Book of ultimate control

chapter 2

"You would, wouldn't you." Came Patricia's reply.
Samatha did her best to ignore her remarks and focused on Joseph. "What are you looking for, any particular works?"
"I was thinking like a dictionary, or translation assistance." Answered Joseph.
"Did you try google." Patricia added with a mocking tone.
Joseph was sweating now, he had such a crush on Samantha, but now Patricia was pushing all of his buttons. His mind tore between thoughts of embarrassment at the hands of Patricia and the idea of running his hands across Samantha's body, kissing her and so much more. He gripped the old book tight and turned to Patricia, "I'd tell you to mind your own business, but I'm sure that's impossible for someone devoid of their own personality that they have to lash out at others to cover their own insecurities!"
As soon as Joseph said those words he panicked. What had he done? He glanced around at the look of shock on the two women's faces, each equally stunned. Slowly the expressions changed. Samantha's face grew into a smile. Her tormentor had just been dealt a serious blow, she now looked a Joseph like he was a hero. Patricia on the other hand dropped her look of shock into one of sadness.
"Yeah well, you... you..." Patricia turned and left without finishing her sentence.
After a moment of silence, Samantha said, "That was amazing, she is so mean."
"It was nothing... really." Joseph said trying to convince himself as much as Samantha.
"So, what do you have there?"
"Oh this, I found it. Or, well, really it found me. It just seemed kind of interesting s I wanted to see what it says."
"Hmm, well the desk here closes in about thirty minutes, but we could rent out one of the study rooms for a bit to check it out. I'm a bit of a Latin buff and could help. That is if you don't mind."
This was it, this was the exact moment that Joseph would ae stumbled at in the past but now, he gripped the book tight and answered confidently, "Sounds good to me, how about I get us something to eat while we work, and then meet you back here in 15 to sign for the room. The McDonalds is right across the quad if you don't mind."
"No, that is fine, that is what I usually get anyways. I will see you back here."
Joseph smiled and turned away. He walked quickly afraid she might call out and tell him never mind. He collected his things and headed across the campus quad to the Food court and cafeteria. Inside there were several options to choose from, Chinese takeout, subs, a coffee shop, and the full-service cafeteria. He got in line at the McDonalds and started to think over what to order. He took the book and held it closely, thinking of what Samantha would like to eat and suddenly it came to him. She likes A Big Mac sandwich with a strawberry shake and large fries. How did he know that? The line was short, and he reached the counter. He told the cahier what he wanted and then had to tell her again as she fumbled over the keys. He began to think to himself, "If it isn't assholes, its morons." He looked her over. She was fat, over 200lbs, no use sugar coating it, although, thinking once more, "I bet she would like it sugar coated. She looks like a slob, the way she is dressed in her uniform, I bet she eats the food here all the time. I bet that's all she eats." He gripped the odd book tighter as he continued to think to himself. "I bet she would just take out one of those prepared patties they keep in the little drawers and put it in her fat mouth right now.
Joseph watched as the cashier, after taking his order, and moving to prepare it, no seemed to pause, open the drawer of prepared burger patties and shove it in her mouth.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Fatchance 2 years
This is terrific! It is not like any other story here! Please continue!
Tommmy 5 years
It WOULD be nice if you continued it. But you seem to have a bad habit of not continuing a story for many months
AndiFive 5 years
please continue soon !!!
AndiFive 5 years
Continuous please, I loved your story.