100 days: a madame bigger tale

Chapter 3 - day 1 (cont)

A mechanical scream followed by a whirring hum. It was the blender Madame Bigger was using to make Haley's smoothie.

Haley was taking deep breaths as she looked toward the kitchen. Despite the open apartment, Moira was hidden behind a cabinet as she made the drinks. A large mixing bowl with a floral print around the rim sat in the sink. Haley looked back to the image and realized the penne this hog was stuffing himself with was coming from a large mixing bowl with a floral print.

"Oh fuck," Haley whispered under her breath.

That's when the Madame approached, her hips swaying with every step and every click of her heels, a thin flute of glowing red smoothie in each hand, extending one to Haley. "I hope you like it."

Haley's hand shook as she took the glass with a nervous smile. She waited for the Madame to drink hers first, but it never happened. Madame Bigger raised her glass. "To literature," she said with a grin and Haley stood, raising her glass, using every ounce of her social energy to not be weird. Not now.

Moira watched eagerly, waiting for Haley to give her drink a try. Not seeing any way out of the situation that wouldn't make it completely awkward, Haley sipped the smoothie. It was an immense blast of fresh fruity flavor, yet almost alien to her. If she had to make a comparison, it was as if strawberries and a watermelon impregnated a mango and that mango gave birth to a bunch of grapes.

While words cannot do it justice, Haley knew instantly that it was the most delicious drink she had ever tasted.

"Mmm..." Haley involuntarily let slip. She regained her situational awareness and smiled politely. "That is amazing! What fruit did you say this was?" She knocked back the rest, like a shot of whiskey.

"The name is so hard to pronounce, I've given up on trying. Here, have mine. I'm about to have dinner," Moira said, extending her glass to Haley.

Haley didn't even realize she had swiped it and downed it as she studied the two empty glasses in her hands. "Dinner?" Haley asked, remembering she had skipped lunch. Her stomach remembered too because it growled, frustrated.

The Madame heard the growl and glanced down at Haley's midsection with a grin. She then locked eyes with Haley and leaned forward, plucking the glasses from Haley's fingers. "Where are my manners?" The Madame playfully wondered before insisting: "You should stay for dinner!"

"Oh, I can't," Haley deflected. "Thank you so much, but you-"

"Won't take 'no' for an answer," Moira interrupted. "Please. Follow me." She took Haley's hand and pulled her forward, bringing her towards the kitchen. "It's actually perfect timing that you came when you did."

The Madame placed her hands on Haley's shoulders, applying just enough pressure to incentivize Haley to sit, which she did. The Madame then busied herself with covered plates and silverware.

Haley felt the warm scent of simmering pasta sauce brush against her nose. She closed her eyes and breathed it in. Whatever was for dinner, it was going to be incredible. The savory aroma enveloped her; comforting and alluring.

Moira brought the silverware, wrapped neatly in cloth napkins like an inedible burrito, to the table, setting them in front of a nervous Haley. She then brought over a covered dish, its weight apparent in the way she carried it and the sound it made when she dropped it on the table. The Madame lifted the dome to reveal a vibrant dish of eggplant parmesan, resting on a thick bed of noodles, covered in red sauce and thick, lightly browned cheese.

Haley was still absorbing the meal before her when The Madame brought a large threaded basket, a checkered cloth draped over a large, lumpy heap. The Madame ripped away the cloth to reveal a collection of garlic toast. She plucked off two pieces with tongs and placed them on the edge of Haley's plate.

"Bon appetit!" The Madame sang.

Haley gulped, but then licked her lips. She pinched a corner of the cloth swaddling the silverware and undressed her utensils. As she draped the napkin over her lap, she sized up the task before her. Haley was barely able to keep her hands steady as she took up her knife and fork and punctured the patty, cutting into it with her knife and watching the steam rise from the slice. She brought the bite to her mouth and wrapped her lips around it.

The flavor bathed her tongue in pleasure, and Haley's heart skipped a beat. "This," she began, pausing to chew a few more times, "this is outstanding!"

"I'm so glad you like it!" Moira sang. It's a new recipe I'm toying with; I'd rather not reveal too much but it's good to know that it's appreciated." Her razor sharp smile nearly glinting at Haley.

And the next time Haley blinked, the entire dish had been eaten; the final bite sliding into her stomach. She felt filled, but not satisfied. Yet she wouldn't dare ask for more.

She didn't need to. The Madame slid her plate, loaded with another serving, over to Haley. "Have mine."

The way those two words landed in Haley's ears, it felt more like an order than a suggestion. And with a meek nod, Haley pushed her empty plate aside and pulled in the other, immediately cutting into it, carving off bite-sized chunks, wrapped in noodles, soaked in sauce.

Haley dropped her fork and knife onto the empty plate, sopping up the last of the tomato sauce with the last piece of garlic toast. "Mmm," Haley moaned again, unable to avoid it. Her body fell against the back of her chair, and she panted.

"That was incredible," Haley managed to get out between breaths. She was practically inflated with food. She felt like she was about to float away as much as she felt anchored down.

"You didn't finish the garlic toast!" the Madame observed, dejected. She swiftly rose and grabbed the basket, carrying it to Haley.

Haley's eyebrows leaped and she tried to push herself away from the table, but found her arms too weak to budge anything. Her head wavered and her eyes fought to stay open. "No, I gotta..." Haley slurred. "I gotta go home."

"Oh but my dear," the Madame hummed as she set the basket down and plucked thick piece of garlic toast from the dwindling pile. "You're my guest." She brought the garlic toast to Haley's mouth and as soon as it tickled her lips, she opened her maw and took a large bite. The Madame peeled away the remnants of the toast while Haley lazily chewed, her head becoming heavy and resting against the back of her chair.

"So tired," Haley whispered before drifting off to sleep.

The Madame kissed Haley's forehead and pulled out her cell phone, tapping a few icons until she got someone on the other end. "I got one for The Pin," she said.

"Yes, Madame," the voice replied and disconnected.

Moira slipped her phone back into her back pocket and smiled over Haley's sleeping body. She walked over to the living room and saw Haley's phone still on the couch. She picked it up and slid a device into the USB port. An app appeared and after she swiped some keys, an algorithm ran that unlocked the device.

She swiped through Haley's history, recognizing a trail of stories and images that all led Haley to her current situation: sleeping off an abundant feast at the dinner table, completely at the mercy of The Madame.

Moira grinned inwardly. "Oh sweet Haley. I have such big plans for you."
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Will you ever make another story like this one?
It was absolutely incredible and to this day one of my favorite weight gain stories ever.
Th3f4t5ide 4 years
Thank you so much for the feedback!! Really glad you liked it!
Karenjenk 4 years
i love the line between forced and willingness. wow... beautiful story... not a fan of farting but... the rest realy did it for me
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for the feedback.
RoyalCorpulence 6 years
Fine story. Too much fart play, totally killed any eroticism for me because of it, also just leaving me feeling dirty.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, beatlemasterkingkong!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for reading.
Bruinsean 6 years
Great story. I just did not like the farting.
Hellofang2000 6 years
I adored this tale
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks for reading though!! Really glad you liked it!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Sorry, big easy, but I specifically deal exclusively in lazy fatties. Fit or strong people do absolutely nothing for me. Hahah
Big Easy 6 years
WOW! This story was AMAZING!!!! You were able to combined two of my favorite fetishes (Feederism and farting) into a magnificent tale. Now if you can somehow combine female muscle growth into one of your stories in the future smiley
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thank you, your highness!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for reading.
Tommmy 6 years
That’s good to hear.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, sokotron! And don't worry. I doubt we've seen the last of The Madame.
Sokotron 6 years
Was amazing!! Hope you keep this works of Madame Bigger, the best character !!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you like it. Next up in the pipeline: the Return of The Munchies!
Tommmy 6 years
Wonderful !!
Girlcrisis 6 years
Good to see the Madame again in all of her diabolical glory. I thought we'd seen the last of her adipose based machinations.
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