Nancy & ellie - who's the piggy now?

Chapter 29

Six months later, Jeff and Nancy are engaged to be married. Ben and Ellie lucked out and managed to buy the cottage right beside Nancy’s place that conveniently went for sale shortly thereafter.

Nancy and Jeff are happier than ever being rivaled only by the happiness of Ben and Ellie.

Nancy’s appetite is as strong as ever and she has managed to work her way up to 380lbs. At this point she is very rotund and the fat is evenly distributed on her body. The highlight of her body is her belly. Extremely large and it now hangs down to just a few inches above her knees. Nancy still is as pretty as ever with her now permanent rosy cheeks and her very deep dimples that glow when she smiles. Nancy these days despite her weight is much more fit that she used to be. She keeps herself busy around the house by swimming and doing gardening or going out for walks. Usually she wears these large tent dresses as she feels the most comfortable in them. Something that let’s her body flow freely and she can enjoy the sensuality of her body.

Ellie has had the most impressive gain. She is now up to 300 lbs and gaining fast. Ben has lovingly been stuffing her full as he is excited to see her get bigger and bigger. Ellie’s figure has always been having a big belly and a large ass and now when she put the weight back on, her body reverted back to its original form. Ellie however has never been as big as she is now and her fat is starting to get more evenly distributed over her body as she too is starting to develop quite a rotund figure. Ellie’s nature is to gain weight easily and combined with her constant over eating she is packing on the pounds faster than what is usually considered normal, however she is still only a shadow of what Nancy is. Ellie is now fatter than she has ever been and unlike before when she was fat, she loves herself. She knows that she has a man that loves her big and she will never have to deny herself again. Every day brings new joy into her and Ben’s life.

The girls have gotten very close over the past few months. It’s easy to get close and forget about the past when your life is as happy as theirs. They are constantly together, eating, chatting and going for strolls is part of their normal routine especially when the men are out.

The girls in a lovingly way are still a little catty towards each other. Often commenting on how fat the other is getting. Most of the time it is Ellie who would prevail in this manner as she would pat Nancy on the belly or slap her huge bum in a way to show Nancy who the skinnier of the two is. Sometimes when they feel a bit naughty, Ellie takes the liberty to feed Nancy, for old time sake.

Although Ellie has gained a lot of weight on one hand knows deep down that she will never be as big as her piggy, the once hot and skinny friend of hers that used to put her down and she feels a sense of satisfaction by this, but on the other hand to her frustration, she knows that in the eyes of their men, she is still the hottest one!

29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 16 years , updated 7 years
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Mdy73 7 years
Yes! Nice story.
Nok 11 years
Whoever rated this average is ***ed. A++
16 years
really good story but in my opinion it was to short, i mean u just jumped to the end but none the less good job hope to read more from u
Luvemfat 16 years
That's all of it... Feedback is always appreciated smiley
Luvemfat 16 years
Check back for updates soon!

- ssly