Control & frustration

Chapter 14


I groaned softly. It seemed that almost every meal over the past 3 weeks had ended with me so stuffed I could barely waddle up to bed to lay down. Laura had been a cooking fiend lately, and I was shoveling down the food like it was my job. I would have been a little worried that the tables had been turned, but it seemed that every time I turned around she was busting out of her own clothes as well.

I stifled a belch and grimaced as my overfull stomach complained. It was starting to get a bit ridiculous, I was ballooning out of control. With one week 'til Thanksgiving, I was losing my resolve. Between eating antacids by the fistful and outgrowing a pair of jeans in record time, I knew this had to end soon. Laura had to be at the brink of giving up, she had to be!

I belched again, groaning in discomfort. I rolled my shirt up to my chest, hardly able to believe that this grossly distended abdomen was actually mine. Frankly, and it disgusted me to admit it, I looked pregnant. I had blown up so quickly that my skin seemed to have a faint shine to it, my navel flattening from the internal pressure. Fortunately I didn't have stretch marks, but my skin's elasticity had to be reaching its limit.

It had been a surreal experience, an almost unending haze of libido-fueled gluttony with few moments of lucidity. Not only did all my weight out front resemble a parody of a pregnancy, but my rapid weight gain lent to me the unique experience of understanding what a woman went through over nine months. While I was thankful to be spared such issues as morning sickness and mood swings, I was also aware that I wouldn't be losing this weight through childbirth. No, it was with me until I could pare it off pound by pound.

Was I crazy to put myself through such an ordeal? It was certainly possible. But my intellect had lost the war against my sexual urges, and quite frankly it was a rout. I was careening down into the ravine of gluttony and I was without brakes.

I could only hope that Laura would crash first.


I buttoned up my brand new slacks, enjoying the fact that I didn't even have to suck in. Still, with this afternoon dedicated to the feast of Thanksgiving, I knew that gorging myself was inevitable. My button-down shirt wasn't brand new, and it was noticeably snug. I took a deep breath experimentally, noting how the buttons gaped. But at least they held, that was all I hoped for.

"Dinner's ready!" Laura called.

I sighed and preemptively loosened my belt by a notch. As I walked down the stairs I passed her coming up. It was almost funny how much of a squeeze it was now, between my substantial paunch and her wider form.

"Just gonna get changed," she explained as we passed by each other. "Go ahead and start carving the turkey."

I pulled up short when I entered the kitchen, gaping at the sight before me. She had put all three leaves into our table, but still it was practically overflowing with food. A huge golden-brown turkey sat in the center, surrounded by mashed potatoes, squash, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, fruit salad, two types of stuffing, and crescent rolls.

I went ahead and began to carve the turkey, getting several servings ready before Laura returned. When she did, my eyes almost shot out of my skull.

"Like it?" she asked.

Laura wore the teddy she had purchased for our first anniversary. Of course, this was many pounds ago. I couldn't stop staring at the vision in front of me, every fantasy paled in comparison. Her larger breasts were scarcely contained, the nipples on the verge of peeking out. The bodice had formerly wrapped more than halfway around her torso, tied shut in the back. It now struggled to contain her swollen pot belly, and the ribbon to tie it shut bit deeply into her side rolls. The tiny bottoms were barely visible between the lower swell of her bulging middle and her plump thighs.

My physical response was so sudden and intense that I could feel my slacks constrict.

"Let's eat," I said hoarsely, my heart hammering my chest.

She grinned at me and grabbed a plate. Together we attacked the spread like a pair of starving wolves. I couldn't shovel in the food fast enough to sate the gnawing ache. My plate was filled and emptied more times than I could count, sometimes Laura would even pass me a dish without me asking for it.

My belt was loosened then unbuckled, my pants unbuttoned and unzipped. Still I ate. I hiccuped, belched, groaned, and gasped. But still I ate. I became flushed, groggy, short of breath. Then I ate more. I was bloated, heavy, engorged, and growing fatter by the minute. Still, I found myself reaching for more food.

From time to time I had enough presence of mind to glance over at Laura to see how she was faring. With her cheeks puffed out from constantly stuffing her face, she was the very embodiment of my every wish. I could only see the top of her abdomen, but it did look as if she too was greatly increasing her girth.

I was surprised that my chair was not creaking beneath me. As I mechanically moved the fork from plate to mouth, still eating although I was well past glutted, I realized that this was ridiculous. It was time to give in.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 12 years , updated 54 years
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Aquarius64 5 years
I’ve not had any problems uploading or editing. To edit, go to the chapter you want to change. You are given an option to ‘write’ or something similar and ‘delete’. Unfortunately the tabs are so close together, you need to be very careful. I have accident
FrecherTyp 9 years
this was so great again to read but this one was extremley hot i wished you would have ahd some similar scenes with the guy over his gain and even with her over her gains thehe maybe as kind of competiton between them who is still the fittest of them so here what i mean :
"One on occasion I had convinced Laura to start by putting on one of her exercise outfits and do one of her work-outs. I found it incredibly arousing to watch her jiggle around, her face turning pink as she struggled to get through 10 minutes or so. My favorite part was watching her try to do a sit-up. Her soft belly compressed into three sizable rolls as she strained just to get her shoulder blades a couple inches off the ground before flopping back with a sigh"
TheDemolitio... 12 years
That was an amazing well written story. I liked it very much.
Td0057 12 years
Another fantastic story. You develop the characters so very well, and I imagine that every guy feeder wishes he had Laura for a wife, and the lady FFA's hope for a guy like Alan. Again, great story!
Rawrbaby 12 years
Wonderful Story! I really enjoyed sitting down and reading it for a good hour or so =D entertainment at it's best. You are truly an amazing writer.
Snr6424 12 years
Thanks Batanta, hopefully those are happy echoes. Thank you FoodeeGirl, that's certainly high praise. And Jazzman, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I do have a DA page (and a link to it on Curvage). I've thought about posting them on Dimensions, just haven't gotten around to it yet. Thanks again, everyone. smiley
Jazzman 12 years
Thank you for publishing the whole story at once! It was time well spent reading a masterpiece. It was like reading a piece by the great mutual weight-gain writer from Dimensions-Big Beautiful Dreamer. In fact I think you should post this on Dimensions and on Curvage. You have a gift that should be shared with the two other great factions of the Community. Bravo!@
Batanta 12 years
I loved this story it has echoes of my own experience. Well done