Four dates with fatty

Chapter 8 - dinner date (part 3)

Next morning Charlie was woken by his alarm, and looked over at the naked, dozing Melissa. Her fat breasts and mountainous stomach rose and fell softly with her breathing. She had chocolate and cream smeared over her face and body, and she still lay on the torn remains of her red dress. It occurred to Charlie that she had literally nothing to wear. We can have some fun with this, he thought to himself.

"Morning, piggy," he said and Melissa woke with a jolt, looking around her in surprise and then smiling with satisfaction as she remembered the previous night.

"Mmmm," she murmured, reaching out sleepily to embrace him. "I still feel SO full... you really fed me to bursting point. Rub my tummy..."

"No time for that," Charlie said abruptly, getting up and pulling on some trousers. "I'm late for work, fatty, so you need to leave."

Melissa looked hurt for a second, then seemed to realise that he was playing with her. She looked helplessly down at herself, and at the ripped-open dress. Charlie pretended to notice her predicament for the first time. "Wow," he laughed, "You really did make a mess of yourself, didn't you, fat girl?"

"It was you that made a mess of me! You made me your pig..." she replied reproachfully. "Stuffing me like that, and destroying my dress..."

"I'm not sure your dress could hold that big belly now, even if it was in one piece. Why don't you clean yourself up a bit, piggy, and I'll sort out your clothes."

Melissa jiggled her way into the bathroom and began to wipe the sticky chocolate stains off her rotund body. Meanwhile Charlie finished dressing himself, then found the complimentary hotel sewing kit and extracted the five safety pins it provided. As Melissa towelled herself off and came back into the room, he said, "OK, we're going to have to make do with what we've got. Lie down on the dress again, big girl. That's it - now hold that there." He gave her one torn edge of the dress where he had ripped it along the seam, and stretched the garment over her body to meet it. It was an effort to bring the two edges of the fabric together, even when she sucked in her stomach. Charlie put his hand on her plump paunch to push it in further, and managed to push one of the safety pins through both sides of the material then fasten it. They repeated the process with the remaining pins, and then Melissa carefully stood up and looked at herself in the mirror.

"It doesn't look like it will hold..." she said doubtfully, and she was right. The dress gaped open above and below each safety-pin, showing expanses of pale flesh. Her breasts looked set to burst out, and her stomach and hips were stretching the material perilously tight.

"Well then, you'd better hurry, hadn't you fatty," replied Charlie, unable to hold back a smirk. "I'm not going to lie, it's going to be very obvious to everyone that you're doing a walk of shame. Ruined dress, smeared make-up, messed-up hair... you look like an easy fat chick who's had one hell of a night. Obviously you're going to get a few looks and comments and laughs on the way home - but, you know, that's exactly what a shameless fat slut like you deserves. And in fact, when people see a girl your size who's actually managed to get lucky - well, they'll probably just feel happy for you!"

Melissa soaked up his degrading words, eyes downcast. "I can't walk all the way, and I haven't got any money - you told me to bring nothing but my appetite last night!"

"Here's five pounds - enough for public transport, but not enough for a taxi! We wouldn't want you hiding your chunky self away in a cab, would we? That would deprive the public of quite a spectacle!"

He took his key-card from the slot by the door. "Follow me down in a couple of minutes, you porky slut - I want to make sure I've got a good spot to watch this."

Charlie sat himself down in the hotel lobby and waited a few moments, then the lift pinged and out stepped the dishevelled, ridiculously-clothed, grossly overweight girl. She peeked out of the lift and looked left and right; then, seeing that the lobby was busy, stepped out with trepidation. The large space was full of business people waiting for taxis or checking out, and Melissa immediately began to draw glances and then stares as she teetered out of the lift in her high heels, the ruined dress just barely containing the curves and rolls of her bulging body. There was a wolf-whistle from somewhere, and a group of suited men by the hotel desk laughed.

Charlie studied Melissa closely as she jiggled towards him, with only the five flimsy safety-pins saving her from nakedness. Her pendulous stomach was in danger of bursting out with every step. Her eyes were now focused on the floor in front of her feet, her head ducked a little as if that would somehow deflect the mass attention that was being drawn to her indignity. By this time every single person in the hotel lobby was staring at the mortified fat girl - wondering whether she could really have gorged herself until she burst out of her wrecked dress; speculating whether it had happened before or after she was brought to the hotel to be used as someone's plump plaything for the night, only to be discarded in the morning - they were drinking in her shame. The look on her face was one of genuine humiliation. But it's only the two of us, thought Charlie to himself, who know the effect which that humiliation is having on her. That fatty must be so wet right now.

Just as she was nearing the door the topmost safety pin pinged open, and she hastily grabbed at the flap of red fabric to stop her whole breast from spilling out. As she struggled to stuff her overflowing flesh back inside the dress she passed Charlie, and she caught his eye for a split second. His suspicions were confirmed - through her shame-faced expression, he could see that familiar blazing lust in her gaze. Then Melissa wobbled her way out of the door and down the street, to the sound of cat-calls and honking car horns.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Stor738 7 months
Please continue!!!
Stor738 7 months
Potbellypimp 5 years
Fourth date finally uploaded... hope you all enjoy!
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue