No more gymnastics

chapter 4

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After a half hour of gorging, Jill and Sally were stuffed and bloated. Sitting in their chairs, rubbing they engorged abdomens watching Melissa continue to eat.

Carol and Katie, weren’t fairing much better than their daughters. Anne insisted they have glasses of Coke, several slices of pizza each, then pastries to top off. Carol and Katie were trying not to stare at their once slim and petite friend, Anne, gorging herself, eating slice after slice of pizza, drinking a whole liter of Coke herself and eating several of the pastries.

By twelve thirty, Carol and Katie whispering, “Katie, we need to get out of here or we will be as big and Anne and Melissa.” Katie tried to stifle a burp, “Burp, Carol, I have never eaten so much food in my life, I feel like I’m going to explode!”

“Anne, we really need to get going.” Anne admiring her handy work, noting that both Katie and Carol, were seriously bloated. She was sure their daughters were nice and bloated too. “Oh so soon, I was hoping you could stay the afternoon, Melissa and I love to have ice cream sundaes around three, we would love to have you join us.” Carol thought, “God no wonder they’re both so fat, all they do is eat.” “No really Anne, we need to get going.” Katie was thinking, “Yes, while we can still fit through the front door.”

Jill and Sally heard their Moms talking to Anne. “Melissa, it sounds like we’re getting ready to go.” Melissa said, “So soon, we barely had anything to eat.” “I know, but you know our Moms, always busy.”
“I will text you guys later, I have an idea for my birthday, I want to run by you both.” “That sounds good.” Replied Sally. Jill and Sally struggled to their feet, much to Melissa’s delight, both were clearly bloated.

Carol called, “Girls, it’s time to go. Sorry Katie and I have errands to run this afternoon.” “Okay Mom, were coming.”

Anne hugged everyone at the front door while they were leaving. She was swaying a bit, she was so stuffed and she drove her belly into each of them as she hugged. Jill and Sally had to restrain themselves not to giggle at how round Anne was.

In the car, Carol asked, “Are you two as stuffed as Katie and I?” “Mom, we might explode we are so full!” giggled Sally. Sally and Jill had unzipped their jeans and each had their hand on the other’s belly rubbing. They both were wondering about what Melissa wanted to do for her birthday.

They pulled into Carol’s driveway. Katie said she was going to drive home and lie down to digest all the pizza and Coke she had eaten. Jill was spending the night so she stayed with Sally and Carol. The girls went upstairs, they heard Carol go into the family room to lie down. They pulled off their jeans and got on the bed, leaning against the headboard the rubbed their bloated bellies. “Jill how do you feel?” Asked Sally. “Stuffed, duh, Sally.” “No, how do you really feel?” Jill giggled patting her bloated stomach. “Ah, a little turned on. I never, ever have eaten so much food or watched someone else eat so much. Melissa must have eaten at least two whole pizzas herself, and she was still eating when our Mom’s made us leave.” “I know, I’m a little turned on too. I never thought eating could be such a turn on. If we had stayed, would you have eaten even more pizza?” “Yes, I would have. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Melissa’s belly. She was getting bigger with each bite!”

Sally’s cell phone buzzed. “Oh my God it’s Melissa.” “Hello, Melissa, are you still eating?” Sally asked giggling. “No we ran out of pizza! Hey, I want to tell you what I want to do for my birthday. Oh are your tummies still bulging? You two looked really good with round tummies.” Sally giggled, “Yes, both of us still have bulging tummies. What about your birthday?”

“Remember that school play last year that some of the characters were dressed to look really fat?” “Yes I remember.” Replied Sally. “Well I still have those customs and the padding. I want you and Jill to go to the buffet by the interstate with me and you two will be wearing the padding so you both look really fat. It will be so cool, all three of us will look really, really fat, no one there will know us, so it will be fun. So what do you think?” Sally had her on speaker, so Jill could hear too. “Oh my God, Melissa that’s sounds so fun, let’s do it!” “Awesome I knew you guys would want to do this. My birthday is the day after tomorrow, so come over around eleven, you two can pad up and get dressed and my mom will take us out there. Oh, and it will be a sleep over too.”
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Chubbyndn 2 years
When is the rest of the story coming out? I can't wait to see how big all 3 girls get and the moms