In it for the money

Chapter 4: Foodie

Another month had gone b-


Jenna woke up with crumbs between her tits and an empty box of cheez its by her side. She realized she had passed out watching TV again. She was feeling kind of peckish, so she sat up to grab a snack from the kitchen.

Jenna had lost all track of time. Having no real job and never leaving her home, the days simply blurred together. She had become a bit of a slob. Before, she never really had much food to contend with, but now she was eating multiple times a day. Snacks, her take out, recordings, etc. She had leftover bags of food here and there, wrappers everywhere, and empty soda cans randomly about. She was getting a bit annoyed by it, but it wasn’t quite at the breaking point where she’d stop and do something about it.

She grabbed the remaining donuts she ordered the night before and grabbed herself another Pepsi. She sucked it down pretty quickly, nibbling on the donuts between sips. She held in her breath, feeling her stomach take the sudden hit of carbonation.


She lazily walked back to her couch and plopped down. It was kinda late for breakfast, on account of waking up at 11:30. Ah well, it was lunch time, so she went to her phone.

No service.

NO SERVICE?! She was furious. Clicking and waiting for her usual webpages to load. Nothing. She had no service whatsoever; No wifi nor phone internet. What the hell kind of bad luck was this? She had a pretty old phone, so it was only a matter of time, she thought. She really wanted to order some chicken fries too…

“Screw it” She said out loud in frustration. She went into her room to grab some jeans and a t-shirt. She was going to get it herself.

She rummaged through her drawers for something to wear. She hadn’t really worn any clothes in the time that she started eating for a living, so all her clothes were basically as they were. She grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them up.

No dice.

“Huh?” She pulled up harder. “Hmmmmph!” She struggled to pull her pants up even beyond her thighs.

“What the FUCK?!” She exclaimed in frustration; more upset that she couldn’t get out to eat right away. She threw the jeans to the other side of her room and grabbed another.

No go.

She grew more frustrated after trying a third pair, a fourth, fifth, until it finally dawned on her.

“Holy shit, I’ve gotten fat.”

She looked down and noticed what was once a flat stomach was a gut that stood out as if she was pregnant, though with a bit more of a hang. She knew her tits had grown, but she never paid mind to her belly as her breasts were in the way. She noticed that THEY had gotten bigger, but that’s generally a good thing. She probably would have known she was plumping up if she ever watched her own videos, but it felt weird to sit down and rewatch yourself eating.

She tried on a shirt. It fit incredibly tight around her chest, and didn’t go down much further beyond that. Her gut was still clearly visible; she had gotten big in only a month and a half. Looking back, it was obvious as to how.

All she did was eat; she just never believed the consequences would catch up to her. She would read comments on her videos saying she was getting fat, but every mukbanger got messages like that, and she just thought they were trolling her to get under her skin. It was obvious now.

“Uuuugh!” She searched for some of her stretchy pants, and found only one pair that ‘fit’. It cut into her sides, and gave her an enormous muffin top. Her shirt she chose to wear didn’t do her any favors either. None of her jackets fit either to help cover her gut. She’d have to go out looking like a whale, she thought.

She paced back and forth in her hallway. She wanted to go out, but she’d be so embarrassed. Why did she want to go out anyway? She thought back… To get food! That’s why she was so big in the first place!

But… that was her job now. To eat. She couldn’t just cut back! She HAD to eat. Or she’d have to go back to working some piss poor job dealing with assholes. She couldn’t go back to that. But she didn’t want the reason to go out to be food; that’d be admitting to becoming what she was: a ***. She looked to see if her phones service had come back on: Nothing.

That was it! She was going out to get a new phone! Her current one was a piece of junk; it was about time she treated herself with some of the money she had made!

“... How much HAVE I made?” Jenna questioned herself.

If it wasn’t apparent to begin with, Jenna wasn’t the most responsible person in the world. She hadn’t even checked her bank account. Generally, a purchase would fail, she’d check her account, see it in red, then panic and try to fix it.

Since starting her ‘new job’, her account never went red, so she never checked. She checked her phone, forgetting that she still didn’t have any service.


She wandered around her room for awhile; contemplating the pros and cons of leaving her apartment, all the while waiting for her phone service to come back on. She also searched around for clothes that might hide the large chub protruding outwards now. Luckily she found an old jacket she ‘borrowed’ from an ex hidden partially under her bed. She put it on; a very snug fit, but it concealed her gut enough, she felt. Her stomach rumbled, as if to rebel against the tight quarters it had been forced in. Jenna was starving; it was time to go.

She stepped out further from her place than she had in over a month. She wanted to hurry to her car before anyone saw her. If she made it there, she’d be able to hide herself away mostly. She made it out the complex's front door to see two familiar ***s.

“Hey gii-woah, the fuck?” One of them said in a slurred tone.

“Holy Shit! Baby blew up!” The other laughed out.

“Damn, to think I used to want to chill with you. You’s a bitch anyway, pig.” The other said.

“And YOU’S a dumb CUCK.” she mocked.

“HAAAAA HA ha hA AH HAhaha-” The other mang laughed uncontrollably.

The other man became enraged, and in an obviously drunken fit, punched his friend hard enough to knock him back. Jenna hurried to her car, looking back to see the two in a brawl.

She opened her car door and slammed it shut behind her, holding back tears over the confrontation. Luck was on her side from this point onward, as her POS car started first try. After a quick snort of surprise and approval, she was off to… Burger Queen. The new phone could wait a little bit longer.

Jenna was so hungry, it was as if she was on autopilot. She was in and out of the drivethru in what felt like an instant, and was already chowing down on… a fease? She hadn’t even realized what she ordered. There were three bags, all for her, and she was chowing down in the BQ parking lot. She was sad, but she was also so relieved; it felt so good to go from empty to full. She felt like she could think straight again. Her mind was like a fog when she was hungry; focused only on what she could find to eat. Now that she was content, she decided to drive to C-Mobile to get a new phone.

Jenna was in and out with a new phone in no time; everything transferred over, set and ready to go. She had opted in on a payment plan for the phone, so it wasn’t a terrible amount of money up front to start, though she was surprised her card wasn’t declined. Regardless, she was happy to have the latest and greatest phone; at least for the next couple months before a new version came out.

Curious to see how much money she had, she logged in to her bank account to view her balance.

She nearly spit out her coke as she was driving home; irresponsibly swerving as she was texting and driving back home.

“Two thousand, three hundred and forty three dollars?!” She bursted out in her car. That’s the most money she’s ever seen in her life! For just a month and a half of basically doing nothing? And she didn’t even have a large following. People wanted to see her eat.

And so she thought.

“Well… I’m still kinda hungry… I should go grab more food and make another video to test out my new phone!”

And with that, she made a u-turn back to order some more fast food.

*** *** ***

Sorry it took so long! I feel like this one's a sloppy chapter. I stopped halfway through months ago and started again, and felt it a bit rushed. Hopefully I stick through with the next chapter, ha!
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Caramelkarma 1 year
Hot! Hope you continue
Sebastiansceb 1 year
New chapter!! Yaayy 🥳 lol.

The new chapter was great btw smiley
Sp00nyloveXx 1 year
More please! Great work smiley
Sebastiansceb 1 year
I'm so glad to see you are continuing it. This is such a great story. I can't wait to see more hopefully.
Fatpeter 1 year
Thanks for the update. Hope you keep this going as it’s just starting to get interesting
Makeme300 1 year
Really like where you are going with this. It’s inspiring. I might have to try eating on camera
Darthbane2007 1 year
I like this story...
FTMfatty 1 year
More please! I'm excited to see her gain.
Fatpeter 1 year
Like where this is going. Look forward to more
Luvchubbygirls 1 year
Just read your other story and it was the best I'd read in a while, and I feel like this ones gonna be even better, looking forward to it!