Sweet sarah

chapter 29

“Here, I’ll hold it then!” Jess responded as she brought the bottle to Sarah’s lips. Sarah kissed the lip of the bottle as Jess tipped it toward her, causing the refreshing soda to wash down her throat. Sarah kept sucking at the sweet liquid as she held onto the stability bar, desperate to feel the entirety of the bottle added to her already emptying stomach. “Good girl!” Jess praised the fat pig as she tossed the empty bottle aside. “Now let's get you on that scale!” Jess grabbed onto Sarah’s enormous left arm, her small hands enveloped by the warm rolls of fat. Jess tried to support Sarah as best as she could as the enormous girl took one labored step after the other toward her bathroom. She had her small, thin arms wrapped gingerly around Sarah’s left bicep as they walked, helping to balance the enormous weight that Sarah was carrying. Jess felt the force of each of Sarah’s steps as the impact sent gyrations up into the soft fat of Sarah’s arm.

Once in the bathroom Jess helped Sarah over to the scale and stood beside it as Sarah stood there breathing heavily and sweating, her enormous chest rising and falling with each breath, causing the gap between her hanging belly and the floor to decrease from about 2 inches to under one whenever she took a breath, the soft fat dangerously close to presenting a new challenge to Sarah’s mobility. Jess stood there for a moment, admiring the enormous form of her old roommate, still blown away that Sarah and Jake had managed to pack on what appeared to be a couple hundred pounds on Sarah’s already outrageously obese body. Now, her friend stood there, in front of an industrial scale, surely on the precipice of what would be total and complete immobility, at least in every meaningful way.

“Jess… this… *huff*... is gonna… be …….. hard... help…” Sarah said in her shortened sentences, her breathiness abbreviating her request for help. What she really wanted to say was ‘Jess, the inch gap between the floor and the surface of the scale is really difficult for me to lift my foot up on, so I’m going to have to lean really heavily on your shoulder, so brace yourself okay?’ but those words would never escape the glutted beauty, at least not unless she was sitting in bed doing absolutely nothing, and even then she likely wouldn’t be able to get the words out without a few unintentionally sharp breaths for air in between. With the breathy plea she managed, Jess was prepared to help, but had no idea just how difficult it had become for Sarah to balance herself and lift her foot, even though the short waddle to the bathroom should have indicated how much help Sarah needed.

Without further warning Sarah placed her soft hand on Jess’ shoulder and heaved her foot, trying to feel her toes graze past the metal of the scale, indicating she had cleared the gap. Meanwhile, Jess almost crumpled under the sudden force that bore down on her shoulder, she couldn't believe the weight Sarah was waddling under, but had a better idea of it’s full force after Sarah placed only a fraction of it on her shoulder. Sarah nearly lost her balance as her friend was no longer there to support her, something that could have ended in disaster. Thankfully Jess recovered just in time, as she caught herself against the wall and attempted to heave Sarah back into a fully upright position. Sarah was able to grab onto the bar in front of her and with extreme effort on both of their parts the disaster was averted. With one foot on the scale, Sarah breathed for a minute as Jess made her way around to her other side running her dainty hands along the expanse of Sarah’s huge rear, this time bracing herself against the wall in anticipation as she got ready for Sarah to use her once again for ‘balance’. With a repeated exertion Sarah settled onto the scale, her mouth hanging open as she gasped for air, her body never truly able to catch up as long as she wasn’t in the comfort of her bed.

Jess placed her face firmly squished against the lowest hanging roll of Sarah’s prominent belly, bringing the display of the scale into view just past the quivering fat. Jess watched as the screen bounded erratically between what looked like 880 and 910 pounds, the display quickly fluctuating between the numbers as Jess’s brow furrowed. When Jess stood back up she saw the reason for the irregularity on the screen, Sarah stood there gasping for breath, her hands gripping the bar in front of her, surely causing the fluctuation Jess had seen.

“How… much…” was all Sarah could muster as sweat fell from her face her belly where it then journeyed past hundreds of pounds of fat before being lost in one of the rolls that were hanging from every inch of her form.

“Honey, you need to try to let go for a second otherwise we won’t get a good reading, and that's no good at all!” Jess said in a tone one might take with a child, Sarah’s vulnerable position causing the motherly side of her feeder instincts to kick in.

Sarah simply winced at the words as she nodded, this little adventure to show off her enormous body to her childhood friend turned first unofficial feeder had turned in to much more than she had bargained for when she was laying in the comfort of her bed with only a moderately stuffed belly. Now, standing here, nearly a half ton of fat hanging from her nearly lost natural form, she regretted wanting to be a showoff. The weight of the food and soda in her stomach only added to the difficulty she was experiencing, the knowledge of which made Jess feel a twinge of guilt for letting her guzzle down the last 2 liter, but it had been so hot holding the bottle and watching the sugary concoction be appreciated by the behemoth her friend had become. It had just been to freaking sexy to resist in the moment. Hindsight is 20/20 they always say, no use in trying to recall the liters of soda that were beginning their journey into Sarah’s bloodstream by now.

Without responding to Jess’ observation, Sarah slowly released the grip her swollen fingers had on the bar in front of her, the last bit of weight she had been displacing onto the bar then being transferred fully onto Sarah’s remaining musculature, the muscle tissue struggling and quivering under it all, sending undulations throughout her expansive body.

Jess again hunched over with ease, her face becoming parallel with Sarah’s navel, or at least the collection of rolls that surrounded it, announcing where it once was, now lost under inches, or probably even a few feet of belly fat. The display now settled gracefully on a number after bouncing up and down a few times… 917 pounds.

Jess’ knees nearly gave out once again, this time without Sarah even touching her. Her jaw dropped nearly to the floor as she felt a sudden overwhelming tingling coming from her panties.
But suddenly the reality of the number on the screen came screaming back to life as Sarah’s fat hand was suddenly resting heavily on Jess’ shoulder, keeping her in her squatting position, presumably nearly a hundred pounds suddenly forcing her toward the ground.

“Need… to…. Sit….” Sarah breathed, her voice quivering as she struggled to form the words, she couldn’t even think to ask for the number until she was sure she wasn’t going to end up pinned to the bathroom floor, possibly on top of her dear friend with no way to get up.

Without even skipping a beat Sarah summoned what little energy she had left as her mind focused on the bariatric toilet she knew was only a few feet behind her. With a slight shift in her weight as she prepared to lift her foot off the scale and back onto the bathroom floor Jess was able to use the moment to get some momentum going in standing back up, Sarah’s hand still firmly forcing her toward the earth. Immediately upon standing Jess wrapped her arm as far around Sarah’s bicep as she could reach, making sure to take as much pressure off of Sarah as possible, while offering balance. The number on the scale had shocked Jess out of her old view of Sarah as somewhat independent. She now saw the girl in front of her for what she truly was, a glutton who had eaten herself so fat she was confined to the space of her bedroom and bathroom, even though she hadn’t actually failed at a trip to the living room to Jess’ knowledge, she was sure there was no way Sarah could make it there and back, not in the same day at least, if she even made it all the way to the couch.

Sarah plopped her wide rear down onto the toilet, her belly sloshing back and forth as her buttcheeks suddenly met the seat, and formed around it, her momentum abruptly stopping. Sarah’s chest heaved as she gasped for breath, her skin shiny with sweat.

“Well, fatty, don't you want to know what it said?!” Jess asked excitedly, still in a stupor of horniness and lust.

Sarah simply glanced at Jess, unable to speak for a moment as she tried to regain her composure, something that wouldn’t happen anytime soon, so instead she simply nodded.

“Sarah you’re a freaking whale!” Jess erupted with excitement as she knelt down in front of her, taking what she could reach of her belly in her arms for emphasis and squishing her face briefly into the soft fat before continuing. “You’re 917 pounds, almost half a ton!”

Sarah thought she misheard as she struggled to grasp what her friend had just said, the last time she had been on the scale she had barely past 800 pounds and that felt like only weeks ago, but surely must have been much longer, a calendar no longer had much meaning to the gluttonous girl, and she certainly didn’t have any reason to keep track of the days as she reveled in her own obesity. ‘He’s gonna do it, he really is…’ Sarah thought to herself as she sat there breathing on the toilet, Jess had immediately been drawn back into Sarah’s fat belly rolls before she could even wait for her reaction.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far