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chapter 5

Two weeks had passed since that eventful doctors’ appointment and Abby still had not made her decision to gain, lose, or maintain her weight. This didn’t really trouble either of them because it was something new for them. Abby was still eating as usual just hadn’t declared if she was gaining and Abby wasn’t rushing into this decision based on how much Kurt had opened up to her. But today would be the day a decision would be made.

It was a long day for Kurt another mentally taxing day at the office and was happy to finally be done for the day. He opened the door and walked from the brisk October cold into a nice warm house. He heard some humming coming from the kitchen which was a good sign because Abby has a tendency of humming when she gets excited. Kurt yelled out, “I’m home.” Abby yelled back, “In the kitchen dear.” Kurt made his was towards the kitchen as he pealed off his coat. He rounded the doorway to see something he never could have expected; Abby delicately spelling something out of a cake. Abby turned with a smile to greet her perplexed partner and said, “I hope you don’t mind that I made a cake.” Kurt replied, “I don’t mind. What are we celebrating Hun?” Abby replied with a beaming smile, “I have decided I wanted to gain a lot more weight.”

At that moment Kurt’s jaw hit the floor. After he collected himself for a moment, he was able to stammer out, “So how big do you want to get?” Abby slid the cake she was delicately scribing icing onto, the numerator read 160 but the denominator read 260. Kurt’s eyes bulged out of his head as he said excitedly, “You will look divine at 260lbs!” Abby beamed with glee, “I hope so, but with your cooking it should be easy. But I have a few ground rules.” Kurt replied, “What are the ground rules?” Abby replied, “Well I want eat lots of the hardy meals you haven’t cooked because I didn’t want to eat to much calories, I want to lift weights with you two times a week, and I want a cake to celebrate every 25lbs milestone.” Kurt chirped, “Sounds like a plan.”

Abby replied, “Oh I also want to use your amateur photography skills to record every change with my figure.” Kurt said, “I won’t argue with that.” Abby replied, “Want to take pictures of me stuffing myself with cake now?” Kurt said, “Let me get the camera.” He rushed through the house to find the camera. When he returned to the kitchen he was greeted with an unimaginable Abby had stripped down to her lingerie wearing a small apron tightly fastened with the tails of the apron tied into a bow around her small protruding belly and her top of the apron emphasizing her larger boobs and her gorgeous curly blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. Kurt’s heart stopped as he raised the camera to his face and started taking pictures.

Abby picked up the cake and grinned and was greeted by another flash of camera. Then she turned around giving Kurt one hell of an ass shot. She spun around a took a seat at the kitchen table, and you could not stage a better picture with the waning sunlight streaming through windows around her. Abby started to dig into the cake with an animalistic ferocity. Kurt couldn’t process what was going on all he knew was that the camera was taking pictures and the cake Abby made was quickly being devoured. Before the two of them knew it, the cake was gone, nothing but crumbs and smears of icing remained on the plate, fork, and Abby’s face.

Just then Abby leaned back neglecting the left-over cake on her face and started to rub her overstuffed belly while cracking a devilish grin. Kurt’s mind was officially blown. That nights filled with more than just sensual belly rubs.
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Jazzman 4 years
So Good and well written!
Jazzman 4 years
I like it.I have known members here who experienced the very same occurrence. Two suggestions. The dryer shrinking thing never happens in real life.Its a thing only found in every other story.Second.You're is a great word.Please try it.lol
Keep going ple