Sweet sarah

chapter 27

“I think there will be enough hon.” Jake responded as he thought of the mountains of food that were stacked on just about every usable surface in their kitchen and living room, where Sarah would be eating. Jake started helping get Sarah on her feet in the tub, both of them straining as she took advantage of the handles that were installed on the walls.

Sarah breathed heavily as she strained to lift one enormous leg out of the tub, and then the other. The effort causing her to nearly pass out despite the extremely low lip on the door that she stepped out of, the few inches being enough to cause her atrophied muscles to burn and quiver as they fought to hold her upright.

“I… wanna… weigh..” Sarah said simply as she tried to collect her breath, she pointed her fat finger at the scale on the floor to add some explanation to her words.

“Ooooh, my big fat piggy wants to see how big she’s getting, huh?!” Jake asked, obviously aroused by Sarah’s antics. She was fully embracing his teasing, moaning a bit as she heard him call her his piggy.

Jake helped Sarah position herself in front of the scale, and then took a lot of her weight on his shoulder to allow her corresponding foot to lift the inch or so up onto the scale, they repeated the action with the other foot. Sarah stood there trying to balance as her thighs burned at the effort.

“Sarah you did it! You broke 800!” Jake yelled triumphantly. “You’re 803.4 pounds honey!” Jake said as he jiggled her enormous hanging belly, causing her to nearly lose her balance. Jake collected himself, controlling his excitement a bit as he saw Sarah almost fall in response to his aggressive shaking.

“Oh… my god… so… hot… feed me honey!” Sarah said simply as she bit her plump lip and immediately began heading toward the bathroom door, ready to begin gorging on whatever Jake had prepared for her.

Jake mused after her as he stared at her still slightly wet fat sliding past more wet fat as she waddled the few feet down the hallway, grabbing onto the handles as she went. Jake had took the liberty of supplementing the handles that were already seemingly randomly spread out throughout the house, serving the purpose for whatever person they were installed for, however for Sarah, the sparse handles weren’t enough, and Jake knew that, so he had installed handles in every hallway and room, anywhere that Sarah might need a place to grab on for balance, which as Sarah continued stuffing her face and growing her fat body, was becoming more and more frequent.

Sarah plopped her expansive ass down onto their reinforced couch and awaited her feast. Jake worked to get everything ready, he put the finishing touches on dinner and then relayed the massive feast from the kitchen to any available surface in the living room. Sarah immediately grabbed a plate that Jake placed within reach and began shoveling it's contents, a mountain of fresh mac n cheese, into her mouth. Sarah moaned as the cheesy delicious carbs met her tongue, loving the taste of the comfort food as it worked to fill her ravenous belly.

Jake surrounded Sarah with food, handing her plate after plate as she devoured everything he had prepared, the constant stuffing occasionally punctuated by a huge gulp of soda to wash the food down.

“Mmppmmhh I…. mp cant belief… mmph that I’mmm over... eifhgthundfred poufnds!” Sarah mused absentmindedly as she continued chewing on food, not taking a break to clearly utter the words. Despite the muffled sound of the words, Jake was able to discern their meaning, like a parent that learns to decipher the mumbles of a toddler.

“I know, you are getting so fat! I love it!” Jake responded as he jiggled the enormous mass of fat that hung from Sarah’s front, the outermost folds spilling over her legs and racing toward the floor. “But guess what?” Jake whispered seductively in Sarah’s ear, the sound of her scarfing down the comfort calories almost overwhelming his own voice. “You aren’t nearly fat enough… for starters, you can still walk… and that's no good at all… a piggy princess like yourself should never even be able to get stuff for herself. Once that goes, and you are just a helpless fatty in my bed, then the real fun starts….”

“Mmmhmmm….” Sarah moaned in response around the food, increasing her pace as Jake enticed her with the thought of being his immobile pig. “Yessmmm….”

“And when you get too fat to walk, the next goal is too fat to feed yourself.” Jake grabbed the butter saturated biscuit out of Sarah’s hands and fed it to her, stuffing the warm food in her mouth as she looked into his eyes with lust. “At the rate your going, these will be too fat to do anything but lay helplessly at your sides soon enough!” Jake said as he grabbed an enormous, overflowing handful of Sarah’s fat upper arm and jiggled it, watching the pillowly flesh gyrate back and forth in response. “Your hands will just lay at your side, the only thing you’ll be able to do is grope at the growing rolls that are within reach of your helpless hands.”

“OOOHMMM pleafse!” Sarah said just as Jake shoved another buttery biscuit past her lips before she could finish chewing the last.

Sarah let her arms fall to her fat sides, her fat biceps resting atop a huge roll of fat the billowed out from her sides. She laid back and simply opened her mouth, realizing that Jake had every intention of feeding her the rest of her food. She lay there, eyes closed, her hands grabbing whatever roll of fat that was within reach. For the next hour or so Sarah was either chewing or had her mouth open wide waiting for another mouthful of food from her feeder.

‘Oh god, this is amazing! I don’t think I ever want to have to lift a finger again!’ Sarah thought to herself as she chewed on her food and watched Jake grab another forkful of delicious pasta and bring it to her lips. Every time Jake took control like this and stuffed her full of food Sarah fell more and more in love with the idea of being his helpless piggy. The feeling of laying there, doing nothing but eating, able to focus wholly on the delicious taste of the food she was being fed. It was amazing… She could feel the dopamine coursing through her veins as her body ignited with pleasure. The feeling was something purely sexual, and she loved it.
“Mmmhmm… Jakie… don’t mphh sftop!” Sarah moaned aloud as Jake stuffed a biscuit in her mouth, causing her moans and speech to become muffled.

“Don’t worry cutie, I won’t!” Jake responded, and true to his word he stuffed Sarah until she seemed like she was ready to burst, which took almost an entire kitchen full of food before she started to slow down. Finally full and happy Sarah lay there like a naked beached whale, her belly flowing in front of her as she lay back on their couch rubbing as much of it as she could reach while watching TV. While she digested Jake prepared her dessert, which consisted of a box of brownies, a tube of cookie dough, and a cheesecake, he baked the brownies and cookies and watched Sarah as she relaxed on the couch, perfectly content to do nothing but sit around and eat.

Over the next few months Sarah hardly had to lift a finger, even when Jake wasn’t home. True to his word, he had a fridge installed next to their bed, within one fat arm’s reach of Sarah in bed. Jake kept the fridge stocked with all of Sarah’s favorite treats, from soda to pudding to pints of heavy cream, and everything in between. All of the food ready to eat and waiting to be devoured, the items only lasting a day or two before Sarah cleared it out and Jake had to restock it. The freezer was stocked from floor to ceiling with box after box of ice cream and popsicles, which Sarah took full advantage of when she got too hot, her binge morphing into a flurry of cold items that worked to cool her off.

Within another couple months Sarah quickly realized that she was headed for immobility faster than both she and Jake had planned. She felt as her body became heavier, each day it became increasingly difficult to heave herself out of bed on her own, the time it took for her to get out of bed quickly became more of a trouble then standing up was even worth, so she opted out more often than not, anything that wasn’t absolutely an emergency was irrelevant to Sarah.

“Oh god, this is all happening so quickly... “ Sarah said aloud as she struggled to stand. It had been about a week since she had stood on her own, she had managed to time her bathroom breaks so that she could stay in bed all week while Jake was at work, only having to stand with his help as soon as he got home so she could relieve herself. But now, this was an emergency. Sarah was luckily already sitting up, still propped up in the same position Jake had helped her into this morning, so the first step was to shimmy her legs one at a time toward the edge of the bed. She wobbled back and forth as she shifted her weight from one enormous ass cheek to the other, her fat providing a bit of leverage for her nearly useless muscles as she struggled to move her enormous legs. She watched as her enormous thighs jiggled back and forth, the fat so loosely attached to her body due to the sheer volume that she had forced onto her short frame. Finally she got her feet to the edge of her bed, and could feel her bladder about to explode as she desperately tried to quicken her pace.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far