100 days: a madame bigger tale

Chapter 9 - day 85 (cont)

Haley hefted her bulk forward, setting her flesh to wobble. She took a moment to settle before shifting her tremendous weight again. Eventually, she was in a better position to stand and held out her arms.

The Madame took Haley's hands and leaned back, putting all of her might into getting Haley vertical.

Haley's bulbous flesh rolled forward, appearing to swell fuller as her body leaned forward to create the momentum she needed to rise. Her feet thudded onto the floor and her mass jiggled before settling.

"Well done, Piggy. Follow me," The Madame ordered and sashayed into the bathroom.

Haley felt her upper thighs nudge her lower belly as she plodded forward, not trying too hard to keep up with The Madame, waddling along at her own pace.

The Madame ducked into the luxurious restroom and Haley sidled in sideways, as she had had to do for the past week or so, naturally performing the motion at this point. Moira opened one of the lower cabinets and pulled out what appeared to be a picnic basket. The Madame whipped away the cloth on top and lifted the lid. She pulled out a little pink plastic curly pig tail.

Haley gulped. Another fart erupted from her massive rear.

"Oh my! Sounds like we need to get this in you quick!" The Madame said with a smile.

"What's that?" Haley asked, again, already knowing the answer, but also hoping it would turn out to be something else.

"Why it's a plug, of course. While the guest is here, it's the only way to ensure you won't embarrass yourself or me," The Madame explained as she approached Haley with the pig tail.

"Bu-but won't they notice a pig tail sticking out of my butt?" Haley asked, her eyes fixated on the plug.

"Oh sweet, oblivious Haley. Even after your enormous breakfast, the difficulty standing, having to enter the bathroom sideways, and producing a seemingly endless flow of gas..." Haley farted again, perfectly timed, "...you still have no idea just how fat you've gotten, do you? Your anus is buried deep within those beanbag cheeks of yours. Ain't no one seeing your little pig tail unless they reach deep, deep inside you."

Haley was beginning to sweat and she honestly wasn't sure if it was the situation or the fact that she had been standing for more than thirty seconds.

The Madame circled Haley like a hungry lioness sizing up a hippo. "Put your hands on the counter," The Madame ordered.

Haley rotated like a planet on its axis and waddled a couple of steps to the sink, her entire body wobbling and swaying with the motion. She put her chubby hands against the counter and leaned on it, hearing the marble creak under her weight, feeling her belly rise gently off her thighs as it hung forward. She looked up and locked gaze with her reflection, instead seeing a behemoth of a woman she didn't quite recognize; the only remnant of her former self being her eyes which were now resting amongst a slightly more padded face. She took up most of the mirror, her round, fat body cresting over the sink like a rising sun, her breasts squished between her pillowy upper arms.

The Madame stalked behind her and looked into Haley's eyes through the mirror as Haley was still taking stock of her new self. "Look how beautiful you've become, Haley," The Madame said, her voice registering above a whisper but striking a very particular chord in Haley's ear. It sent a chill through her that tickled her in a way only food, orgasms, or gas ever could. And if her voice affected her, then The Madame's hand resting on Haley's padded shoulder sent a charged volt of energy through her vast body.

With her other hand, Moira grabbed a chunk of the side of Haley's underbelly and shook it to a steady rhythm. Waves of fat flowed, the jiggling radiating out from The Madame's grasp as she wobbled Haley's stomach. The motion rustled loose some gas that had been building deep within her and it tumbled deeper down before slamming against Haley's rear puckered lips and blowing out into the bathroom.

"That's my girl," The Madame encouraged. "Get it all out."

Haley's face grimaced a little and she forced herself to keep eye contact with the whale in the mirror, to remind herself of what her choices had led to. Her lip twisted into an Elvis snarl and she pushed out another blast of warm air, tickling her cheeks at it passed between them.

She thought back to being merely chubby, sitting on the couch, eating an entire bag of chips before being brought a cake. She nearly left then. She should have left then. But she stayed. So she gained and she grew. She farted again, her ass purring with pleasure.

The Madame blinked rapidly and held her head up, trying not to breathe through her nose. "Let go, Piggy. I mean, just look at you; you obviously excel at 'letting go.'"

Her ass bellowed again and she whimpered from the comfort spreading through her lower half; the venting of intense pressure, brought on by gluttonous deeds.

"Okay, sweetie. She's waiting downstairs, so we need to get this put in," The Madame reminded Haley of the task at hand. She hooked her fingers over the waistband of Haley's sweatpants and pulled them down, watching Haley's fat bloom over the top like rising dough under heat. She descended behind Haley's bulk and Haley felt The Madame's hands spreading her ass cheeks aside like heavy stage curtains and pushing into the deepest part of her, squeezing into her and sealing her up. Her stomach growled, suspicious of the exit being closed off.

Haley could already feel the pressure building.

The Madame pulled Haley's sweats and undies back up over her gigantic rear and reached around to guide the front of her waistband up over the lower hemisphere of her belly. With a pat on Haley's fat ass, The Madame grinned.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Sokotron 6 years
Thanks for this! Madame Bigger is the best. Hope to see the next days very soon!
Shammyboy 6 years
I eagerly await the next 69 days.
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