Sweet sarah

chapter 28

She grabbed the handles on the wall next to her bed as she slid her enormous ass from the soft sheets. Her feet made contact with the ground and jarred her bladder causing her to panic as she settled on her fat feet. She quickly tried to catch her breath and went through the enormous effort of lifting one foot just barely off the ground at a time and shuffling her leg forward. She made slow progress as her belly swung back and forth with each waddle. “Ooh… I’ve…. Gotten… soooo fat…..” Sarah said slowly as sweat dripped from her forehead. She remembered her first big date with Jake, and how she had waddled practically nude out to the blanket in the park… She had gotten so fat since then, and she thought she was massive at the time. Back then her belly hung in front of her and reached just past her knees, now it reached well past her knees and was dangerously close to making contact with the tops of her feet, which it in fact did when she lifted her feet just an inch or two to take a step. Her ass was wider than any door frame that wasn’t specifically designed for it, she guessed that if she tried to fit in her shower in her old apartment that her ass cheek would stick out a solid couple feet past the door, not that she would even fit through the door anymore.

Finally Sarah made it to the toilet and dropped her enormous weight down onto the extra wide bariatric toilet they had installed, relief washing over her as she managed to avoid an embarrassing accident that she was far too fat to clean up on her own. Just as Sarah began catching her breath she heard her phone ringing from her bedside table.

“Oh no! That's… gonna have to… go to voicemail!” Sarah said to herself, knowing full well she was far too fat to reach her bed before the phone stopped ringing. After catching her breath, Sarah waddled back to her bed and grabbed her phone as she plopped back onto her pile of pillows. “OOOH…. Yay!... Jessy!” Sarah exclaimed when she saw her old roommate’s name on the missed call notification. She immediately dialed her back, excited to hear from her friend who had seemed too preoccupied with her new boyfriend to keep in touch.

“Hey girl!” Sarah heard almost as soon as she pressed call.

“Hey! Sorry… I was on… the toilet!” Sarah responded between breaths as she tried to recover from the short waddle to her bed.

“No problem! You sound really out of breath, I need to stop by and see you, you are just gaining so fast!” Jess responded with an obvious tone of excited curiosity in her voice. Shortly after Sarah and Jake moved into their house they had met Jess’ new boyfriend, who turned out to weigh a bit over 400 pounds, quite a bit more than the description Jess had given Sarah would have implied. After meeting the new guy Sarah had cornered Jess and grilled her about the budding relationship. As Jess would explain, she had in fact gone on one of the plus sized dating sites Sarah had visited before she met Jake, she went on the site searching for someone she could feed and take care of, her time with Sarah as her roommate had awoken a desire in her to care for an enormously obese glutton. Her new guy Alex was the perfect target, he lived in the same city and was definitely a glutton, Jess had quickly secured a date with him and after an amazing food filled night the two were head over heels for each other, Alex’s body already showing the effects of their budding love, just a few months later.

“Yea… I’m gaining… really fast….” Sarah responded before pausing for a moment. “Come by… bring some… food and we can… see how much I… weigh!” Sarah said excitedly as she managed to finish her sentence.

“Sounds like a plan, see ya in an hour or so!” Jess responded giddily, excited to see her close friend, and to see just how busy Jake had been feeding her. Jess stopped at a couple different fast food places on the way to Jake and Sarah’s, she made sure to load up on plenty of fattening and filling burgers, tacos, burritos, sandwiches, and anything else that looked like it would satisfy the appetite of a talented glutton like Sarah.

Jess reached the house and let herself in with a key Sarah told her about, so that she didn’t have to bother getting out of bed to open the door. Jess loved how frank Sarah had gotten about her laziness since meeting Jake, he had truly managed to pamper away any sense of indepence or will power she may have had.

“Oh my god, look at you, you beautiful piggy!” Jess erupted upon entering the master bedroom, the sight of Sarah completely nude splayed out on the oversized bed, with plenty of snacks within reach was magnificent for Jess, she stood there for a second admiring the enormously obese goddess upon her bed, the sun streaming through her windows and caressing the endless folds of Sarah’s nearly immobile form.

“Oh Jess! I missed you!” Sarah erupted, throwing her gigantic arms into the air toward her closest friend. Jess squealed and jumped into bed with the enormous girl, dropping the bags of food by her side as she was lost in Sarah’s soft embrace, seemingly enveloped by the abundance of soft fat.

“Sarah you look amazing! You must be starving! Let's get some food in you!” Jess said as she brushed aside some of the wrappers that were in the way, obviously just recently emptied of their contents.

Jess grabbed the closest bag of food and began handing the sandwiches to Sarah, watching as Sarah began eating, her eyes closed in ecstasy as she chewed on the warm greasy food. Jess grabbed a cold 2 liter out of the bedside fridge and opened it for Sarah, watching with glee as she guzzled some of the cold beverage. After a couple of minutes Sarah slowed down, her arms working to feed her as they slowly lifted food toward her mouth.

“Getting full already?!” Jess asked shocked, Sarah had barely eaten as much as she would have eaten on any typical night back when they were roommates, and she was already looking like she was ready to give up.

“No Mpmmhppp… I jufst… don’t mmpmh… feed myself…. Mpphmmgp that often…” Sarah responded between chewing and swallowing. “My arms… are tired!” Sarah said simply as she looked to Jess for pity. Jess melted inside, the sight of her best friend desperately looking in to her eyes and telling her that she was too fat to keep feeding herself was enough to send Jess into a feeding frenzy as she erupted with lust at the sight of her helplessly fat friend.

“Oh don’t worry Sarah, I’ll help you out with that!” Jess said sweetly as she grabbed the sandwich from Sarah’s ball of a hand and positioned herself next to her face. Jess fed Sarah bite after bite of the food watching intently as Sarah pushed herself to eat everything Jess brought to her lips.

Jess fed Sarah for almost 2 hours before finally running out of everything she had brought and all of the random snacks Sarah had within reach. Sarah lay there, her naked form exposed to Jess’ sweet touch as she massaged the enormous piggy’s belly. Helping her digest the enormous meal she had shoved past her lips. Jess cooed as she played with Sarah’s soft fat, she imagined her boyfriend’s own form fattening to her friend’s size as she explored the expanse of fat.

“Jake’s gotta give me some pointers, I mean it's not fair how fast you’ve gotten fatter than I ever thought you could!” Jess admitted her own shame in not having a high enough vision as an inexperienced feeder, she was desperate to learn from Jake and help her boyfriend reach seemingly impossible heights of obesity.

“Hehe, well… he’s committed to my... growing body that's... for sure!” Sarah responded happily as she thought about her caring feeder.

“Anyway, let's get you on that scale like you promised!” Jess responded, eager to see how heavy her friend had gotten. What Jess hadn’t anticipated was that she would get a full appreciation for how fat Sarah had gotten long before the obese girl made it to the scale. Jess tried valiantly to help Sarah as she tried to shift her weight toward the edge of the bed.

‘Oh my god… she’s so unbelievably soft!’ Jess thought to herself as she pushed on one of the rolls that hung from Sarah’s left hip, trying to push the girl toward the other side of the bed. Jess watched in awe as her small delicate hands were swallowed by the immense amount of billowing fat attached to Sarah’s hip. Jess occasionally squeezed and jiggled Sarah’s rolls of fat as she half heartedly helped her friend, loving watching the fatty struggle to stand. Eventually Jess helped enough to get Sarah to her feet, Sarah however stood there gasping for breath as her knees trembled. She hadn’t gotten out of bed twice in one day in a while, and the effort left her spent. She stood there grabbing firmly onto the bar in front of her with both of her plump hands.

“Oh god Sarah, are you okay?!” Jess asked, suddenly regretting not helping her friend as much as she possibly could after seeing just how winded she had become at the simple act of standing from her bed.

“*Huff*.....yea… I’m ok…. Just… tired… is all.” Sarah whimpered as she spoke, the full weight of her expanding form became so obvious once she left the comfort of her own bed. Sarah stood there, half bent over as her belly and tits sagged toward the earth. She breathed heavily as sweat dripped from her forehead. Jess bit her lip as she watched her helpless glutton of a friend trying to collect herself.

“Here take a drink of this to cool yourself off!” Jess suggested as she opened another 2 liter of soda from the fridge and reached the cold beverage toward Sarah.

Sarah simply shook her head in response as she tried to explain. “I’m too… heavy… can’t let go… I’ll lose… my balance!” Sarah finally got the sentence out as Jess was floored by her old roommate’s rapid descent toward total helplessness.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far