Just swell

chapter 5 --- finally, you had enough

Finally, one day you had enough. We in our driveway after coming home from exercise and the diner, and you were waiting for me, as I fumbled with the seatbelt. I swear, it couldn't reach far enough, or the seat had moved, or I just needed to hold my breath for one tiny moment---"You just can't stop can you?" You reached over a grabbed a handful of the sizeable flab hanging over my waistband. I whimpered instinctually, as you pulled me towards you. You took out a handkerchief, wet it, and started to wipe a thin line of greasy drool from my face. I hadn't noticed. "Listen," you said. "You were barely trying today, you barely managed more than a walk on the treadmill. And your display in the diner today---I have never seen such a gluttonous hog."
"But you said that I could eat whatever I want, that was part of the deal, that it would help me back in shape, you promised," I said.

"Well, you certainly have a shape, but I don't think you'll ever be less than a hog again." I protested again, but "I don't want to waste my time on something you're not really committed to. Prove it to me. Just the basics---run to the street and back and give me ten sit-ups, ten push-ups." I groaned and pulled myself from the car seat. "Quit whining, this would only be the start of any real exercise." I rolled my eyes and started to run through the parking lot. Almost immediately, I could feel the heaviness of my body---"my breath came up short, my heart started to race, my belly bounced with every step. I closed my eyes and just tried to put one foot in front of the other, as fast as I could. I couldn't do it. It was too hard, there was no way I could finish the whole course.

I leaned over panting as my belly folded in on itself---"I could see it falling and rising with each heaving breath I took. "You were right. I---I don't want to go back the gym. Don't make me go back," I whined. You raised your eyebrow. "I knew it, piggy. That place was never meant for you. You just don't fit in there. Or in those ridiculous exercise clothes, either." You snorted with laughter. I hadn't noticed how high my shirt rode up on my belly, exposing a thin strip of skin. "That's OK. I wanted you to give up, you're much happier. There'll always be a place for you here. Come here, piggy." You were sitting on the porch and you motioned me towards you.

You gasped a little as I settled my weight in your lap. Then you gently pushed my head back. Somehow you were now holding a cookie the size of a hubcap, milk chocolate chips glistening and half-melted. My stomach instinctually growled in hunger; I couldn't help it. I blushed and looked away, so you kissed me on the cheek.

Slowly, slowly I turned back to you, opened my mouth, and bit into the offered cookie. I savored the buttery dough, warm and moist, bite after bite until you weren't holding anything. I closed my eyes---you had been watching me intently and now you slapped my protruding belly with your now-empty hand so loudly that the solid thwack reverberated. In that moment, I let out a sigh of satisfaction deep and complete, almost animalistic in its indulgence.
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ObeseQueen 3 years
Incredibly sexy. Can't wait to see more of you!
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Very seductive and satisfying.
Beautybelly 5 years
you should continue the story! is really good!
Lry 5 years
Great chapter
Flavor42000 5 years
Great story. Can't wait for more chapters.
FrecherTyp 5 years
I found the sweet teasing very nice and her attempt fattening him up while he is going for exercises with her and eating afterwards hehe genius smiley
Built4com4t 5 years
Third's a charm
Built4com4t 6 years
Excellent second chapter
FrecherTyp 6 years
Very sweet, very good ....excited to read more ^^smiley