100 days: a madame bigger tale

Chapter 7 - day 62

The van pulled up to the apartment building and The Madame hopped from the passenger seat and onto the sidewalk. She closed her door and slid open the side rear door to reveal all 503 pounds of Haley resting on the reinforced bench seat.

A small staircase extended from the van's lip, providing Haley support as she heaved her bulk out of the vehicle. The shocks whined and groaned and the chassis shifted with the weight. Haley tumbled forward a little, still holding Moira's hand for support. Eventually, she was able to walk at her own pace, following the swaying hips of Madame Bigger into the lobby.

They boarded an elevator and The Madame hit a button. A young couple tried to hop on but hesitated when they saw the whale of a woman occupying the space of two normal-sized people. The door shut and sealed Haley and The Madame off. Immediately, Haley's ass groaned loudly with a resonating fart. She gasped from the exertion of pushing out the ghost of her most recent binge and leaned her soft butt into the side rail to take some of the weight off her feet. She fanned herself to clear some of the air.

The Madame smiled, admiring her work.

"Where are we going?" Haley asked, her breathing shallow.

"I want you to meet an old friend of mine," was all The Madame would say.

With a ding, the elevator doors opened and The Madame stepped off. She held the door for Haley, standing off to the side to give her room.

Haley waddled off the elevator and it groaned with relief.

The Madame let the door close and led Haley down the hall. "This way."

Haley was a sight to behold. Her thick flab wobbled and swayed with every step. She breathed heavily through her nose, trying to get enough oxygen to sustain her huge body. Her belly bounced as she walked, shaking loose a couple of farts that eased out from her fat ass. The Madame turned and gave devious smirk, impressed with her pet piglet.

They eventually came to an apartment door and The Madame pulled out a set of keys. She slid one into the lock and opened the door, entering the apartment, followed by Haley.

The apartment smelled wonderful, the aroma of something savory sizzling on the stove and permeating the space. There was a woman in the kitchen, diligently cooking up quite a meal. Haley was relieved, as it had been at least an hour since she had eaten and wasn't used to such long stretches of time without food. Moira apparently noticed Haley taking in the scent and looked at her with a hint of sadness.

"Aww, Haley, this isn't for you, Piglet," The Madame explained, feigning regret.

"Who's it for?" Haley asked.

The Madame grinned and walked toward a door that Haley assumed was a bedroom. She turned to Haley and curled her index finger to coax Haley to follow her. Haley took a deep breath and bounded forward. The Madame wrapped her thin fingers around the doorknob and turned it before entering the dark room.

Haley was embraced by a wholly different, yet familiar smell. It was a smell similar to the one she had been surrounding herself with for the past couple of months. It was the smell of gluttony, of gorging. It was the smell of fat and of someone becoming fatter.

A loud, deep, and muffled fart reverberated from somewhere in the room and Haley felt the floor buzz beneath her feet.

The Madame flipped a switch and illuminated the room. Piled upon a huge bed like Haley's back at the mansion was a mountain of human flesh, a thin blanket draped over their monumental midsection. The round calves peeked from beneath a blanket of belly, fat toes wiggling at the end of their fat feet.

"Haley, I'd like you to meet Ryan," The Madame said, extending her arm to present the most awe inspiring fixture in the room.

There was a mechanical hum, and the motorized bariatric bed lifted the upper half of the fattest person Haley had ever seen. Ryan's breasts, shoulders, and fat face rose above his belly like a sunrise. He looked tired, his lazy eyes barely open. There was a soft wheeze before Ryan spoke. "Hi, Haley."

"Hi, Ryan," Haley said, trying not to be astonished. She placed her chubby hands on her own obese belly and subconsciously rubbed the sides of it as she took Ryan in. She had no idea people could get so big. Then she began to wonder if SHE could get that big. "Umm-"

A deep, rumbling fart interrupted her and she again felt the floor tremble beneath her. A warm red of shame spread across Ryan's fat cheeks. "Excuse me," he mumbled sheepishly. "I uh...I can't really huunngh..." he farted again, "hold it in anymore. They kinda just..." another fart, "flow out of me at a constant rate. I've gotten used to it but I know it can put off unsuspecting guests." At some point while he spoke, he confidently eased into his words and took ownership of the potentially awkward situation. Haley even notice him shift slightly, which she took as his attempt at "sitting up," only achieving in setting off a torrent of flesh before leaning back and letting his mass settle. He breathed as though jiggling itself tired him out.

Haley's hands slid down her stomach to tame her womanhood, only succeeding in cupping the underside of her lower belly. She moaned at the realization that she couldn't reach herself before also remembering she was still in the company of others. Haley gathered herself and attempted to look down at her feet shyly, but saw only her boobs and belly, her chins cushioning her lowered head.

"Oh don't mind Haley," The Madame spoke up, breaking the tension. "I mean look at her. Her farts at 500 pounds have been as powerful and plentiful as yours were at 800 pounds," The Madame joked, winking at Haley. "Besides," she continued, walking over to Haley and circling around her, "I think she likes it."

"Really?" Ryan asked, seeming both disgusted and intrigued. Another muffled expulsion of gas emanated beneath him.

Haley breathed deeply through her nose to absorb the very essence of gluttony being produced by Ryan, under the guise of preparing to speak. She turned to The Madame, impatient, but still trying to maintain her polite composure in front of Ryan. "Why did you bring me here?" Haley inquired with a hushed voice, which apparently wasn't hushed enough.

"Isn't it obvious?" Ryan's voice replied, causing both Haley and The Madame to turn towards him on the bed. He hooked his thumbs between the planetary surface of his belly and pushed the thin sheet down, revealing his expansive field of flesh. He rubbed the top of his belly and used his arms to cradle his breasts. "She wants you to see your future."

Haley's heart dropped. Taken by surprise, with her defenses down, she farted loudly, closing her eyes, seemingly amplifying the sound to her. It felt like it was coming out of her for minutes but was probably closer to seven seconds.

Ryan farted again in solidarity, smiling proudly. Haley opened her eyes and farted once more, her smile a bit more bashful.

"It's always lovely to hear the mating call of growing piggies," Madame Bigger said, grinning sharply and locking her fingers in anticipation.


After Haley was again loaded into the back of the van and they were on their way back to the mansion, she didn't even wait to catch her breath before asking The Madame: "You're not really going to make me that fat, are you?"

The Madame turned in the passenger seat while one of the Maids drove in silence. The Madame was wearing her sunglasses but tilted her head down to look at Haley with her naked eyes. "What do you think?" she asked.

"It's just..." Haley began, slowly rubbing the top of her large belly in circles, "...I'm already so big."

The Madame ripped off her sunglasses. "Haley, my name isn't 'Madame Big.'" She slowly replaced her sunglasses and turned to face forward.

Haley farted nervously.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Will you ever make another story like this one?
It was absolutely incredible and to this day one of my favorite weight gain stories ever.
Th3f4t5ide 4 years
Thank you so much for the feedback!! Really glad you liked it!
Karenjenk 4 years
i love the line between forced and willingness. wow... beautiful story... not a fan of farting but... the rest realy did it for me
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for the feedback.
RoyalCorpulence 6 years
Fine story. Too much fart play, totally killed any eroticism for me because of it, also just leaving me feeling dirty.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, beatlemasterkingkong!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for reading.
Bruinsean 6 years
Great story. I just did not like the farting.
Hellofang2000 6 years
I adored this tale
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks for reading though!! Really glad you liked it!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Sorry, big easy, but I specifically deal exclusively in lazy fatties. Fit or strong people do absolutely nothing for me. Hahah
Big Easy 6 years
WOW! This story was AMAZING!!!! You were able to combined two of my favorite fetishes (Feederism and farting) into a magnificent tale. Now if you can somehow combine female muscle growth into one of your stories in the future smiley
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thank you, your highness!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for reading.
Tommmy 6 years
That’s good to hear.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, sokotron! And don't worry. I doubt we've seen the last of The Madame.
Sokotron 6 years
Was amazing!! Hope you keep this works of Madame Bigger, the best character !!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you like it. Next up in the pipeline: the Return of The Munchies!
Tommmy 6 years
Wonderful !!
Girlcrisis 6 years
Good to see the Madame again in all of her diabolical glory. I thought we'd seen the last of her adipose based machinations.
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