soon! Until then, you'll just have to ponder what happens to Regina and Robert because of Chelsea's revenge!