Mark takes charge

chapter 2

But Lisa's strange behavior was not limited to that weekend. In fact, it got even more pronounced. Every morning she would ply Mark with bacon, pancakes, coffee cake, and donuts. Especially donuts. She would send him to school laden down with burgers, pizza, candy, and more donuts. And every night at dinner was more of the same. The three of them would sit down, eat a nice family dinner, and then long after both Lisa and Tori finished, Mark would keep eating. And eating. And then when he looked like he couldn't breath, his mom would bring out the pies.

By Halloween, Mark looked like a parody of his former self. He'd kept up with his lifting for the sake of the football team, so his arms, chest, and ass were still firm and strong, but his butt was wider than over, and his stomach stuck out almost a foot in front of him.

"Mark, what gives?" Tori asked again one night while he lay on the couch, catatonic from all the gluttony of the meal before. "This obviously isn't just her being nice because you're doing so well on your diet. You're doing terrible on your diet. There's something else. Out with it!"

"You're right," he groaned, struggling to sit up and failing, laying back down with his swollen gut up in the air. He reached into his pocket and showed Tori a strange, mystical purple stone. "This is called a Stone of Desire; I found it out in the fields during football practice. It lets me control just what it is that people desire."

Tori's mouth dropped open with shock. Speechless, she let him continue. "It's a powerful thing, and it's got a lot of dark applications, so I promised I'd never abuse it. I was just tired of mom being so strict with my diet, so I made it her desire to feed me instead of denying me."

"Looks like you're plan's backfiring," she said, raising an eyebrow and poking his large belly.

"I know, I know, I'm getting really fat." Mark admitted. "I meant to stop her a while ago, when I hit 200. And that was 20lbs ago! And I will stop soon. It just feels so good to overeat like this."

"I bet," Tori sympathized. "Just don't let it go too far." She warned.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Knightorder 5 years
I hope you continue this.
AshBear 5 years
So good! Can't wait to see how far he pushes it! smiley
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
You’re doing well on this. I can’t wait to see what’s next. Nice job.