
Chapter 5 - 5. anything less is overrated

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The change was immediate, like flicking a switch you woke up one day to your greasy and sweet shakes tasting… chemical… bitter… not that you cared much before for the particular taste but this was awful. You gurgled discontentedly trying to think of how to get Rick's attention. The tube's attached pump ensured you were getting more no matter what so you did the unthinkable and spit out the tube! The resulting mess made Rick notice, within a minute you could feel him climbing around your chest and wiggling into the fatty chasm of your head. He explained that the new "flavor" was the ultra concentrated active ingredient from a new line of nutritional supplements meant for the severely malnourished. Drinking it like this was going to have four or five times the potency of your regular shakes. Rick replaced the mouth bit with a much longer and narrow tube, bypassing your sense of taste and delivering the new compound straight into your cavern of a stomach. Now getting fatter took no work at all. Within hours your guts were straining to handle the new formula in several ways. Rick took it as an opportunity up the flow yet again and all over your massive belly itched like mad where you grew fast enough to be seen by the eye. "Swallowing your food is overrated" you thought, steadily encompassing more of the floor with flab.

Getting fatter had never been so exhausting! The struggle of growing thirty, forty and eventually fifty pounds a day sapped your energy. Falling into deep sleeps lasting days at a time became the norm. You'd wake up unsure of how long it'd been, or if you were really feeling your body spreading across a house sized section of the floor growing a ton a month. The waste tube wrapped around your long-lost member had to get upgraded to keep up with your inhuman growth. The new waste tube pulsed and writhed through the twelve foot hole your dick was buried in at the center of a boulder sized fupa you loved the feeling of. Dozens of your "naps" later Rick had a new present from your bioengineer fan too, a smart contact lens which after insertion let you "see" a screen even with your eyes shut. The view, showcasing ALL of you was stunning. You were as big as an apartment building, not a measly house. Belly and ass eighty feet wide with blubber stacked in jiggling piles close to three stories tall weighing several tons apiece. Near the top of the pile there was a visible dimple with a couple tubes running into it smashed in a canyon of your house-sized mantits, all that could be seen of your head anymore. Noticing a number in the corner it takes a minute to sink in; 43,228 was your weight! You'd grown from the world's fattest man to a human landwhale gaining over two tons larger a month. Seeing an onscreen keyboard you figured how to type a message by focusing on one letter at a time. Took a moment but you were happy to write, "Weighing anything less, is overrated".
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SubFeeder 2 years
Amazing story!!! Captivating thorough read!