Domestic bliss

chapter 4

It's been about a month since I swapped out her supplements. While she hasn't dropped any weight, she hasn't gained much weight either. Instead, her body has somewhat shifted. Thanks to her workouts and hearty appetite kicked up by the enhancer; her legs and butt have gotten thicker and her breast have gotten a bit rounder. To my surprise, she loves her curvier body just as much as I do. She's developed a great base to handle pregnancies and her new curves will just get more luscious. To my disappointment, her abs made a comeback but that'll soon change in the next few months. Last month's punishment seemed to have a lasting effect on her. She has shifted her work schedule so she can get home after her workouts promptly, she hasn't complained about her chores, and I've only had to spank her for her sassy attitude bursts now and then. Overall she's been a very good girl.

The custom ring I designed will be ready tomorrow. I'll be proposing to her in Austin at the house I've been building for the last five years. Unbeknownst to her, she'll get to pick out the final details before we move in after the wedding. After all, she'll be spending quite a bit of time at home and I want her to be comfortable. She has no idea what I have in store for her, but I'm just as excited as she is to get our lives started.

I'm in our closet trying to figure out what the hell to pack. Tim has refused to give me any hints as to where we're going or what we're doing and it's driving me crazy! "Damn it!!" all of a sudden, a feel a swat on my ass "Heyy! That hurt!" He clenches that sexy jaw of his and says, "seriously?!" as he raises an eyebrow at me. I look down and blush before softly saying "No sir". He tips my chin up to look at him, "Now, will you tell me what you are cursing about in here?". I look into those sincere grey eyes of his "Well, since you won't tell me where we're going or what we're doing for 4th of July weekend... I have absolutely no freaking idea what pack!". He laughs at me as I pout, "Alright, it'll be anywhere between 80-100 degrees. Pack two swimsuits, three activewear, one semi-formal dress, four casual dresses, and then however you want to accessorize." He kisses my forehead *gosh* I love this man, "Does that help?". "Yes sir", I get on my toes to give him a kiss. Still holding tight on my waist "Good, please put this closet back in order when you're done." With a smack on my ass, he leaves me be. I can only wonder where the hell he could be whisking me off to.

We are up quite early as I arranged for private transportation to fly us to Austin. I didn't want the surprise spoiled at the airport, and I'm fortunate enough to be owed a favor by one of my clients. The look on her face as we pulled up on the tarmac was priceless. I may be dominant, but I love spoiling her when I can. I helped her out as our luggage was being loaded, and we were greeted with mimosas inside. I protectively buckled her up and slipped my arm around her as we clanked our glasses. She turns to look at me "Are you seriously not going to tell me where we're going??". I kiss her nose, "Not a chance darling, but you'll know in about three hours or so". I give her a coy smile, and she snuggles up against me and drifts off to sleep.

The flight was seamless, and Nicole slept pretty much the whole way while I knocked out some work and a few emails. I gently woke her up, to let her know we were here. We had about a forty-minute ride into downtown Austin to my condo, I had thought on the way she would've figured it out, but she had drifted off again. When we arrived at the Residences and I helped her out, she gasped as she looked at the sign and then leaped into my arms nearly knocking me over. I picked her up, and twirled her around as she squealed, "OH MY GOD! We're in Austin!" I kissed her as I placed her back on her feet. "Yes sweetheart, now let's get upstairs and I'll tell you what we're doing today, well sort of" and I gave her a wink. We got up to my floor, and I opened the door for her and just watched and laughed as she bounced from room to room. It wasn't a large place, but it had panoramic windows with a view of downtown Austin. I cornered her up against the window and wrapped my arms around her waist "So, what do you think?". She lit up "Oh my gosh, I love it! The view is AMAZING!". Kissing her neck, "Well, good, because when my new office opens, we'll be moving down here. But I'll explain more about that later. I have some plans I need to finalize today, but I made sure to keep you busy. You can either work out here in the residential gym downstairs or go to the CrossFit gym around the corner. After that you can have lunch and then at 2 pm you have an appointment downstairs at the salon to get your nails, hair, and makeup done. When you come back up, we'll head out to dinner. How does that sound?". As she looks back up to me nearly in tears, "Oh, it's just perfect, babe, I love you!". I give her a deep passionate kiss and squeeze her ass, "I love you too baby, Unfortunately, I've got to get over to the new office. You have a great day, please let me know when you arrive and leave places and use the driver if you need him." She torts back "I'll be fine, you don't always have to worry!". With one final kiss and a smack on her ass, "You're my most precious cargo, I'll always worry!" and I head off to finalize the last details on tonight's proposal.

I feel like I'm the luckiest woman in the world. This sweet alpha man of mine has absolutely spoiled me rotten today, and I'm so excited to have dinner with him tonight. The ladies at the salon and spa have made me look absolutely perfect, and I cannot wait for him to see me. As I walk into the condo, he's smartly dressed in a dark grey suit sipping on a scotch. He locks eyes with me as he saunters over. My god, he looks so sexy. He grabs my hand, "I have another surprise for you tonight," and leads me towards the bedroom. Laying on the bed is a gorgeous high split dress and a pair of matching ankle strap heels.

Nearly bursting in tears, leap to hug him, trying to not mess up my hair or makeup. "Oh my god! Thank you so much babe! I absolutely love it, you're the best!." He smiles and kisses my forehead, "You deserve the world, and I plan on giving it to you. Now let's get you dressed so we can have dinner." I pout and smile at the same time as I let him help me get dressed and put my shoes on. I feel like a true princess tonight. He looks me up and down, and I so wish I can take him right here and now. He looks down at me, "What's wrong? You look gorgeous tonight!". I look at him, "Oh nothing, I was just hoping we could um have dessert early tonight." I blush. He chuckles and kisses my nose, "No worries princess, I'll be ravishing you much later. But first, we have a whole evening ahead of us." Why is he so dreamy? I let him lead the way as he protectively helps me into our car.

Dinner could not have gone any better. We had a private corner table on the roof, and my friend and executive chef at CM outdid himself with the five-course meal. I wrapped my arms around her, and we soaked in the view for a few more minutes. I kissed her temple, "Alright, princess, let's go. I figured we could have dessert somewhere a bit more secluded". She smiled back at me, and I led her back out to the car. We drive out of the city and towards the hills where our new home will be. Everything for the proposal is set, and I can't wait until she's officially mine. We head up the long driveway, and I watch as her eyes light up over the sprawling lit-up ranch house. Her mouth is slightly open, I lightly laugh and give her a quick kiss before leading her out of the car. I open the door to our future home as she gasps, "Welcome home, princess!". She again leaps into my arms, and I give her a deep kiss and quick twirl. "Now, what would you like first, a tour or dessert?" she perks up "DESSERT!". I laugh, put a blindfold over her eyes and lead her out back to our spacious backyard. The pool is lined with candles and various rose petals. The string trio has started playing music.

On the table are two mini heart-shaped cheesecakes and two glasses of champagne with strawberries. I take the ring out of my jacket pocket. I'm ready; as I breathe deep and pull her blindfold off her from behind, then I get down on one knee. She gasps and then turns around, immediately bursting into tears, "Nicole, you have made me the happiest man in the past few months. I would love if you would make me the happiest man for a lifetime. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?". The tears fall fast, "YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES!". I slip the ring on her finger, pick her up in my arms and deeply kiss her. I set her down and lightly grab her face and kiss her again, "You've made me the happiest woman!". I smile and sit her on my lap. We bask in the view as I feed her dessert and drink champagne.

After dessert, I give her a quick tour of our new home. She squeals as I explain that she can pick out the rest of the furniture and the final details. I lead her back out to the car to head back to the condo so I can ravish that beautiful body. We make feverishly make out from the time we're in the elevator to the time we get into the condo. We waste no time taking each other's clothes off, and I toss her naked body onto the bed. I take extra note of her bloated belly. Tonight I'm gentle with her, I linger over every curve as I thrust deep and slow inside of her. As we come to a climactic finish, I hold her close into my arms and play with the sparkling ring that now occupies her finger. I kiss her forehead, "Princess, there's one major detail left.. how soon would you like to get married?". Locking fingers with mine, she looks up, "Well, how quickly can we do it? Can we elope? I don't want a big wedding, just us. And then we could have a party when we get back." Can she be any more perfect? "Alright, we'll jet off in two weeks!".
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 1 year
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Heyson1313 1 year
I didn’t think I’d ever see this gem updated again. Thank you for continuing!
Divastar88 3 years
I hope you continue this I really enjoy the story
Pregbelly7 1 year
Thank you, it's been a long time, but I'm getting back to it. Hope you'll enjoy the continuation.
Jack-Elray 4 years
This is still one of the best stories.
Pregbelly7 1 year
It's been a long time, but I'm back. Hope you continue to enjoy.
Pregbelly7 4 years
Thank you everyone for the feedback and support. A next part will come soon. I’ve been struggling a bit to get back into it due to unexpected life changes. X
Jack-Elray 4 years
No pressure but I hope you are still working on this. Really good stuff 👏🏼
Velvetpanther 4 years
When is the next part coming out?
Pregbelly7 1 year
I know it's been a long time, but the next part is starting. Thank you for reading.
Velvetpanther 4 years
Eagerly awaiting the next part!
Jack-Elray 4 years
Man very good work indeed.
Jack-Elray 4 years
This chapter was particularly good I must say,
Jack-Elray 4 years
Well worth the wait. ??
Jack-Elray 4 years
This is one of the better stories I’ve read in a while hope you keep going 😁
Beautybelly 4 years
love it! please continue soon!! smiley
Jack-Elray 4 years
Hmmm... very excited to see where this goes in the next few chapters
Jack-Elray 4 years
I can only assume it will be time to put his foot down 😀 loving it so far. Good pacing with the gain and the store in general. Hope you keep it going for several pregnancies
Zitroneneis 5 years
Oh i love that story! Please go on!
Pregbelly7 1 year
I hope you'll enjoy the new parts!
Jack-Elray 5 years
This is one of the better stories I’ve read on here so far. Realistic gain, and realistic human behaviour for the circumstances. Very nice, looking forward to many more.
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