Sweet sarah

chapter 30

‘He’s really going to get me past a half-ton, and soon too fat to even make it to the bathroom’ Sarah bit her lip nervously at the thought, the reality of immobility quickly approaching her like a midnight train with no emergency brake in sight. Sarah sat there collecting herself and thinking as Jess occupied herself with this roll and that stretch mark, exploring the expanse, trying to find just where Sarah had managed to pack nearly 300 pounds of fat in just under a year of dating Jake.

“It’s just so wild to think about, you gained an entire obese girl in the last year!” Jess marveled as Sarah smiled, her chest now somewhat calmed from it's previously violent heaving when Sarah had first sat down. “I mean like you can see it, your belly hangs so close to the floor now, I bet you won’t even hit 1,000 before it is touching the ground while you stand!” Jess continued as Sarah focused on her words, and the feeling of her womanly hands sliding in between, under, around the bountiful rolls of her belly.

“I know… it's so… hot…” Sarah responded finally, her breathiness was now being exacerbated by the horniness that was building inside of her as she felt her friend stroke her soft fat in much the same way her handsome lover regularly does. “Ooooh…. Jessss…. You might…mmhmmmm… have to do… me…. A… huge favor…” Sarah managed to breathe out between stifled moans. She could feel her pussy getting wet underneath the weight of her belly. Almost on queue, Jess had found the end of her belly and slid her arm underneath it up to her elbow and beyond stroking the soft, sheltered fat of Sarah’s thigh as she went.

“Oh yea, what might that be, fatty?” Jess smiled sinisterly as she watched the expression on Sarah’s face become absolutely desperate with lust as her hand came within decent proximity of her fat framed pussy.

“MMMMHMMMMM…. Plllllleeeaaassseeee…” Sarah moaned at her friend, desperate for the relief that she could no longer provide herself.

“Okay, okay, but let's get you back in bed big girl, I think you’ll enjoy yourself a bit more in there.” Jess suggested as she took a final survey of Sarah’s belly with her hands before standing up in front of the goddess of gluttony.

After a long while of heaving, struggling, shuffling, and jiggling Sarah finally collapsed onto the bed, her legs nearly buckling a few times on the way.

Jess stood there for a moment absorbing the scene in front of her. Sarah lay on her back, slightly to one side, her belly spilled in front of her, reaching the corner of the bed and spilling over the side just a little bit, the furthermost roll forming around the edge. The angle at which her belly was laying allowed Jess to see more of her thighs than she had yet been able to, and the sight was amazing. Sarah’s billowing thighs resembled the fluffiest and softest clouds you had ever seen, the blue sheets of her bed adding to the effect. The soft pillows of fat were all piled on top of each other, each one fighting for supremacy as it drew more of the calories Sarah continually packed away toward itself. Jess’ appreciation for Sarah’s struggle increased with each new angle and position she observed her helplessly fat friend in.

“OOOOhhh… Sarah you are so sexy!” Jess exclaimed, climbing on top of the soft fat of Sarah’s left thigh, attempting to find space between them so she could really try and straddle it, to no avail. The fat was packed too tightly together, any negative space that once existed was now filled with impossible amounts of adipose. Unable to straddle one thigh, Jess widened her stance to allow for as much of Sarah’s legs to fit in between, which wasn’t much of them, compared to the amount of fat that squished out around Jess’ knees, the pressure causing Sarah no apparent discomfort, instead a contented smile was plastered on Sarah’s face as she bit her lip and tried to grab as much of her belly rolls as she could reach; small moans escaping her lips as she felt her friend on top of her. With her legs straddling the incredible rolls of Sarah’s thighs, Jess took an armful of one of Sarah’s belly folds, pulling the mass toward herself, feeling as the soft fat enveloped her lap, effectively burying her waist inside of Sarah’s own lap, an incredibly sexy sensation, as well as sight. “MHMMMM….” Jess moaned as she felt the soft fat of Sarah’s thigh rub against her pussy as she began rocking her body back and forth, the motion sending waves rippling across Sarah’s belly and back, providing Jess with extra momentum with each thrust as the weight of Sarah’s belly added to her own effort.
Sarah lay there lost in ecstasy, but becoming increasingly aware of the fading fullness in her belly. She tried to focus on her friend as she played with her body, attempting to block out images of cake, ice cream, chocolate, donuts and any number of other sweet treats that floated around her brain. Sarah moaned as she imagined both Jess and Jake working on her fat body, taking turns feeding her and playing with her endless fat. Sarah desperately grasped at the rolls near where her belly fat and hips met, her fingers clearly seeking to rub her clit as she made sensual circular motions on the rolls she could reach, her pillowy arm combined with her massive midsection combining to deny her access, even with her belly spilling over in the opposite direction.

“Mmhmmm… jessy…. Plllllleaasseee!” Sarah getting extra pouty as her own hand’s inability to pleasure herself only served to send her further into her desperation for release.

“Alright, you little bedbound babe, we don’t want you wasting away though, and I’m sure Jake wouldn’t appreciate all the calorie burning that isn't being replaced right now!” Jess responded, as she continued groping at whatever mass of fat she could reach. “So I’ll be right back!” and without further adieu Jess nimbly dismounted Sarah’s thigh rolls, noticing the definite slick spot where her pussy had lubricated Sarah’s thighs, even through her own panties. Jess bit her lip as she turned around, tearing her eyes from their fixation on Sarah’s fat.

Sarah lay there in ecstasy, albeit tense ecstasy as she felt her body vibrating with anticipation, desperately needing the release of a belly-rippling orgasm. “Mmmhmmm…. Hurry,... jesss!” Sarah called after her friend.

After a few minutes Jess returned with what appeared to Sarah to be their entire pantry’s worth of prepackaged snacks. From hostess pastries to entenmann donuts to scooby doo fruit snacks, and everything in between, Jess had grabbed anything that appeared ready to eat, paying extra mind to Sarah’s sweet tooth as she collected the bounty.

“Alright you fatty, let's get this started, do you think you could feed yourself the first few so I can focus on your beautiful body?” Jess asked, to which Sarah simply moaned and nodded, the rolls around her face enveloping her cheeks a bit as she did.

With that Jess opened a few of the packages, making sure they were within reach of Sarah’s hands, paying mind to her limited range of motion due to the pillows of fat that had been added to her arms over the last few years. Jess slowly began kissing roll after roll on Sarah’s belly as she explored the expanse of fat, her ears perked as the sound of Sarah’s muffled moans could be heard over the sounds of one wrapper after the next being unwrapped. She looked up for a second to see Sarah swallow a twinkie, only to have a package of fruit snacks already opened and tipped into her mouth, the sweet morsels spilling in and combining to form a sweet fruity flavor that Sarah savored.

Jess bit her lip as she felt her hips automatically begin humping her friend’s leg at the gluttonous display. “God, you are really one of a kind!” Jess mused as she returned her attention to Sarah’s impossibly soft belly. “I mean look at these stretch marks!” Jess remarked as she traced the beauty marks that were all in various stages of healing and freshness, declaring the consistent gaining Sarah had achieved. “You can just tell how much you push yourself to the limit every day!” Jess became quiet again as she explored the area where Sarah’s belly button had sunken into the pile of fat. Her fingers probed the space as she reveled in the warm softness, desperate to soak up every second, all the while strengthening her resolve to grow her boyfriend to such heights of hedonism, and possibly beyond.

Finally Jess began working her way under the part of Sarah’s belly that still obscured the uppermost part of her massive thighs. Sensual kisses left little spots of lipstick on Sarah’s tan skin, albeit a few shades lighter than months before due to a complete lack of outdoor excursions. Sarah’s moaning intensified as she desperately tried to continue shoveling snacks in her mouth, her arms growing weak with the effort.

Without much warning Jess found Sarah’s hidden pussy with her nimble fingers. She blindly explored the lubricated rolls of Sarah’s inner thighs and pussy. Her arm disappearing at the elbow into the pliable expanse of fat, the rolls forming around Jess’ arm.

“OOOOHHHH Jesss!” Sarah called out as her pussy finally received the attention it so desperately needed. Her hips attempted to buck, trying in vain to meet the touch of her friend’s hand with more of the sensitive fat that framed her pussy.
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CoffeeMug 1 year
Late to this but would love to see where it goes from here!
Bruinsean 6 years
This is a great story. 23 and as big as she is? That is remarkable and rare.
Pd500 6 years
Can't weight for chapter 19! Love this!
NoviceFA 6 years
By Jake's estimation she is somewhere in the 600 pound range, but not even Sarah knows exactly... they'll find out soon though. smiley
Bruinsean 6 years
How much does she weigh?
Jolene 6 years
Beautiful story~ keep going!!!
Imurfeeder 6 years
Best read so far, please continue to add chapters can't wait to read what happens next
Story Consul... 6 years
wonderful romantic story.
I like the descriptions.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
NoviceFA 6 years
Thank you for all the feedback everyone, I love hearing it! It's great to see that people like my story! smiley
NoviceFA 6 years
Thanks for the heads up. I guess that's the last time i try to publish a chapter from my phone on the go haha. It will be fixed shortly.
Nept13 6 years
Good start, would love to read more.
Bruinsean 6 years
It is a great start. Keep going.
Arctictiger 6 years
This story definitely needs to be continued smiley
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue its good so far