Book of ultimate control

chapter 6

Joseph and Samantha froze. They had been caught in the act.
"Patricia I can explain," Sam pleaded. "Please just don't tell on us."
"I might have looked this over if I simply found you making out but look at you. You're stripped naked sweating, food smeared on you. You are disgusting and now you are out of here."
Patricia turned to leave.
"No, get back here and close the door."
Joseph stood at the table with his hand on the book. Patricia turned back into the study room and shut the door behind her.
"Good, now apologize. You don't think this is disgusting at all do you?"
"No, I don't." Patricia's reply was dull and monotone. You could tell that while she was complying with what Joseph was saying, she did not want to.
"What is happening?" Sam Asked confused as to the change in Patricia's behavior.
"It's the book, whatever I say, she has to do whether she wants to or not."
"So as long as you touch it, you control her. Wait did you use that on me?"
"Only by accident, you really used it more on me."
Sam's face dropped into a frown. "So that amazing time, you didn't want to do that. I forced you too."
"No, I wanted to. I really did. I've never been forceful like that in my life. You and this book helped me to do that. I think you are amazing, and I enjoyed every second of it. You compelled me t do something I always wanted to, but I never had the courage for."
Sam's frown turned s she got up and walked over to Joseph before embracing him. He grabbed her close and gave her a kiss.
"What about her?" Sam asked.
"Well I could make her forget what she saw, but I have a better idea." Joseph turned back to the window that looked into the food court. He held his hand on the book while he scanned his view across the variety of restaurants. "Well I'd say we have about ten minutes. Until then, you are our slave and will obey everything we say."
"Yes master."
"Strip for us." Sam interjected.
"Yes mistress." Patricia removed her top. She had been wearing a button up blouse that helped her look the part of a professional to anyone that didn't know better. She next removed her bra and undid her belt. She was wearing a pair of form fitting capris pants that showed off her tiny ankles. She stood now in full view of Joseph and Sam, completely naked. Her tan body, toned from years of care, was on full display. Her large breasts and sculpted buttocks would have driven many men mad with lust.
Joseph knew better. He knew who she was on the outside. "Look at you, don't ou hate your body. That is why you are always trying to hide it or change it. From now on you will stop all of that."
"Yes, I hate my body."
"But you love Sam's body, don't you? You are envious of her swollen belly."
"Mistress, you are so beautiful, I wish I could be like you."
"Worship her belly slave, be her to let you kiss it."
Patricia got down on her knees. "Mistress, please I want, no I need to touch you, to kiss your beautiful belly. I want to rub it, I want to run my tongue all over it."
Sam had watched this exchange take place, and she was getting excited. "You may slave." Sam sat back into a chair as Patricia climbed on all fours to her. She reached her belly and looking p began to lick Sam's swollen belly. Sam let out a soft moan at the feel of Patricia's tongue along her taught flesh. Patricia moved to her knees, using her hands to pull Sam's legs wide, moving herself closer into Sam's belly. Sam and Patricia both began to moan.
"Pleasure her."
Patricia lifted Sam's belly up, while Sam leaned back. Patricia took in the full view of Samantha's pussy. It as still wet from the prior session with Joseph. Not to mention there was a fair amount of his semen still inside.
"Clean me bitch." Sam said getting into it. Patricia moved her face close, breathing in the scent of Samantha's crotch. For a moment Patricia pauses before Samantha says, "You know you fucking love it, now pleasure me."
Patricia breathed in heavily through her nose. She paused a moment with a smile on her face at the smell emanating from between Samantha's legs. She moved in close and after several small kisses and small passes with her tongue, she dug in deep. Sam shook for a second at the intense pleasure.
"MMM" Sam looked over at Joseph. He was hard once more, hard as a rock, clearly enjoying what he was seeing. "Come here." Joseph moved closer until Sam grabbed him. She pulled him over by the hip and put his cock in her mouth.
"Ohh shit Sam."
Sam worked his cock around in her mouth, moving it forward and back while she was pleasured in turn. Joseph ran his hand through Sam's hair and pulled it tight helping her to go further along his shaft. He knew she enjoyed it herself as he watched her do the same thing to Patricia.
"Joseph, *** for me."
Joseph pulled back and turned to Patricia. She looked up at him, and then lifted her ass into the air. She clearly was ready for him to enter he as she continued to present herself to him. He stood behind her and gve her ass a hard slap.
"Is that what you want bitch. Is that all you want is for someone to fuck you."
Paticia responded, pulling her face back. "Yess... Master...Fuck my tight pussy."
Joseph grabbed her hips tight as he lined himself up. He drove his cock into her from behind. She was wet and ready. "Uhhh yeah...master... please."
"Shut up slave, keep eating your mistress out."
Sam was moaning in pleasure as she moved closer and closer to climax. "Fuck Joseph... don't cum in her. She isn't allowed to have that. Just me."
"You got it. Slave, you are not allowed to finish, not until she cums hard."
Patricia doubled her efforts, obviously wanting to finish herself. She drove her face between Sam's legs. Sam was turned on as well by the fact that Patricia's face and tongue kept pushing further into her as Joseph thrusted.
"*** harder." Joseph sped up, smacking Patrica's ass. Sam moaned loud and long as she came. Patricia pulled back as Sam finished and Joseph could feel her finish as well. He was the last to cum, but hen he did he pulled out, walked over to Sam and finished on her round belly.
"Clean her up slave." Patricia got to work cleaning Sam off with her tongue.
"God that was amazing, how are we going to top that."
Just then there was a soft knock and a chorus of voices saying, "Delivery."
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Fatchance 2 years
This is terrific! It is not like any other story here! Please continue!
Tommmy 5 years
It WOULD be nice if you continued it. But you seem to have a bad habit of not continuing a story for many months
AndiFive 5 years
please continue soon !!!
AndiFive 5 years
Continuous please, I loved your story.