A weekend all alone

chapter 7

I was about to administer a couple more slaps when movement caught my attention on the tv.
One of the cameras pointing at the driveway in front of the house showed a large black SUV had just pulled up.
A man in a suit got out of the back, followed by a woman wearing a similar suit. They stood by the vehicle for a moment until a suitcase was handed out of the van to the man and they headed for the front door.
Before they could reach the door, two police cars pulled up, blocking the SUV in the driveway.
3 male and a female officer emerged from the cars, and all headed towards the front door.
I was mesmerized by the Drama unfolding on TV, but only for a moment.
The realization of what was happening hit me and I nearly passed out. Tami, broke our momentary silence suggesting- "I think you might need to get dressed."
A hundred witty yet rude responses flashed through my mind before I actually took that thought seriously.
"Uhhh... I don't think I have anything that will fit me anymore." I said in a half whisper.
It's okay, I got you covered Tami said as she jumped off the bed, pulling her dress over head. Opening the door leading to the back yard, Tami walked out and was gone, a moment later she opened the door far enough to say; "Stall them for a minute, I'll be right back" the door closed as the doorbell rang for the front door.
Hitting the com button on the remote I greeted my guests, and asked them to hold on for a moment, as I was getting dressed.
After a brief struggle to sit up, I finally rolled over to the edge of the bed, which felt completely saturated with body fluids.
Standing up for the first time in over 10 hours, I realized everything that had changed so rapidly, had also changed my center of gravity, making me very front heavy.
Looking in the mirror on the closet door, I was quite surprised to see a very unfamiliar pregnant woman staring back. I could still see my own features, but the drug had softened every part of my body- so much so, that nobody would be able to see anything other than a pregnant woman with the voice of someone that ate a bowl of cigarettes for breakfast every day.
My hands were as adventurous as my eyes, as they continually rubbed all over my body. It didn't matter where they were, it just felt good. My moment with myself was interrupted suddenly by Tami bursting into the room- "Here! It's all I could grab in such short notice but I'm pretty sure it will fit-" she said as she tossed a bright white sundress with sunflowers all over it onto the bed along with a white lace nursing bra and panty set.
Seeing me hesitate, Tami pointed out that the way I looked now, wouldn't work with a T-shirt and jeans from the men's section at Walmart.
Of course I had fanticised many times about going out "en femme" but didn't think I would ever do it.
It made sense though, plus, the dress was super cute and the intimates looked comfortable.
"Ok" was all I could say at this point.
The doorbell rang again as I slid the panties on.
Tami helped me adjust the bra, which was unbelievably comfortable considering My chest had expanded a lot and was a bit sore.
I pulled the dress over my head, letting Tami button it behind my neck.
It fit perfectly.
Looking in the mirror, I could no longer see myself- I could only see...
Me, I guess- but different...
I was everything I had always wanted to be-
Because I had spent the last 20-something hours covered in sweat and various other body fluids, my hair had taken on a messy curled look, that still hung down past my shoulders.
My makeup had long since worn off, but traces of it helped soften my face.
My breasts sat comfortably in the bra Tami brought me- it read 38EE on the tag.
My stomache was enormous from the amount of food I had packed away, and was emphasized by the dress flowing over and down to my knees.
Satisfied that I at least looked Genuine, I gave a wink and blew myself a kiss as I headed for the front door.
I was nearly lost in my fantasy until I opened the Front door with a flourish, and Invited my guests inside.
However, upon Hearing my own Deep Male voice, I felt my face turn beet red instantly.
Somehow I managed to maintain my composure, as I directed them into the living room where I found the source of the crash we had heard when my wife left- my 72" Tv was on the floor, laying in the shattered remains of my beveled glass coffee table.
"Third TV this year- what a bitch..." I said to nobody in particular.
One of the Officers walked past me surveying the room, then turning to me, spending way too much time undressing me with his eyes. "You must be Logan?" He asked after everyone else in the room had felt as uncomfortable as I did.
I Nodded.
Pulling his handcuffs out of his belt, he informed me I was under arrest for aggrivated assault. Apparently I had smashed my wife's face into the tv and she was at the hospital getting stitches.
Tami appeared out of nowhere and told the officer he was arresting the wrong person, that she had been with me the whole time.
The officer nodded to one of the other officers who also produced handcuffs.
"You must be the neighbor, Tami? Yes? You are under arrest for Aggrivated Assault with a deadly weapon." the officer stated as he walked toward her.
Tami chuckled as she put a cigarette in her mouth.
All 4 officers were suddenly holding their firearms as Tami slowly pulled her lighter out of her purse, pointing it at the ceiling. She pulled the trigger and a tiny flame popped up. Lighting her cigarette, she put the lighter back in her purse and sat it down on the floor. With four guns still pointed at her, Tami took a long drag of her cigarette before she spoke: "I'm sorry officer, what was that you said? She asked in a lusty voice.
Suddenly, I realized I had finally had enough.
"Okay, TIME OUT!" I shouted.
Everyone stopped and looked at me, making me blush again.
"That Bitch has caused way too much bullshit in my life and I'm about done. Who's in charge here?" I demanded, looking at all 4 of the officers.
"I am" the female officer said, holstering her gun and stepping forward.
"Sergeant Williams, I'm the ranking officer here. Why do you ask?" She demanded.
"Great. I'd like to show you the security footage from this morning, so you can go arrest that bitch instead of my neighbor and I, if you would follow me..." I said, indicating toward the bedroom.
Looking back at her subordinates, Sergeant Williams told them all to stay put, and then turned to me and insisted, "After You" with a smile.
It was easy to see Sergeant Williams worked out, and was in very good shape- she also had an impressive bust, which worked well with the Blonde Pony tail, and bright blue eyes, especially in uniform.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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Jolene 1 year
I will post more soon- haven't had much time to write lately but I'll get to it~
Daj462 1 year
Wow, more, please.