Fattening food

Chapter 4

She wrapped her legs about his waist pulling him up against the counter but he surprised her by opening a drawer and pulling out a ball of heavy cooking twine.

“Want to try something a little kinky sweetie?” He purred seductively.

“What do you have in mind lover?” she laughed.

Ignoring her question he deftly tied a loop in the heavy cord and slipped it over one wrist, pulling it tight he took hold of her other hand and firmly bound them together. Before she could resist he had her hands immobilised.

“If we’re playing tie up should I be struggling?” she laughed.

“Struggle if you want sweetie it wont do any good.” he replied sternly.

“Oooh very masterful” she laughed and wriggled artfully as he pushed her firmly down onto the cold countertop and bound her wrists to a ring inset into the surface. He ran his hands down her arms and onto her chest squeezing and kneading every inch of her bountiful frame.

“The marble is freezing baby come warm me up.” she said smiling but he continued to ignore her lifting her leg up and looping another noose of cord around her ankle. Grabbing her other ankle he bound them together and then pulled them straight.

“Okay this is getting boring honey what’s with the silent treatment?” she said her smile faltering, Erik ignored her and looped the cord through another recessed ring and with one swift yank she was stretched uncomfortably along the counter and unable to do more than wriggle.

“Baby your hurting me, come on, this isn’t funny anymore.” she was getting worried now. Erik had the strangest look on his face as if he was somehow detached from what was going on.

“Hush now meat there’s no point making a fuss, we are all alone and there’s not another soul for miles to hear you.” Erik’s voice was preoccupied as he picked up a gleaming knife and ran his finger along the edge testing the blade.

“Erik… Erik your scaring me, this isn’t fun anymore baby please let me go.” she could hear the fear in her voice now but Erik just stared at her with that same odd look on his face.

“Please try not to upset yourself meat, it spoils the flavour. I have enjoyed fattening you up and turning you into the prime stock you are now, lets not end this badly.” He came up to the counter carrying the knife and she tried to lift her head high enough to see what he was doing but he pushed it firmly back down.

"Erik please this really isn’t funny. Let me go right now your scaring me.” her voice shook as she pulled on the cords as hard as she could but they wouldn’t budge. Erik dragged the blade up her body starting at her crotch and working his way up her chest, the heavy point of the knife like a frozen icicle against her skin. He reached her neck and grasped it firmly with one hand while bringing the knife down with the other, she felt the cold metal press into her neck and froze in place too petrified to move.

The ringing of Erik’s mobile broke the silence, he swore under his breath and grabbed it off a nearby counter. He checked who was calling but instead of answering he put it down and laughed ruefully.

“Damn it things just get interesting and some idiot calls, you should have seen your face I didn’t know if you were going to pass out or orgasm on the spot.” In one moment he was his old smiling self again and Tanya gasped in a lungful of air only now realizing she had been holding it in.

“Erik you shit I thought you had gone silence of the lambs on me, now get over here and undo these knots.” He laughed and leaned down to kiss her, despite herself she kissed him back the adrenaline hitting her system like a freight train.

Pulling back he smiled at her lustily but didn’t undo the knots, instead he reached over her head and came back with a shining red apple.

“Do we have to ruin the moment just yet? I know I scared you but I think you enjoyed it too in your own way, how about you play along with me awhile longer.”

“What do you have in mind” she asked wriggling on the cold countertop.

“open wide for me” he said smiling and holding up the apple with an evil gleam in his eye.

“I never knew you were so kinky” she laughed, “maybe next time baby but right now let me go.”

“oh go on sweetie it would mean so much to me.” he said in that longing tone she never could turn down, she opened her mouth to refuse but he pushed the apple up against it.

“please love I promise it wont be for long.” he crooned.

Slowly she opened her mouth a little, love beating the fading fear.

“uh uh wider sweetie, come on as wide as you can.” he laughed.

She opened her mouth as wide as she could rolling her eyes at him to let him know he would pay for this later and he shoved the apple in hard. She gagged momentarily at his surprisingly violence the involuntary motion biting down on the apple and locking it in place firmly.

“There good meat, I hate to hurry things but I needed to take this call without you making a fuss.” she smiled again but the blank look was back, she tried to protest that it wasn’t funny but all she managed was a muffled moan.

Erik picked up his mobile and hit redial, she heard someone pick up and a female voice answer.

“Hey Agatha, sorry I missed your call just missed you.” his voice was friendly again, but he sounded upset.

“no no nothings wrong its just… well Tanya left me.” she wriggled in her bonds and shook her head violently but she couldn’t dislodge the apple enough to make more than a muffled squeak of protest.

“No its okay we parted on good terms but she wont be coming back, truth is she’s been ready for some time but we all have trouble letting go at times don’t we.” Tanya moaned louder and he looked over at her and held his finger to his lips.

“Well I’m busy tonight honey but how about I take you out to dinner tomorrow my treat, you can help cheer me up… yes that sounds great ill see you about eight… okay bye now.” he hung up the phone and looked over at Tanya with those cold uninterested eyes

“Nice girl Agatha, reminds me a lot of you before we started dating.” he picked up the knife and walked back over as Tanya tried desperately to free herself.

“Now now meat, where were we before I was so rudely interrupted….”
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 1 year
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Incubi 13 years
lol I love the comments about people dying or 'explicit' vore... Seriously folks it's your imagination adding in all that stuff not my story, I stopped just at the point of no return if you choose to see death or cannibalism thats your choice but its equally possible he could be teasing still... isnt it?The disclaimer was there for a reason you were warned that the theme was disturbing, if you ended up disturbed you only have yourself to blame so please no more rude PMs just walk on by next time.
Meanestguy 13 years
Well written vore... Truly I was not ready.
Incubi 13 years
Something I wrote a long time ago on request by a friend (I think shes on here somewhere) thought I'd share.