Healthy and wide

Chapter 3

I opened my eyes slowly and then closed them again. I must have passed out from eating all that pizza!

“Teda, fakt bych nečekala, že toho dokáže sníst tolik…” Sophie said. Whatever it meant.

“Jó no. Já si myslela, že dá tak jeden kousek od každé. Maximálně!” Betty replied.

“Docela jsem se na tu její pizzu těšila!” Sophie laughed.

“Neříkej mi, že máš pořád ještě hlad!” Betty said, sounding surprised.

“Ještě bych si něco dala…”

“Ty seš ale nenažraná!” Betty said, giggling. “Tímhle tempem budeš za chvilku tlustší než já!” Betty went silent, only to start speaking again in a more serious tone. “Nemáš strach, že El kvůli nám ztloustne? Já trochu jo, když vidím, jak se s námi snaží držet krok…”

“Prý jí to nevadí.” Sophie sighed. “Kdybych tak vypadala jako ona…”

Betty laughed. “To bys musela držet pěkně krutou dietu!”

“Na to jsem moc líná a hladová.”

I had no idea for how long I was out, but by the way my stomach felt, I couldn’t have been out for long. Oh god, I’m ready to burst! I let out a groan and opened my eyes again.

“Oh hey, welcome back to the land of the living!” Sophie said, giggling.

“Are you alright? You look a bit pale.” Betty asked with concern.

“Yeah, I just… ate too much.” I said, stifling a burp. Oh god, I’m so bloated! I pulled up my shirt, revealing a protruding potbelly. It might not have looked too impressive next to the sizable sisters, but to me it looked huge. I laid my hands onto it and started to caress it gently. It feels so hard! I’m filled to the brim! It feels really good though… I could get used to this!

“So….which topping did you like the most?” Sophie asked curiously.

“I’m not sure… as you can see, they were all delicious!” I glanced down at my bloated middle. “But if I had to choose…” I said scratching my chin. “I think next time I’m gonna go with gorgonzola and ham on cream. That one really spoke to me!” I ate two slices of each pizza, so I thought my opinion had some weight.

“Ha, I told ya!” Sophie cried victoriously, throwing her arms up in triumph, making her whole body quiver.

I stifled another burp that was forcing its way to my lips. “So, you girls eat like this all the time?” I asked, even though one look at their physiques was all the answer I needed.

“Pretty much. When we can.” Betty said.

“How?! I always thought I could eat a lot, yet I feel like I’m about to burst! And you ate more than I did!”

“Years of practice.” Betty giggled, patting her huge middle.

“To be honest, I’ve been just telling Betty I’m still a bit hungry…” Sophie said, standing up laboriously. “In fact I’m gonna get some snacks. Anybody want anything?”

I stared at the younger girl in disbelief. How can she still be hungry after devouring so much pizza?

Betty shook her head. “I’m good, thanks.”

Sophie gazed at me quizzically and I remembered that I didn’t say anything. “No, thanks. I really would have burst!”

Sophie shrugged, even such a little movement was enough to make her huge bosom and massive gut quiver. “Suit yourself.”

“She’s got quite an appetite, huh?” I asked Betty, once Sophie disappeared in the kitchen.

“She does, yeah. Poor girl seems to be hungry all the time! The way she’s going she’s gonna end up even larger than me! The sad part is, she actually feels bad about her size.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Betty looked at me in surprise.

“She told me that yesterday during her midnight ice-cream snack.”

“That’s where all my ice-cream disappeared! I thought I was going crazy!” Betty laughed. “But it totally makes sense, no wonder she gained so much recently.”

“You’re not mad at her, are you?” I asked, worried I might have gotten Sophie into trouble.

“Nah, of course not. It’s just an ice-cream.”

Sophie returned with her hands full of several packs of family sized chips and collapsed into an armchair. The chair let out a loud crack, startling the fat youth, but nothing else happened.

“Careful sis, you’re not exactly a lightweight!”

“I know, I know.” Sophie said, blushing.

“So El, what do you want to do today?” Betty asked.

“Honestly? I’m not quite sure if I’m ready to get my ass off this couch just yet. I know I keep saying it, but I’m seriously stuffed!”

“Don’t sweat it. Lazy days are the best days after all!”

And a lazy day we had, talking and watching movies.

It was about 4 pm, when Monica found us still sitting on the couch. “Hey girls, I brought you a snack!” She said, placing a bucket from KFC in front of each of us.

“Yum! I was just starting to get hungry!” Sophie said, opening her bucket immediately.

She’s hungry again? I thought, confused. Sophie barely stopped eating throughout the day, eating a treat after a treat, again and again. I looked at the bucket in front of me. Wait a second, that’s a two-person bucket! It’s a full meal for two people and they call it a snack?! I barely stopped feeling full from lunch! I took off the lid from the bucket and the smell of chicken filled my nostrils. Oh, it smells so good! I pulled out a chicken strip and took a big bite. I’m going to regret this so much...

This year is seriously gonna test the limits of my stomach! My belly had never looked as big and as bloated as it did after I ate most of the bucket. Fascinated by how round my middle was, I didn’t see Sophie finishing the hot wing and a handful of fries I couldn’t possibly finish without finally bursting apart. It took a tremendous amount of effort to get up to my feet. “I think I need to go lie down for a bit.” I said, caressing my food baby. Once in ‘my’ room, I took off the pikachu t-shirt and placed it on a chair, revealing my middle in its overstuffed glory. Oh my god! I look huge! I couldn’t believe how far my full belly stuck out. It sticks out almost as far as my tits do! Just this morning my stomach was pretty flat. Now, after nine hours of doing little else than eating, it looked as if I was pregnant. My stomach groaned, clearly not used to having so much food crammed inside it. Not even 24 hours in my stay with Betty and her family and I already consumed more calories than I would normally eat in a week. My mother would have gone mad if she saw me like this! I could already hear the speech she would give me if she knew just how much food I ate. “What do you think you’re doing?! Do you want to get fat! You know how easy it is for you to gain weight! No one will like you if you’re fat!” I rolled my eyes. I really don’t need that in my life…

I laid down into my bed, my hands inevitably falling on my protruding belly. Why do I eat so much though? Why do I try to keep up with Betty and Sophie? I could say I do it just to belong, but… that wouldn’t be the truth, would it? No. I closed my eyes, enjoying how good it felt to be this full. I really enjoy stuffing myself! I smiled to myself. I’m stuffed to the brim and I wouldn’t be able to eat a single bite… yet I already find myself looking forward to dinner! I started to move my hands, massaging my bloated stomach, surprised by how good it felt. I sighed with pleasure. I’ve never felt this good before!

Startled, I looked at the open door. Betty and Sophie rushed inside as fast as their large bodies allowed, each carrying a tray of sweets. “Someone looks really hungry.” Betty announced.

Sophie nodded. “El looks starving! We don’t want to be bad hosts, do we?”

Betty shook her head. No, we definitely don’t want that.”

I sat up and opened my mouth, trying to protest, but my stomach was faster. It growled, demanding food and suddenly, I felt hungrier than ever before. The girls sat down on the bed on either side of me and started to feed me, one pastry at the time. With each bite I took, I felt my middle surge forward, growing larger and larger. Small at first, it quickly grew rounder, making me look six months pregnant. Then seven months, eight months, nine months… I had to lean back to make space for my ballooning midsection as it continued to grow, laying heavily on my thick thighs. I moaned in pleasure. “More! I need more!” I cried out in ecstasy.

The girls obliged, not slowing the constant stream of sweet delights. I closed my eyes, reveling in the bliss eating gave me, hoping it would never end. I don’t know how long it kept going like that, only noticing when the stream of pastries suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes, ready to complain, but the sight of my gut stopped me. Expanded beyond believe it reached all the way to my knees and then some, making even Sophie’s monstrous belly look small in comparison. Out of the blue, I felt very full, feeling as if I had to burst in any second now. Both girls laid their hands on my middle and started to massage it gently. A soft moan escaped my lips. The girls continued to caress my bloated gut and I felt as it started to shrink. The rest of my body tingled, my breasts slowly expanding, my thighs growing wider. My big butt grew as well, slowly filling up, lifting me higher with each and every added inch. My body was digesting the huge meal, turning it into fat instantly. My body continued to grow larger, expanding with every passing second. My butt, hips and thighs were getting thicker and thicker, surpassing even Betty’s massive lower half. My chest also kept growing, getting fuller, larger, heavier! My boobs grew to the size of honeydews, spilling out of my painfully small bra. Reaching behind me I unclasped it and threw it on the ground. I grabbed my perfectly tear shaped breasts, squeezing them. A wave of pleasure ran over me and I let out another moan. My tits were pushing into the palms of my hands and I realized they weren’t done yet. They kept filling up, jutting more and more in front of me. The size of honeydews was a distant memory, my boobs reaching the size of small watermelons. They weren’t stopping though! I cried out with joy. Not even the largest watermelons could compare with the size of my boobs, when they finally stopped. Even Sophie’s huge pair looked unimpressive next to mine! As the growth stopped, so did the shrinking of my middle, leaving me with two soft rolls where none were before. My waist was still really small when compared with my hips and bosom. My stomach let out a loud growl. “I’m starving!” I complained.

Betty and Sophie looked at each other and smiled. Sophie then pushed me on my back and Betty started to feed my hungry mouth. It felt so good! Once again I started to moan with pleasure, but this time, my hands slid down between my legs and into my nethers…

I woke up with a start, blushing with embarrassment. What a weird dream! I thought, sitting up. I looked down, examining my body just to make sure it was really all just a dream. My boobs, as full and ample as they were, remained small enough to fit inside the E-cup bra I was wearing comfortably. Feeling silly I squeezed my right butt cheek. “Yep, still as fat as it was.” I giggled. Then, finally, I focused on my midsection. Still a bit larger than it was this morning, it seemed a lot smaller than it was when I fell asleep. I stood up to get a better look at the mirror, but then I smelled it. A sweet scent I’ve never smelled before filled my nostrils and I started salivating. My stomach rumbled in agreement. I can’t be hungry after all I already ate today, can I? I stomach responded with a groan. “Alright, I get it… we’re hungry. I’ll put some clothes on and we’ll go investigate, ok?” I took the pikachu shirt from where I left it and put it on, stretching its yellow head by my chest once more.

“Kde vůbec máte novou spolubydlící?” I heard Tom voice ask.

“Přežrala se a odpadla.” Betty giggled. “Chuděra není zvyklá jíst pravidelně.”

“Ale je teda fakt pěkná, že? Vůbec od ní nemůžu odtrhnout oči!” Monica said. “Tak holky, která pro ni dojde?”

“Uh, hello.” I said, walking into the kitchen, feeling like an intruder.

“My o čertu…” Monica grinned. “Hi El, you’re right on time, dinner is served.”

“Yeah, it’s what brought me here.” I smiled, tapping my nose.

“Well then, take a seat and tell me, how many eh… dumplings do you want?” Monica asked. She looked at her daughters desperately. “It’s dumplings, right?”

Betty shrugged. “I guess…”

“Prostě knedlíky!” Monica said. “How many?”

“I don’t know, what is a normal portion?”

I wasn’t too worried, when Monica told me I’ll get four of those 'knedlíky'. I was starting to get worried when both Betty and Sophie had four of them as well. Oh boy. I should have realized that a “normal portion” is vastly different in this family than anywhere else… I thought, looking at my plate. The 'knedlíky' were huge balls of dough, covered with a thick layer of powdered sugar, drowned in melted butter. They were so big that they barely fit on the plate! Carefully I made the first cut, not knowing what to expect. Whatever I did expect, I definitely didn’t expect red liquid to start pouring out. I took a good look through the hole I made, to find out the thing was filled to the brim with strawberries and even more sugar. I stabbed the little piece I cut off with my fork and put it into my mouth, getting the first taste of the meal. The sweetness overwhelmed my senses. Oh my god, it’s so delicious! Without hesitation I dug into the meal, eating as fast as I could, unable to wait between the bites any longer than necessary.

I dropped the knife and fork on the now empty plate. I can’t believe I really ate all four of those monsters! I was kinda relieved when I saw Sophie asking for the fifth one, but I still managed to cram inside my stomach the same insane amount as Betty did. My belly was bulging, once more giving the impression of pregnancy. I leaned back in the chair and pulled down my pants a little, giving my middle a bit more space, because the waistband was digging into it painfully. With how full I was, it wasn’t a good combination. “This has to be the best meal I’ve ever tasted.” I said in awe.

“Aww, I’m very happy to hear that!” Monica said. “There’s more if you want seconds.”

“Uhm…” Wait, I’m not really considering it am I? It sounds tempting, but… “I don’t have any space where to put it anymore.” I said, placing my hand on my bloated middle for emphasis. “I’m afraid I would have burst if I tried to eat any more!”

Monica smiled, nodding. “You do look like you’re ready to pop. I’ll take it as a compliment.” She said, starting to gather up the empty plates.

I tried to stand up to help Monica with cleaning up the plates, but my legs failed to lift my big butt and so I remained seated. My effort didn’t go unnoticed though. “Don’t worry about it, dear. I’ll take care of it.” Monica said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

After a few minutes of recovering after the meal, I finally managed to heave myself up to my feet. I feel like I’ve gained a hundred pounds in a single day! I thought, still shocked how much I ate during a single meal. If only my mother saw me right now! Mother… I really should call home that I’m doing well. I only texted them yesterday.

“I think I’m gonna call home to let my parents know that everything’s alright.” I announced.

“You do that. I’m sure your parents must be worried about you!” Monica said.

I set up my laptop, which I luckily kept in my bag, and prepared for the video call. I double checked there was no way my bloated middle showed anywhere and then pressed the button.

“I was beginning to think you forgot about us already.” My mum said, when she appeared on the screen.

“Hi mum.” I grinned. “Sorry, I just didn’t have time to call before, I had too many things on my plate.” I smiled. More than you would ever believe.

“It’s so good to see you.” My mum smiled. “We miss you already. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine. The family I live with is super nice! You would love them!” If they were thinner. “The only problem is the lost luggage I texted you about yesterday. I borrowed some clothes, so it’s not an immediate issue though.”

“Your father called the airport and they said they're sure your things boarded the plane and that they think your things should turn up sooner or later. I’m glad you’re doing alright in the meantime.” My mother went silent for a moment, frowning with focus on something on the screen. “Is that sugar on your cheek?”

Oh crap! “What?! No!” I said wiping my cheek with my hand. “I-I have to go now!. Love you! Bye.” I said, ending the call immediately. Great job El, not suspicious in the slightest!
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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Sonic16 1 year
Won't lie. I just wanna see sophie's tum grow
Gamerca 1 year
Definitely keep going! I can tell your style of writing is perfect for this!
333Blebleble333 1 year
I'm really glad you like it!
GhostFA95 1 year
This still going it is this it?
333Blebleble333 1 year
I'm going to continue with the story, but I don't really have much free time, so I can't tell when there will be more... Sorry
J Miles 1 year
I'm lovin 'it! I hope you update the story soon
333Blebleble333 1 year
I'm glad you like the story. I'll try to have some more as soon as possible, but unfortunately I don't have much time to write lately...
StefanSkorp 2 years
Your story is really amazing, hoping for more chapters soon 😊
333Blebleble333 2 years
Glad you're enjoying it so far smiley
Elflaco 2 years
how I like your stories, how I would like to see them adapted to comics, keep it up you are the best
333Blebleble333 2 years
I can only suggest you to check out nKAIRObi on deviantart, who made some illustrations of my story A Bit of a Belly...
333Blebleble333 2 years
Hey all... Thanks for the support!
Karenjenk 2 years
2-This is a wonderful slow set up. Lays the foundation for an epic story.
I hope you keep going!
Banisters42 2 years
I'm so excited for more of this!!
Azismiss 2 years
Great start!

Hoping to read more!
Nikola090 2 years
Perfect start... can't wait next chapters!