With this ring, i thee wed

chapter 3

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“I’m sure I will darling.” she said before she was swiftly slapped on the arse.

“Cows don’t talk Bessie, don’t make me use something a bit more painful next time.” remarked her husband.

Bessie dutifully mooed and wondered just what else Lee had in store for her, she didn’t have to wait long as he quickly moved over to pick up something that was attached to the tubing that came from the machine that was pumping her breast milk. It was a long tube that ended in an odd-looking contraption that had a couple of straps hanging from it. Bessie briefly wondered what it was until Lee was forthcoming with the information.

“This is a new gag that I have had made especially for you my sweet bovine.” he said as he motioned for her to open her mouth. As she did so he worked the implement into place, it was made of rubber and seemed to fit Bessie’s mouth like a gum shield only it hooked behind her back teeth making it quite secure. She figured that the straps were more for show than anything else. The gag depressed her tongue and made talking quite impossible but Lee tested this none the less, “How is that? Comfortable?” he asked her. All she could do was grunt in response; she was forced to nod her head to answer.

“You’re probably wondering what the tube is for, well, when I purchased the milking equipment, I noticed that the was an option to blow instead of suck.” Lee demonstrated the ability of the machine by flicking a switch and sure enough, Bessie’s own milk started to fill the tube that was connected to her new gag. Her eyes went wide as the milk entered her mouth and without the ability to spit out the gag she was forced to swallow.

“Now, I can’t let you have too much of that because I already have buyers lined up for my dairy cows produce. I just wanted to give you a little taste as I’m going to make sure that it is mixed into your feed every day from now on.”

Bessie scrunched her face in confusion, “what did Lee mean by feed?” she thought to herself.

Flicking another switch on the contraption saw the flow of milk return to the collection tank and instead was replaced by a thick, brown liquid being pumped towards her mouth. When it finally got there, she could taste that it was very chocolatey and sweet, just like the milk she was forced to swallow whatever this concoction was if she wanted to breathe properly.

“I hope you like the taste of that because it’s the only thing you’ll be ingesting for a while.” remarked Lee as he removed a tarp from a huge vat of the chocolate liquid, “This is your new feed, it consists of a balanced diet of heavy cream, melted ice cream, chocolate syrup and mass gainer powder.”

Bessie’s eyes went wide with shock at what she had just heard, “was Lee really going to fatten her up?” she thought to herself.

“You seem surprised.” remarked Lee, “you wanted to be a cow and whoever heard of a skinny cow?”

She moaned into her gag at the notion that her husband was about to ruin the slim figure that she had worked so hard to keep.

“This vat should put a good hundred pounds or so onto your frame and without much exercise I imagine you’ll be quite flabby by the time it’s time to review your position as alpha cow. I’ll just finish securing your gag and then I can leave you to your... Oh no, this won’t do at all.” said Lee just as he was about to buckle Bessie’s gag into place.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Inkman1031 1 year
Are you going to continue?
PrincessBlurmy 1 year
Yes I think I'll write a sequel to this short at some point. I think there's more to be told with these characters.
Karenjenk 2 years
I love how it was taken out of her control and she was helpless
PrincessBlurmy 1 year
I think she might have liked it too. smiley