100 days: a madame bigger tale

Chapter 10 - day 85 (cont)

The door to Haley's bedroom opened slowly and The Madame entered, followed by a similarly modelesque woman with skin the color of maple syrup. Mmm, maple syrup. God, Haley really wanted more waffles. Her stomach groaned and she rubbed it.

"Oh my God, she's beautiful," the gorgeous mystery woman breathed in a British accent.

"Isn't she?" The Madame said, her voice glowing with pride as both women gazed in wonder at Haley's bulbous form on the bed, her body like bubbles on an otherwise calm surface. "Haley, this is my friend Anisha. She's a clothes designer for people of your...magnitude."

Haley felt the pressure still swelling inside her. Her stomach growled again, impatiently wanting to release its gaseous contents. She whimpered a little.

"Hi, Haley," Anisha said, walking forward with her hand extended. Haley took her cool, slender hand and shook it with her warm, fat one. "I was hoping I could get your measurements for a line I'm currently working on."

"Umm, sure," Haley agreed with a kind smile.

The Madame came to her and began the process of getting her to stand. Haley again shifted and shimmied, pausing when necessary to catch her breath, before sliding further till she sat on the edge of the bed. Madame Bigger took her hands and looked her in the eyes. "On 'three.' One. Two. Three!" The Madame leaned back and pulled Haley with her. Haley stood before them both, in all her massively obese glory.

"Umm," Anisha paused, examining Haley. "In order to get the most accurate dress and pant size possible, I'll have to get up to the skin.

"Of course," Madame Bigger obliged and sauntered over to Haley. Without saying a word she grabbed the lower part of Haley's sweatshirt and pulled it up Haley's huge upper body. Haley raised her arms and The Madame peeled it off the rest of the way. Haley's fat seemed even bigger somehow, as if her stretchy clothing was containing some of her true size. The Madame took Haley's waistband and pulled her pants down her belly, hips, thighs and legs. Haley stepped out of the crumpled clothing on the floor, her flesh wobbling from the movement.

"Brilliant," Anisha said smiling, pulling out her thin measuring tape. Haley extended her arms and Anisha measured shoulder to fingertips. Then, she wrapped the tape around Haley's pillowy arms, pinching the tape together and getting another measurement. She continued to stretch the tape across various parts of Haley's bulging, fat form. Then, she started working lower. She measured the side of her thigh down to her feet. And eventually, Anisha worked her way to behind Haley.

Even knowing that the plug was buried deep inside her cheeks, Haley still felt like Anisha could somehow see it sticking out of her. She felt her ass swell with spreading gas, groaning and pushing against the pig tail plug. Haley bit her lower lip and could feel sweat stinging her brow. Her face felt warm and she knew she was gradually turning a shade of red.

Her stomach swelled as well, rumbling and growing ever so slightly, calories from her most recent meal finally being converted into fat, the parts not becoming more Haley were instead inflating her and squirming for a way out.

Anisha pressed the measuring tape against the side of Haley's right ass cheek and ran the tape all the way across, stretching it all the way to the side of her left ass cheek, holding it there so she could read the numbers. She leaned in to examine the tiny digits, Haley's ass mere inches from her face.

The growling gas percolated within Haley and expanded outward. And without warning, the pressure became too much and like a champagne cork, fired the plug out of Haley's ass and directly into Anisha's forehead, propelled by a powerful gale-force wind which washed over Anisha like a warm, invisible wave, knocking her back onto her bony bottom. The pig tail landed on the floor, rolling for a moment before coming to a rest in plain sight, in the middle of everyone.

Haley turned as quickly as her mass allowed her as Anisha attempted to get back to her feet, only to be knocked back again by Haley's swinging belly.

The Madame rushed to Anisha's aid while Haley stood there, helpless and humiliated. She farted again, her body finally able to release the tension it had been gathering. "I'm so sor-" another loud fart interrupted Haley. "I'm s-" another roar of gas. "Anisha, I'm so sorry!" She farted once more, the volume exceeding that of normal speaking voices, forcing everyone in the room to wait out each release before even trying to say anything.

Anisha fanned her nose, a bit disgusted with Haley, but trying to be polite. "It's quite alright, think nothing of it," Anisha said, pulling away from The Madame's support.

"Anisha, please forgive dear Haley. She's just had an enormous breakfast and, well look at her," The Madame said, trying to ease the awkwardness.

"It's - really, it's okay," Anisha said smiling and straightening her skirt. "My clients are all well within Haley's weight class. I'm no stranger to a windy bottom. I should have known to brace myself if I'm going to get that close to a fatty's rear." Anisha winked at Haley, comforted in the fact that she could poke fun after such an incident.

But Haley was still humiliated. And the pig tail was still lying on the floor.

"I have an idea!" The Madame sang. She took Anisha's hand and led her to the crumpled sweats on the floor. They stood in them and The Madame kneeled down, taking the waistband of the sweatpants in her spindly fingers. She stood again, bringing the pants with her, both she and Anisha standing in one pant leg with plenty of room to spare. "All we need to do is get four or five more women in here, and we'll get a general idea of Haley's size."

Both women laughed, looking at Haley. Haley blushed and looked downward. Another tremendous blast exploded from her wide rear, drawn out for many many seconds. Haley smiled inwardly and looked up at the women standing in her humongous pants as they continued to laugh and swat away at the invisible gas cloud engulfing them.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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AceFA 1 year
Will you ever make another story like this one?
It was absolutely incredible and to this day one of my favorite weight gain stories ever.
Th3f4t5ide 4 years
Thank you so much for the feedback!! Really glad you liked it!
Karenjenk 4 years
i love the line between forced and willingness. wow... beautiful story... not a fan of farting but... the rest realy did it for me
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for the feedback.
RoyalCorpulence 6 years
Fine story. Too much fart play, totally killed any eroticism for me because of it, also just leaving me feeling dirty.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, beatlemasterkingkong!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for reading.
Bruinsean 6 years
Great story. I just did not like the farting.
Hellofang2000 6 years
I adored this tale
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks for reading though!! Really glad you liked it!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Sorry, big easy, but I specifically deal exclusively in lazy fatties. Fit or strong people do absolutely nothing for me. Hahah
Big Easy 6 years
WOW! This story was AMAZING!!!! You were able to combined two of my favorite fetishes (Feederism and farting) into a magnificent tale. Now if you can somehow combine female muscle growth into one of your stories in the future smiley
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thank you, your highness!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Cool, thanks for reading.
Tommmy 6 years
That’s good to hear.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, sokotron! And don't worry. I doubt we've seen the last of The Madame.
Sokotron 6 years
Was amazing!! Hope you keep this works of Madame Bigger, the best character !!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks everyone! I'm so glad you like it. Next up in the pipeline: the Return of The Munchies!
Tommmy 6 years
Wonderful !!
Girlcrisis 6 years
Good to see the Madame again in all of her diabolical glory. I thought we'd seen the last of her adipose based machinations.
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