Sweet sarah

chapter 26

“I think so, I think it's a great fit!” Jake replied with a pun.
“Oh yay! … I’m so excited to own our own home!” Sarah replied giddily. “Now, I need to sit, go find Pete!” Sarah said as she backed her wide ass up toward the bed, ready to take the load off her feet.
With that Jake found Pete and told him of their decision, and the trio decided to go out for lunch to celebrate, something Sarah had been suggesting since they had left the first house, even though Jake had been stopping between houses to get Sarah food, the couple always showing up around 10 minutes after Pete, which he didn’t seem to mind too much, it did mean however, that he had to text them the addresses, since they weren’t following him, Sarah’s appetite taking priority over their original plan.
Pete listened as Jake and Sarah decided on a place to celebrate their decision. ‘Jesus, no wonder she’s so fat I don’t think any of the places they just mentioned serves anything under a thousand calories!’ Pete thought to himself, silently amused by his old buddy’s lifestyle, but also slightly taken aback by Sarah’s unashamed gluttony.
“Okay, Chunky Charlies it is!” Sarah said finally, her and Jake having narrowed the list down to the best comfort food restaurant in town, with the biggest portions of course.
At Chunky Charlies Pete watched as Jake and Sarah discussed what she should eat. At first it would seem like they were narrowing options down, compiling a list of entree’s and comparing and contrasting them, however it soon became apparent that they weren’t narrowing anything down, they were simply making a list for Sarah to order. ‘Good god that woman is nuts! She won’t be able to get out of bed if she doesn’t make a quick u turn!’ Pete thought to himself as he watched Sarah quickly opening peanuts and shoving them in her mouth, dropping the shells on the floor as was customary at the restaurant. She seemed so content when she had her mouth bulging with food. He watched as she chewed, her eyes closing as she enjoyed each bite… even of something as simple as salted peanuts. ‘Eh, whatever floats their boat…’ Pete concluded after brushing off his thoughts of Sarah’s gluttony, turning his attention back to the short list of things he was considering, only he would actually narrow it down to just one, as opposed to the greedy pig he was sitting across from.
True to Pete’s guess, Sarah and Jake listed off at least 10 or so entrees that Sarah would be enjoying… a quick calculation in Pete’s head brought their total to at least 200 or so bucks, a truly impressive feat given Chunky Charlie’s notoriously affordable prices, especially considering the sizes of the portions.
Pete finished his meal quickly compared to Sarah’s progress on her feast. About 20 minutes after finishing his food he took his leave, explaining that he had other clients to meet, but promising to keep in touch with the details of the purchase of their new home.
After Pete left the couple was able to celebrate their new home a little bit more intimately, Jake coaxing Sarah on as she ate, occasionally whispering fat-nothings into her ear, offering little fantasy snapshots of her life to come.
“Mmmmhmm… Jakie you’re so good to me!” Sarah said as she cooed, Jake having just pulled away from her ear after one of his devious whispers. “I love being your big fat piggy!” Sarah said softly, making sure that the tables nearby didn’t hear her, a few heads quickly turned anyway, she hadn’t been as quiet as she should have been it seemed. It wasn’t a problem though, it wasn’t like that sentence would have told them anything more about how much she loved being a pig than the smorgasbord of food that was laid out in front of her already did.
“Oh honey, I love that you’re my big fat piggy! And I’m gonna keep making you bigger!” Jake whispered in her ear, bringing a fork of mashed potatoes dripping in gravy to her lips. Sarah smiled around the fork as she accepted the bite of food, submitting to Jake’s intentions of making her bigger with the act of being fed.
“Hehehe pleafe dfo!” Sarah said around the food as she continued smiling. “And your friend Pete seemed nice!” she continued after swallowing the potatoes. “He seemed a little overwhelmed with my order though!” Sarah giggled as she recalled Pete’s expression upon hearing her final order.
“Hahah yea, it's not everyday you have lunch with a 750 pound goddess though!” Jake replied, lovingly pinching the roll closest to him, one of the ones that spilled from her side. It gained a lot of companions when she sat, causing a collection of rolls to line her sides.
“True, he was probably just mirin’!” Sarah joked, giving Jake a little jiggle as she shimmied in her chair.
“Yea, probably!” Jake laughed as he agreed, loving having such a confident fatty at his side.
“So I talked to Jess about us looking at houses last night… I guess things have been moving pretty quick with that guy she’s been seeing, so she’s excited to have the apartment to herself… her own little love nest she said!” Sarah giggled, remembering Jess’s words.
“Oh that's awesome, we have to meet the guy soon!” Jake replied, realizing that they had never been formally introduced.
“Of course… and Jess said that his whole family is fat so he probably shouldn’t have any special issue with all of this…” Sarah said as she jiggled her belly through her flowy muumuu, which was just about all that fit her anymore. Leggings having nearly become a thing of the past as her thighs simply became too fat.
“Ooooh Interesting, what about him is he fat too then?” Jake asked, his interest piqued as to whether Jess had decided to pursue the interest she had taken in Sarah’s expanding form.
“Hehe, I knew you’d ask… she said he’s a big guy, but he’s not fat… so we’ll see what that means!” Sarah replied, turning her attention away from Jess’s beau and toward the food that was getting cold in front of her, something that she just couldn’t stand for, causing her to pick up pace.

Sarah ate for another 30 or so minutes before finishing the feast she had ordered for herself. Jake helped her to her fat feet as she tried her best to allow as much room for her belly as possible.

As they left the restaurant Sarah was visibly aroused. “God Jake, I love being such a piggy in front of people… did you see the way Pete kept staring at me?!” Sarah asked as she bit her lip, feeling her enormous belly as it slapped against her calves with every step she took. “Like I know I joked about him admiring earlier, but he was definitely not doing that… he was staring at me like a disgusting animal… It turned me on.” Jake listened to Sarah’s labored breathing as she tried to normalize her speech despite the hundreds of surplus pounds that were making each step a feat of it's own.

“Yea I got that feeling too, you used to be a little ashamed of your eating in front of others, remember how worried you were about Jess’s date that first weekend together?” Jake loved just how indifferent Sarah had become about others opinions, especially the thought of disgusted stares starting to excite her.

“Hehehe, well… of course… I didn’t want to… scare him off, I wasn’t too… worried about our real estate… agent!” Sarah finished her sentence with a huff, sweat dripping from her face from the short waddle to the car which was parked in the handicapped spots just in front of the doors of Chunky Charlie’s. It was a weird feeling, she wanted to explain herself a bit more, but she simply couldn’t she didn’t have the breathe, her brief sentences would have to suffice.

“Yea, that's true, I guess, I still think you have gotten insanely relaxed about your gluttony… it's super hot!” Jake responded as he reached his hand under the bottom of Sarah’s muumuu and felt the intense jiggling of her enormous hanging belly.

A month or so later and it was moving day! Sarah sat there and watched as the team of movers that Jake hired rushed around her room packing her stuff. She sat there on her bed stuffing her face full of box after box of delicious pastries that Jake brought her. Meanwhile, Jake assisted in packing and moving boxes, occasionally staring at his gluttonous girlfriend as she sat on her bed mindlessly shoveling the pastries in her mouth. She was ready for her palace, her paradise, ready to give in to her gluttony, and they both knew it.

That night Sarah sat in her new oversized tub and thought about how much longer she would possibly still fit in it, another one or two hundred pounds and it would certainly be a tight squeeze.

“Oh my god, I wonder what I’m at now, I don’t think Jake’s weighed me since the night we decided to buy this place.” Sarah stared at the scale on the ground as she spoke, feeling her pussy tingle as she remembered being around 760 pounds when they had last weighed her about a month ago.

“JAKIE!!!!” Sarah yelled, officially ready to get out of the tub, the scale enticing her as it sat silently waiting to reveal the glutton’s weight. “I’m ready to get out!” Sarah continued, impatient that it took Jake anything longer than a split second to be at her side helping her out of the tub. They had both decided that it wouldn’t be a good idea for her to try to get in or out of the tub on her own, despite the easy-entrance door. She was simply too fat and weak to reliably keep her balance on the wet floor, and a fall or slip would be terrible at her size.

“Sorry hon, I was getting dinner ready!” Jake apologized as he came around the corner and was greeted by the magnificent sight of his enormous girlfriend laying helplessly in the tub, waiting for her beau to rescue her.

“No worries! I’m hungry by the way! I hope you made plenty!” Sarah responded quickly, the thought of dinner causing her belly to rumble in response.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far