Weight and sea

chapter 5 - lisbon (part 2)

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Turning a corner, Eliza found herself on a street with many clothing brands she recognized. She stopped into Zara and was enamored by the local spin on one of her favorite retailers. She grabbed skinny jeans, tank tops, and skirts off the racks, but didn’t consider the fact that she maybe wasn’t a size small anymore.

Hanging her garments in the dressingroom, Eliza undressed down to her bra and underwear. The little room was covered in mirrors so there was nowhere to avert her gaze from the damage she’d done to her body. Staring head on, Eliza’s large breasts immediately caught her attention. They’d always been average sized, but now were testing the last hook on her bra strap. Her fleshy chest spilled over the sides of the bra cups as well. Eliza jumped up and down to see how much they would move, and to her amazement, they jiggled around quite a bit. She jumped again and looked down to see her belly doing the exact same thing. Once more, and her thighs jiggled in unison with her breasts and belly. Sweat began to bead on her forehead from this sudden movement.

Eliza stepped into one of the new pairs of skinny jeans and began pulling them onto her softening legs. She jumped and bounced feverishly trying to hoist them over her rounding ass and thighs. However once Eliza went to button them, she saw there was at least a two-inch gap between the button and buttonhole. Sucking in as much as she could, Eliza tugged both ends together just enough to barely fasten the two sides together.

“Okay that’s a good sign!” Eliza thought to herself in denial.

The jeans dug mercilessly into Eliza’s belly, creasing it cleanly into two distinct rolls of flesh. She reached for the new tanktop and heard a tearing sound come from her jeans. Upon inspection, nothing seemed out of place, so she continued to try on the tanktop. It proved to be quite a struggle, rolling the tight garment over her chest and yanking it down over her belly.
As soon as Eliza finished pulling down the bottom of her new top, the button on her jeans finally gave into the pressure and popped right off, shooting towards the mirror with a ‘clack.’ Her belly released from the confines of the tight jeans; the shock to her tanktop caused it to rip a full three inches along the right seam.

“Oh my god,” Eliza said audibly. “These European sizes must run small compared to the US. Go figure.”

Eliza peeled off her new, ruined clothes and rolled them into a ball. She put on her old clothes and exited the dressing room, stashing the evidence in the large heap of garments to be hung back on the racks. She made a mad dash to gather up the items she liked, this time in much larger sizes, paid, and exited with two large bags full of new outfits.

Feeling slightly embarrassed from her wardrobe malfunction in Zara, Eliza didn’t feel up to being social with Jeremy and Lindsey. She decided to head back to the ship where she felt comfortable. Retracing her steps to the dock, she came back upon Maruto, which was now relatively crowded as they’d begun serving lunch. Eliza popped in and found a single seat at the bar. She ordered a glass of Medeira, and eyed the tables around her to find inspiration for what to order for lunch.

Before she could blink, Eliza had already eaten three full plates consisting of fish, chicken, potatoes, and rice. She’d also cleared three full glasses of wine. The alcohol had given her the hiccups, and she began attracting stares from the other nearby patrons. Under normal circumstances, Eliza would be embarrassed. But the combination of being tipsy, and full of that warm, satisfying feeling, she was totally at ease.
The afternoon drinks left Eliza feeling a bit drowsy, so she returned to her bedroom on the ship to nap off her lunch binge.

~Bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt~

Eliza was ripped from her slumber by a Facetime call from Adam, her on-and-off boyfriend in New York with whom she had an open relationship. They hadn’t spoken since she’d left on her voyage, and hadn’t yet told him that she planned to stay. He also hadn’t seen her in a few weeks...

“Hey you!” Adam said.

“Oh hey, sorry I’m just waking up from a nap so I’m a little groggy,” Eliza said.

“No worries, they’re working you hard over there I see.”

“Yeah well, today’s a port day, so it’s a little more low key.”

“Cool, well either way I’m super jealous. Looks like you’ve been eating pretty good too, huh?”

Eliza was too drowsy to realize she’d been pointing her phone camera towards her stomach, which was looking obviously much softer and rounder than it had just a few weeks back.

“Hah maybe a little, though I’m mostly bloated since you caught me during my period. Mother nature doesn’t ever give me a break,” she said.

The two continued catching up, and Eliza was careful to keep her camera angled upward as to only show her face and shoulders, which still appeared *mostly* as they had previously, save for slightly rounder cheeks. She didn’t have the heart to say she wasn’t returning any time soon, so she made up a date of two more weeks, hoping in that time she would gather the courage to tell him.

“Well I’m really glad you’re getting to do this,” adam said. “You really seemed to feel stunted before, but you sound so free and happy now.”

“I do feel free and happy!” Eliza said. “Thanks for the support.”

“You bet,” Adam said. “Alright well I’m off to work. “Don’t party too hard out there Lizzy Mills.”

“Oh shut up,” Eliza laughed. “Thanks for calling, we’ll chat soon for sure.”

“Oy,” Eliza sighed to herself. “I can’t believe he said I’d been ‘eating good.’ I mean, I have, but shit. I didn’t realize anyone could notice. Well I guess he knows my body really well, so he of all people would notice something different.”

The embarrassment Eliza felt in this moment was hitting her differently than she anticipated. The shame still stung, but it wasn’t just shame. It was accompanied by a type of masochistic excitement. For the first time, her body resembled something other than slim, and someone else *noticed*. And not only did they notice, but they called her out on her behavior. She began blushing.

“Fuck.” she whispered.

Eliza was overwhelmed by this sensation of shame mixed with excitement. She couldn’t control herself, and began slowly masturbating to the thought of Adam shaming her. She rubbed her full belly with one hand and played with herself with the other -- repeating what Adam had said over and over:

“ Looks like you’ve been eating pretty good too, huh?”

“ Looks like you’ve been eating pretty good too, huh??”

“ Looks like you’ve been eating pretty good too, huh???”

Her hips writhed in pleasure and she pushed her belly outward as far as it would go, rubbing harder and harder.

“I can’t believe how chubby you’ve gotten,” Fantasy Adam said to her.

“My god, what have you done to yourself?”

“You’ve gotten so fat, Eliza. You’re such a little pig.”

“Jesus fuck!” Eliza yelped, as she came harder than she ever had in her life.

Waves of aftershock sent pulses throughout her body. She was shaking with ecstasy, which jiggled her belly, boobs, and thighs rhythmically. So many new thoughts and sensations rushed through Eliza’s mind and body.

“What...what the hell just happened?”
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Ghostrunnersfan 7 months
Loved the story. You killed me with the cliff hanger though💀
Supercode 2 years
I kind of hope Lina and Eliza do get back together, but not as boss/,employee this time. But I hope Eliza makes Lina grovel a little first. Maybe even make Lina get fat with her.
Connectwithfrie 3 years
Damn was digging this story til Adam came back...
Jazzman 3 years
Really Wonderful Story.
Tablesofacha... 3 years
Shield 3 years
Incredible work, really looking forward to seeing how this turns out!
Luvchubbygirls 3 years
Great story, looking forward to more!