Sweet sarah

chapter 25

“Oh… god… that's so… hot!” Sarah said between breaths, loving the achievement she had reached “Now Feed me!” She demanded as she tried to turn and waddle off the scale, needing to lean on Jake as she almost lost her balance.
“Yes Ma’am!” Jake replied, mocking Sarah’s commanding tone, knowing that she was simply desperate to sit again and have food stuffed down her throat.
Jake fed Sarah as the couple chatted, suddenly Jake’s tone took a more serious turn.
“So, sweetie I think it's time we talk about a few things…” Jake said as he unwrapped one of the dozens of burgers that were found in the bags.
“Okay…” Sarah replied before taking a bite of the burger.
“It's nothing bad, I just want to plan some stuff for the future… as we both know, you aren’t going to be getting any smaller any time soon…” Jake smiled as he rubbed Sarah’s swelling tummy. “So I think it's time for us to officially move in together!” Jake said finally.
“Ohf jakie! Off courfse!” Sarah responded excitedly with a mouth full of food before swallowing. “I didn’t wanna ask, I assumed... you enjoyed having your place when you needed a break, but yes! I need you here with me Jakie!”
“Awesome, and that brings me to my next question… You said here with you, but I think it’d be better… if we got a new place.” Jake responded slowly as he watched Sarah taking a huge bite from the burger he was holding to her lips.
“Oh that’d be great! Our own apartment!” Sarah replied excitedly after finishing the bite.
“Well, not an apartment… I’ve been talking to a realtor and I think I can swing us a pretty nice house!” Jake said, revealing the homework he’d done. “We need somewhere a little more permanent and a little more private for you!” Jake referenced Sarah’s unavoidable fat filled fate.
“Oh wow! Our own house!!!” Sarah responded, her excitement building as she ate faster.
“Yea it’d be great!”
“Jake, don’t think you’re on your own, I told you, my parents have money and they gave me a big sum of cash when they cut me off!” Sarah said, wanting Jake to know they’d be in it together.
“Oh yea, I forgot about that… how much do you have?” Jake replied curious to their financial status.
“Well… my dad actually texted me a couple weeks ago, I didn’t want to mention it because you seemed busy with work… I had close to $250,000 but, he texted me this.” Sarah said as she handed Luke her phone with the text on the screen, leaving a bit of grease behind from her messy hands.

“$250,000?! Jesus, Sarah when you said they gave you some cash, I thought you were talking about maybe 20 or 30 thousand, not $250,000!” Jake said in disbelief as began reading the message on the screen.
“Hey honey, I hope you’re doing good! Don’t tell your mom we talked, I just wanted to let you know I love you! P.s. I noticed your account was getting a little low, so I put enough in there to last you a few more years!” Sarah had laughed at the message when she saw it, she knew her dad had a soft spot for her, after all, he had insisted on the original deposit, despite her mother’s protests.
“Getting low?!” Jake scoffed at the words as he read them, in light of what Sarah had revealed about what she had left. “Wait, so how much did he give you?” Jake asked finally.
“Uhmm…. $500,000” Sarah said quietly, a little ashamed by her family’s wealth, and how much Jake had bought for her in the months they’d been dating.
“Holy shit Sarah, together we have just over a million dollars!” Jake replied, adding his savings together with her $750,000. “We’re calling the realtor tomorrow and telling him we are in the market for a mansion!” Jake joked, excited at the prospect of being able to buy Sarah a nice home to grow fat in.
“Hehehe! I’m so excited!” Sarah replied giddily, pleased that Jake’s shock had subsided, it made her uncomfortable that she had such wealthy parents who could just drop a half million in her bank account on her dad’s whim, but she was grateful for the windfall.
“Me too!” Jake said as he practically jumped on top of Sarah, passionately kissing her messy lips as he touched her body.
The next day Jake and Sarah arranged to meet with the realtor to see a few houses that met their specs.
“Hehehe look at this list!” Sarah said as they drove to the meeting, looking over the list of required features and deal breakers they had sent to the realtor. “Number 1: No stairs!” Sarah read aloud and giggled. “Number 2: Extra wide hallways” Sarah continued giggling “That one’s important!” she added between giggles, remembering how close she was getting to being too fat for her apartment’s narrow hallway. She continued reading “Number 3: Oversized bathtub, that one is important, unless you want a literal piggy on your hands!” Sarah added to her reading, to make sure Jake knew just how important it was. “Number 4: Deluxe kitchen, oh yea, if that's not included, we’re for sure remodelling!” Sarah said like the spoiled princess she was.
“Haha, dont worry honey, we’ll find your paradise!” Jake responded as they reached their destination.
“Hey man! How’s it going, long time no see!” Jake said excitedly as he jumped out of his new SUV and hugged the man they were meeting, one of Jake’s old friends from high school.
“Yea man, what’s it been? Like 5 years?” The man responded cheerfully.
“Haha something like that, let me introduce you to my girlfriend!” Jake responded, walking around to Sarah’s door, which she had already opened as she struggled to stand from the modified SUV.
“Hi… I’m… Sarah!” She said huffing as she settled onto her feet. She could see the man’s surprise, apparently Jake hadn’t given him a warning.
“Oh… uh… nice to… to meet you!” The man responded stammering, overwhelmed by the sight of Sarah’s girth. Suddenly the common theme among all of the points on the list they had sent him was apparent: caring for a super obese woman. “I’m Pete! You’ve got a great guy on your arm you know that?” Pete said, not intentionally referencing Jake’s supportive grip on Sarah’s flabby arm.
“Awhhh yea… I know…” Sarah replied slowly, trying to adjust her huge dress as she spoke so that it was covering all of her jiggling flesh.
“Thanks man, now let's get going, I want to see some of the places you mentioned.” Jake said as he began helping Sarah back into the car. He was surprised that she even bothered getting out, he was sure that if she had known how brief the encounter was going to be that she wouldn’t have gone through the trouble, regardless of the social norms of introductions.
“Sounds good, let's get going, just follow me!” Pete responded as he half-jogged toward his sleek black sports car, ready to show the couple some homes.
The first home was out before they even got past the living room-- the entry way had a narrow doorway that opened in to the rest of the house, and Sarah’s hips were dangerously close to touching either side already, let alone in another 50 pounds or so. House after house toppled before Sarah’s enormous girth, the features not intended for a nearly half-ton beauty.
Finally Jake and Sarah were shown their dream home. A massive home all spread out over one sprawling single story, with all of the most vital things in close proximity to each other, the bedroom, the living room, and the kitchen, with tons of spare rooms and space left over in the rest of the house. Sarah spread her arms out as she walked down the halls, she didn’t even come close to reaching, which wasn’t a real gauge because her hips flared out past her wingspan. Jake observed from behind as she jiggled down the hall, her hips having over a foot of clearance on either side… plenty of room to grow.
“Wow hon, look at that!” Jake said as the two rounded the corner into the master bedroom. The bedroom had floor to ceiling windows across the entire wall that was across from the bed. Outside of the windows was a panoramic view of the hillsides the house was nestled in. Green grass and trees stretched on for miles with a river visible in the distance.
“It's beautiful!” Sarah exclaimed as she took in the sight. The home just kept getting better!
“Oh Sarah! Come look at this bath tub!” Jake said excitedly as he had wandered into the bathroom, leaving Sarah in the master bedroom. He heard her heavy footsteps as she waddled in behind him.
“Wow!” Sarah exclaimed from behind Jake as she saw the enormous basin, it was huge! It looked like an oversized outdoor jacuzzi, except it was finished porcelain like a regular bathtub. “A rich disabled... person must… have lived here!” Sarah breathed heavily as she inspected the tub, noticing that it had a door on the side that opened up and then sealed so that she didn’t have to struggle over the side into the tub. It was perfect. “... Or maybe some… rich old fart... like my parents are... gonna be in 10 years!” Sarah continued.
“Hahaha yea, it makes sense with all the modifications, everything was designed to reduce effort in caring for someone!” Jake said, remembering all of the wide hallways, occasional handles, and advantageous floor plan. “Maybe some rich dude had this built for his little feedee a long time ago!” Jake joked after checking to make sure Pete was still out of earshot.
“Hehehe, I doubt it! Otherwise… there’d be space for a second fridge!” Sarah joked, the feature was something she wanted, but they weren’t actually expecting it in any of the kitchens, because seriously, who builds a house with space for two fridges in the kitchen?
“Hahaha, maybe! And don’t worry we’ll get you your second fridge, maybe we’ll even put it next to the bed!” Jake laughed heartily at Sarah’s humor before embracing her in a hug and kiss, overwhelmed by her cuteness.
“Ooooh yay! So, whaddya think, handsome?” Sarah replied, “Is this gonna be my paradise?” Sarah rubbed her expansive belly as she asked, drawing Jake’s attention to the growing mass of fat, as if motivation for him to make the deal.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far