No more gymnastics

chapter 6

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“Sally you’re huge, you are so fat!” Teased Jill. “Oh look who’s talking, you’re so fat, I bet you can’t even waddle out of here, we’ll just leave and you can keep eating!” Said a rotund Sally.
Anne struggled to her feet. “Okay, my little fatties, it’s time to try to get ourselves home. We still have ice cream and cakes to eat!” The girls all giggled, thinking about eating even more!

Anne managed to get the three engorged girls into the car and get herself behind the wheel and drove home.

“Melissa, why don’t you, Jill and Sally go down to your room and get out of your clothes, there are all stained with food.” “Yes Mom.” The three literally waddled down the hall. Melissa’s huge belly was swinging side to side as she waddled. Sally and Jill still were bumping each other’s bottoms and bellies as they too waddled down the hall.

Jill and Sally shrieked when they saw their reflections in Melissa’s mirror, “oh Jill look how fat we are!” She belly bumped Jill, nearly knocking her down. “Hey, you fatty be careful, you almost knocked me down!” They both were giggling still playing with their padding, while Melissa was enjoying the view.

“Hey, guys, can you help me get undressed, my mom doesn’t want me wearing these stained clothes.” Jill and Sally pulled themselves away from the mirror and waddled over to help Melissa. They pulled off the tight t-shirt, revealing Melissa’s bulging, soft belly fat, her plump boobs resting on her belly. They pulled down the stretch pants, Melissa was now standing in front of them in just her tight panties, her, huge soft belly jiggling, bulging in front of her. “Oh thanks, that feels better getting out of those tight clothes. Do you two want to get out of all that padding?”

Jill and Sally giggled, started to belly bump each other again. “Uh Melissa, will your Mom mind if we stay “fat” a little longer, this is really fun, being dressed like this.” Melissa giggled, and started to tear up. “Melissa is everything okay?” Asked Sally, still running her hands over her padded belly. “Oh yes, yes, I can’t thank you two enough for doing this with me. I haven’t felt this comfortable going out since I got so fat. It was so wonderful to go out with all of us looking so fat and people barely glanced at us. So yes, Sally everything is okay!”

Anne called, “Girls I have cakes and ice cream for you, please come down and have more to eat!” Sally thought, “We’re eating again!” Jill and Sally helped Melissa to her feet. Sally got her a t-shirt that only covered a third of her belly and the three waddled down to the kitchen to eat even more.

Two hours later, one very fat and engorged woman, two protégés and one very fat girl were all totally stuffed. Anne slouched in her chair, her belly pressed against the table. “Sally and Jill, please help Melissa down to her room.” Sally and Jill struggled to their feet and helped Melissa up. Anne said, “Girls, you shouldn’t sleep in the padding, just take those things off and sleep in your panties and t-shirts.” Sally replied, “Yes Anne.”

They helped Melissa onto her bed. Sally and Jill started to take off the padding, the stretch pants and t-shirts first, then the padded pants and tops. The girls stared at each other, both of their bellies were bloated and bulging with all the fattening food they had eaten that day.

They held hands, then belly bumped each other several times giggling. They looked over at Melissa, who was smiling, “I think you two are getting fat.” They belly bumped again, giggling, “I don’t think we are going to need the padding pretty soon, Melissa, you and Anne are fattening us up.” Said Sally. Jill piped up, “I guess no more gymnastic, we’re all too fat!” Sally giggled, poking Jill’s belly and her own, “Happy nineteenth birthday Melissa!”
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Chubbyndn 2 years
When is the rest of the story coming out? I can't wait to see how big all 3 girls get and the moms